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megadude Aug 21, 2019 2:40 PM

Big cats are the most popular team nickname and logo in sports, up there with birds.

There are a shit tonne of cool logos to choose from. But I must admit, I find the Detroit's logo better than the Ti-cats due to its simplicity (new updated one and previous one), which is a big factor for me. Plus it doesn't say the city or team name on it. For a kid though, the extra detail in the Ti-cats logo and more cartoonish look would be more appealing.

BC Lions has a great logo too but it says BC. So if I were wearing a cat logo just because I like cats I'd go for Detroit's, but not because it's NFL. The LIONS font for Detroit is also amazing, old and new.

My favourite college team is MSU and their one of their two main logo is a block "S". My daughter's name starts with S so it worked out when I bought her an infant ball cap for $6 on If I find Syracuse infant block S for cheap I'll also get that.

I also happen to have over 100 hats all bought for between $6 and $12 with a few over $20 due to Lids clearance sales over the years. They are TO teams, Canada, soccer, college, NFL (due to no local team) and some other sports. Also have at least 75 jerseys and 50 tshirts to go along (average price of $25 for jersey and $10 for shirt).

I also find vintage logos really cool. Like going back to say the 50s. The logos look like they were drawn by an 8 year old. But they are so bad they are good now.

If that kid still loves big cats when he's older then he might go crazy and buy all the hats with cat logos, preferably on clearance over a 15 year period like I did so it's not a huge waste of money, though still a waste of money I admit.

esquire Aug 21, 2019 2:51 PM

^ I think you and the NFL dude at the BBQ are way, way overthinking this... the kid probably saw a hat with a cool looking cat on it that he liked over at the mall, his mom bought it, end of story. No need to scour the hundreds of pro and NCAA cat logo options.

Acajack Aug 21, 2019 2:58 PM

As I mentioned in my first post - I highly doubt the kid knows the difference between no-yards and a fair catch.

megadude Aug 21, 2019 3:43 PM

BBQ guy sure, but don't know why you think I'm overthinking this.

Like I said "For a kid though, the extra detail in the Ti-cats logo and more cartoonish look would be more appealing". I mean, what you implied about the kid is what I just said right here.

Then I simply gave my perspective if I were in that position, "So if I were wearing a cat logo just because I like cats I'd go for Detroit's, but not because it's NFL".

And I never said there was a need to scour hundreds of logos. I said if he grows up and has an affinity for big cats still then maybe he'll buy a bunch of them over the years. Which is kind of a pointless collection, but most adults have had dumb collections at some point and are a waste of money like mine. Of course, I was discussing this somewhat jokingly and not in a serious manner.

suburbanite Aug 21, 2019 4:08 PM

I personally prefer when the Tigers let someone's 5 year old son on LSD draw the logo for the 1927 season.

No idea why it didn't stick.

blueandgoldguy Aug 22, 2019 2:22 AM

Looks like 9000-9500 tickets left for the NFL game in Winnipeg. So a crowd of approx. 24,000 right now. If they can get another 1-2,000 sold before tomorrow night that would be pretty good considering how dire things looked 2-3 weeks ago.

megadude Aug 22, 2019 2:26 AM


Originally Posted by suburbanite (Post 8665001)
I personally prefer when the Tigers let someone's 5 year old son on LSD draw the logo for the 1927 season.

No idea why it didn't stick.

They probably were experimenting with LSD on kids back then so that story checks out.

JHikka Aug 22, 2019 2:28 AM


Originally Posted by megadude (Post 8665833)
They probably were experimenting with LSD on kids back then so that story checks out.

LSD wasn't created until the late 1930s. :hmmm:

megadude Aug 22, 2019 2:38 AM

Just before I went to York U, they changed their name from the superior Yeoman to the generic Lions. If they were any good at sports, other than soccer, I might have bought a York Lions hat and could have passed it down to that kid.

But then again, I don't think I would have bought a hat with this goofy looking logo:

In googling just now I discovered they finally changed their logo last year. This is better, but Lions is still a bad name to have chosen.

Sorry, I know, this could go in the Logo thread, but we're on the topic of Lions here and there's some funny and interesting material being discussed here.

By the way, Acajack, perhaps you could have suggested he track down an old hat from these guys:

megadude Aug 22, 2019 2:39 AM


Originally Posted by JHikka (Post 8665838)
LSD wasn't created until the late 1930s. :hmmm:

I'm not interested in facts!

Okay substitute LSD for some other hallucinogen.

esquire Aug 22, 2019 2:45 AM


Originally Posted by blueandgoldguy (Post 8665826)
Looks like 9000-9500 tickets left for the NFL game in Winnipeg. So a crowd of approx. 24,000 right now. If they can get another 1-2,000 sold before tomorrow night that would be pretty good considering how dire things looked 2-3 weeks ago.

The promoters said this evening that they were expecting about 20,000 fans to attend. Which is fine considering what it is and how much they're charging for tickets.

But it's too bad that the tickets weren't priced to encourage a sellout, because a full stadium could have generated pretty good atmosphere and enhanced the experience for everyone. As things stand, I doubt the atmosphere will be much different than it would be for a Bombers preseason game.

elly63 Aug 24, 2019 12:09 AM

CFL, top rated sports programming for the week August 5-August 11 2019

thurmas Aug 24, 2019 5:36 PM

Congrats on the Eskimos for drawing over 34,000 fans last night on a rainy night. Best CFL attendance so far this season. Game did have $25 tickets and kids get in free which is what the league should be doing across the country right now to fill up the empty seats and attract young people to the game.

megadude Aug 30, 2019 8:22 PM

This kind of thing always happens when you mention something out of the ordinary and then whaddya know. I mentioned bc lions and today saw a three year old girl wearing an orange bc lions hat waiting on the train platform with her mom.


Originally Posted by megadude (Post 8664877)
Big cats are the most popular team nickname and logo in sports, up there with birds.

There are a shit tonne of cool logos to choose from. But I must admit, I find the Detroit's logo better than the Ti-cats due to its simplicity (new updated one and previous one), which is a big factor for me. Plus it doesn't say the city or team name on it. For a kid though, the extra detail in the Ti-cats logo and more cartoonish look would be more appealing.

BC Lions has a great logo too but it says BC. So if I were wearing a cat logo just because I like cats I'd go for Detroit's, but not because it's NFL. The LIONS font for Detroit is also amazing, old and new.

My favourite college team is MSU and their one of their two main logo is a block "S". My daughter's name starts with S so it worked out when I bought her an infant ball cap for $6 on If I find Syracuse infant block S for cheap I'll also get that.

I also happen to have over 100 hats all bought for between $6 and $12 with a few over $20 due to Lids clearance sales over the years. They are TO teams, Canada, soccer, college, NFL (due to no local team) and some other sports. Also have at least 75 jerseys and 50 tshirts to go along (average price of $25 for jersey and $10 for shirt).

I also find vintage logos really cool. Like going back to say the 50s. The logos look like they were drawn by an 8 year old. But they are so bad they are good now.

If that kid still loves big cats when he's older then he might go crazy and buy all the hats with cat logos, preferably on clearance over a 15 year period like I did so it's not a huge waste of money, though still a waste of money I admit.

elly63 Sep 3, 2019 12:23 AM

blueandgoldguy Sep 3, 2019 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by elly63 (Post 8675851)

Some good numbers for Labour Day weekend.

blueandgoldguy Sep 4, 2019 9:36 PM

It looks like MLS Soccer will be experiencing a second consecutive season of a decline in attendance.

2019 - 21,028 average
2018 - 21,873 average

The Canadian teams have all experienced a significant decrease in attendance.

Toronto FC

2019 - 25,154
2018 - 26,628


2019 - 16,226
2018 - 18,569


2019 - 19,950
2018 - 21,946

thurmas Sep 4, 2019 9:59 PM

This is a trend in most sports in North America. The average consumer has flat incomes for several decades and when pro sports teams charge 10 bucks plus for parking, $12 bucks for a single beer ect… it has become way too expensive for the average fan to take a family of 4 to a game when it makes no economic sense. Especially now with most games all being broadcast and in excellent quality on tv.

blueandgoldguy Sep 4, 2019 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by thurmas (Post 8677871)
This is a trend in most sports in North America. The average consumer has flat incomes for several decades and when pro sports teams charge 10 bucks plus for parking, $12 bucks for a single beer ect… it has become way too expensive for the average fan to take a family of 4 to a game when it makes no economic sense. Especially now with most games all being broadcast and in excellent quality on tv.

NHL and NBA attendance has remained steady for years. Also, the decline in NFL attendance is highly exaggerated. The average attendance per game is the same as it was in 2010. MLB is the only big-4 professional league in North America that has experienced a noticeable decline in attendance.

megadude Sep 5, 2019 12:13 AM

I'm okay if attendance drastically drops in every sport for a decade. Enough time for players contracts, TV contracts and any contract to expire so those can be reset to more reasonable standards.

During all this I hope the owners and commissioners, etc. have a wake up call that it's TOO DAMN EXPENSIVE. And tickets and parking will be halved at the very least.

Something like German soccer would be ideal.

osmo Sep 5, 2019 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by megadude (Post 8678047)
I'm okay if attendance drastically drops in every sport for a decade. Enough time for players contracts, TV contracts and any contract to expire so those can be reset to more reasonable standards.

During all this I hope the owners and commissioners, etc. have a wake up call that it's TOO DAMN EXPENSIVE. And tickets and parking will be halved at the very least.

Something like German soccer would be ideal.

If TV and corporate money pull back then where do these leagues recoup the money ? Unless new revenue streams come in board it will just keep ticket prices for fans as is.

What will happen likely is stadiiums and arenas will be renovated and downsized (or replaced... Atlanta) with the in-game experience solely being for premium price points while the rest watch on TV in a lounge in the arena.

megadude Sep 5, 2019 12:53 AM


Originally Posted by osmo (Post 8678078)
If TV and corporate money pull back then where do these leagues recoup the money ? Unless new revenue streams come in board it will just keep ticket prices for fans as is.

What will happen likely is stadiiums and arenas will be renovated and downsized (or replaced... Atlanta) with the in-game experience solely being for premium price points while the rest watch on TV in a lounge in the arena.

It's a fair question, but best case scenario is that pretty much everyone revolts from one spectrum to the other until it forces ticket prices way, way down. Of course, it would be foolish to think people are going to give up their seasons tickets for NHL in this country for fear of never getting them back. Well for most of the 7 teams.

thurmas Sep 5, 2019 2:31 AM

The pro sports world is on the precipice of a new era soon with cable cutting, a general population in North America with stagnant incomes and record amounts of debt loads, traditional tv numbers and attendance numbers either flat or falling. The past several years have shown that there is not much room for growth and some sports are seeing real declines already from a decade ago ie: MLB

The stratospheric rise of salaries and tv deals in pro sports since the 1970's I think is near its end soon as giants like ESPN are shrinking and will soon have to decide if they can continue on paying billions to leagues while viewers continue to cut the cable cord. The most interesting thing to come in the future is to see how big a part streaming services will play in how leagues are covered and how much leagues can negotiate with them while traditional media like ESPN, TSN, Fox Sports and Sportsnet get smaller and smaller over time.

osmo Sep 6, 2019 2:22 AM

For TV networks they will whole and the ones that can navigate various delivery methods will succeed snd with that there will still be the need for content. Sports still commands advertising money as it is consumed live more than anything else content wise.

Big money will still be thrown at the leagues but it will stagnate and not increase unless leagues can find new viewing markets. The NBA for example is pushing for afternoon games in the weekends solely to be in tune to provide content for European primetime hours. With hopes this cracks open a new opportunity to derive new revenues from European media that desire content.

kel Sep 6, 2019 3:45 AM


Originally Posted by thurmas (Post 8678171)
The pro sports world is on the precipice of a new era soon with cable cutting, a general population in North America with stagnant incomes and record amounts of debt loads, traditional tv numbers and attendance numbers either flat or falling. The past several years have shown that there is not much room for growth and some sports are seeing real declines already from a decade ago ie: MLB

The stratospheric rise of salaries and tv deals in pro sports since the 1970's I think is near its end soon as giants like ESPN are shrinking and will soon have to decide if they can continue on paying billions to leagues while viewers continue to cut the cable cord. The most interesting thing to come in the future is to see how big a part streaming services will play in how leagues are covered and how much leagues can negotiate with them while traditional media like ESPN, TSN, Fox Sports and Sportsnet get smaller and smaller over time.

Part of the reason why NA pro sports are trying to enter China.

elly63 Sep 8, 2019 9:09 PM

CFL, top rated sports programming (and only cable outlet) for the week August 19-August 25 2019

Attendance this weekend

BC @ Mtl 17,487
Tor @ Ott 22,489
Sask @ Wpg 33,134
Cgy @ EDM 40,113

Will be interesting to see what the Banjo Bowl ratings are as Rod Black is basically telling people to go watch Bianca in the US Open.

DLLB Sep 11, 2019 1:16 AM


Originally Posted by elly63 (Post 8681273)
CFL, top rated sports programming (and only cable outlet) for the week August 19-August 25 2019

Attendance this weekend

BC @ Mtl 17,487
Tor @ Ott 22,489
Sask @ Wpg 33,134
Cgy @ EDM 40,113

Will be interesting to see what the Banjo Bowl ratings are as Rod Black is basically telling people to go watch Bianca in the US Open.

It sure didn't look like 40,113 at that Cgy/Edm game.

EpicPonyTime Sep 11, 2019 1:51 AM


Originally Posted by DLLB (Post 8683608)
It sure didn't look like 40,113 at that Cgy/Edm game.

It never really does. You can have 40K in Commonwealth and it will still look empty cause they're spread out in the upper level.

elly63 Sep 11, 2019 9:18 PM

Even better week for the CFL, makes it to the Top 15, the top rated sports programming (and only cable outlet, edit: oops, missed the Jays) for the week August 26-September 1 2019

Denscity Sep 11, 2019 9:56 PM

Is the ctv and global news just Toronto or the total across the country?

JHikka Sep 15, 2019 12:41 PM

Didn't see it mentioned anywhere: Andreescu's final at the US Open had an average audience of 3.4M. That's the most watched tennis match ever on TSN, and higher than the most recent installments of the Stanley Cup Final and Grey Cup.

Andreescu's QF had an average of 852K with the SF coming in at 995K.

TSN's audience for the entirety of the tournament was up 69% over last year.

Acajack Sep 15, 2019 1:33 PM


Originally Posted by Denscity (Post 8684552)
Is the ctv and global news just Toronto or the total across the country?

Coast to coast to coast

elly63 Sep 16, 2019 12:50 AM

I've started a Canadian TV Thread, the first post pertaining to this is Moncton Rad post 1883

The posts from there on can be moved to the new thread if people don't mind.

Acajack Sep 16, 2019 1:37 AM


elly63 Sep 17, 2019 2:23 AM

Apparently the Als and Riders rated just under 1 million (incl RDS), confirmation to follow.

thurmas Sep 17, 2019 2:30 AM

strong Rider and Bomber teams and a resurgent Montreal market should really help tv ratings going into the playoffs.

UrbanClimate Sep 19, 2019 4:21 AM


Originally Posted by elly63 (Post 8689306)
Apparently the Als and Riders rated just under 1 million (incl RDS), confirmation to follow.


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Follow @TSN_PR

Saturday’s game between the @SSKRoughriders and @MTLAlouettes was the @CFL’s most-watched game this season, attracting nearly 3 million unique viewers and an average audience of more than 1 million viewers on @TSN_Sports and @RDSca.

EpicPonyTime Sep 19, 2019 7:36 PM

People always forget that Quebec loves the Als when they are competitive. Weren't they absolutely killing it in terms of ratings back when they were continously the best team in the league?

elly63 Sep 27, 2019 11:01 PM

Keith Urban ups the ante for Grey Cup halftime acts
Josh Smith 3downnation September 27, 2019

Let’s get it out of the way early: I actually don’t know any Keith Urban songs.

I don’t listen to country music and Urban wasn’t a pop mainstay when I was a teen, so while I know his name I am not sure I could name a single song of his.

With that out of the way let me also say: getting Keith Urban to perform at halftime of the Grey Cup is a massive get for the CFL.

Justin-Bieber-like massive.

Keith Urban is an international superstar. Capital I, capital S. Everyone knows who Keith Urban is and getting a major country star to perform at halftime in Calgary is as perfect a pairing as peanut butter and jam.

No, Urban isn’t Canadian, but so what. Not every halftime act has to be a Canadian. Last year’s, Alessia Cara, was and her announcement was met with a lot of shrugs and “who’s that?” from people of my age. My favourite halftime show of the last decade was Imagine Dragons in B.C. in 2014 and they aren’t Canadian.

The days of Trooper, Burton Cummings and Blue Rodeo playing halftime at the Grey Cup are over and that’s a good thing. The Grey Cup needs fresh acts that will attract non-football, non-50-year-old eyeballs. Cara did that; Bieber did that; Dragons did that; and Urban will do that, too.

There will always be those who complain as no artist is for everyone. Urban isn’t my cup o’ tea, but the CFL did a great job in finding a very popular, very successful, very famous — let’s not forget, he is married to actress Nicole Kidman, who is more famous than words can describe — singer to anchor the country’s most-watched concert.

Whether you like Keith Urban or not, there is no denying that the CFL hit a home run with getting him to be the halftime act and this will only up the ante for future Grey Cups.

q12 Oct 1, 2019 9:28 PM

Halifax Thunderbirds jersey reveal at Scotiabank Centre tonight:

UrbanClimate Oct 3, 2019 7:35 PM

CIS football in Ottawa
"The Ottawa Gee-Gees and Carleton Ravens are about to meet in front of a huge crowd at TD Place Stadium...The 51st Panda Game will set a modern era attendance record with over 24,600 fans..."

esquire Oct 3, 2019 7:48 PM

^ That's impressive. I'd love to see a crowd like that for a U of M Bisons game.

thurmas Oct 3, 2019 7:51 PM

I wonder how much the tickets sold for ?

esquire Oct 3, 2019 7:55 PM


Originally Posted by thurmas (Post 8706316)
I wonder how much the tickets sold for ?

Looks like between 23 and 36 dollars a pop. Assuming 24,000 seats at 23 a pop, that's north of half a million dollars.

I can't think of any other U Sports football games in Canada that have managed to draw over 20,000 people except for the Vanier Cup.

thurmas Oct 3, 2019 8:13 PM


Originally Posted by esquire (Post 8706322)
Looks like between 23 and 36 dollars a pop. Assuming 24,000 seats at 23 a pop, that's north of half a million dollars.

I can't think of any other U Sports football games in Canada that have managed to draw over 20,000 people except for the Vanier Cup.

Impressive further illustrates the work the Argos need to do to revitalize fan interest.

Djeffery Oct 3, 2019 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by thurmas (Post 8706339)
Impressive further illustrates the work the Argos need to do to revitalize fan interest.

I was thinking U of T and York should try to come up with a gimmick to have a game at BMO. I don't know if any of the other CFL cities have local U Sport rivalries to be able to pull that type of game off.

esquire Oct 3, 2019 10:45 PM

Vancouver has the Shrum Bowl, but from what I understand it's a much smaller affair than the Panda game, even though it has a level of notoriety of its own.

osmo Oct 4, 2019 2:13 AM


Originally Posted by Djeffery (Post 8706466)
I was thinking U of T and York should try to come up with a gimmick to have a game at BMO. I don't know if any of the other CFL cities have local U Sport rivalries to be able to pull that type of game off.

Both these schools have historically bad football programs, both are already seen as gimmicky and unnecessary (UofT has the history but that is it). The lack of success with York and UofT have no doubt contributes to the overall atrophy of football in the Toronto market.

esquire Oct 4, 2019 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by osmo (Post 8706662)
Both these schools have historically bad football programs, both are already seen as gimmicky and unnecessary (UofT has the history but that is it). The lack of success with York and UofT have no doubt contributes to the overall atrophy of football in the Toronto market.

Toronto is such a weird market for football. The numbers don't lie, there is clearly interest in the game given the reasonably healthy CFL and NFL TV numbers, yet there is such minimal interest in attending games.

Pretty well every football team/event in Toronto in the last 30 years has either flopped (basically the American imports i.e., Bills series, arena football, International Bowl) or struggles mightily (the Canadian leagues i.e., CFL, U Sports).

Acajack Oct 5, 2019 7:22 PM


Originally Posted by UrbanClimate (Post 8706290)
"The Ottawa Gee-Gees and Carleton Ravens are about to meet in front of a huge crowd at TD Place Stadium...The 51st Panda Game will set a modern era attendance record with over 24,600 fans..."

And no TV coverage AFAIK.

Meanwhile TSN has three networks showing three different NCAA games this afternoon.

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