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SDfan Jan 13, 2011 9:52 PM

Seaworld Roller Coaster:

SDfan Jan 13, 2011 11:24 PM

More bad news:

eburress Jan 14, 2011 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by SDfan (Post 5125042)

All you need to know:

"We [California] also have regulatory and environmental requirements that add significant costs to the cruise lines."

More taxes, more regulation, more environmental requirements -- let's see if we can't chase every possible source of income away! Yay California!! Politically speaking, who would you say is to blame for California's economic/business-related policies?

SD_Phil Jan 14, 2011 12:48 AM

^Odd...I read the article and that distinctly wasn't all I needed to know.

Here are some important bits:


"Our decision to deploy the Carnival Spirit to Australia was based on the weaker relative financial performance for our San Diego program at present," said Carnival spokesman Vance Gulliksen. "Only about 1.5 percent of Australians have ever taken a cruise, meaning that there is huge potential for growth."

The slumping economy and diminished interest in travel to Mexico because of continued violence there is clearly to blame for the plunge in San Diego's cruise business, which is expected to sink to its lowest level in a decade.

While an estimated 515,000 passengers boarded and disembarked from ships in San Diego in 2010, just half that many are expected to do so this year.

While Carnival indicated it will consider basing another ship in San Diego in the future based on market conditions and "our very strong relationship with the Port of San Diego," it would not be pinned down on when that could happen. Last spring, Carnival relocated San Diego's only year-round ship, the Elation, to Mobile, Ala.


Cruise lines, including Carnival, had complained about the Port's aging facility at B Street and its inability to accommodate a large number of passengers when multiple ships were in port.
Your rush to blame it on environmental regulation (especially in the face of the other more obvious and more directly cited causes in the article itself) is confusing. Confusing even more when you wonder why cruise ships are pulling out only recently despite the existence of these environmental regulations.

eburress Jan 14, 2011 7:10 PM


Originally Posted by SD_Phil (Post 5125168)
Your rush to blame it on environmental regulation (especially in the face of the other more obvious and more directly cited causes in the article itself) is confusing. Confusing even more when you wonder why cruise ships are pulling out only recently despite the existence of these environmental regulations.

The economic climate now making the cost of being in SD/environmental regulations too great to tolerate, whereas it was more tolerable when more people were traveling?

mello Jan 15, 2011 1:59 AM

I have to agree with eburress. The economic outlook for the San Diego region does not look good. Remember 8 years ago on this forum when there was all the hope about a possible office tower boom downtown?? Well that never happened, all we got were hotels and residential towers.

I would love to see the office vacancy rates for the SD county employment centers. SAIC is shipping their big dogs to Northern VA. and there is just no reason for companies to locate here bottom line. Biotech and clean tech I don't think are going to be a big enough player to provide decent paying middle class jobs for the masses here. Yes unemployment is lower here then other parts of CA. but the vast majority of the jobs here do not pay a living wage.

SD_Phil Jan 15, 2011 2:07 AM

^I'm extra confused now. Where did I say that the economic climate looked good?

Given what eburess just said I don't think we disagree. I originally interpreted him as saying that environmental regulations were substantially to blame for cruise ships leaving SD out. If he isn't saying that then there isn't a disagreement. The article, and I cited most of the more relevant portions, makes it clear that that isn't true. There are a multitude of reasons why this is happening, all of them relevantly economic and only one tangentially mentioned one had anything to do with environmental regulations.

I'm not sure what any of that has to do with commercial towers going up though. Yes it's another sign that the economic conditions aren't so great for many and that businesses, though doing fairly well, are still holding onto most of their assets instead of investing them. But aside from both being indicators of a sagging climate, how are cruise ships and office towers related?

mello Jan 15, 2011 7:18 PM

They aren't that was just a general rant on my part Phil. Sorry for the confusion. I agree with you that the environmental regs did not necessarily spell doom for the cruise industry in San Diego. Maybe e burress is just really frustrated in CA's overregulation in general especially compared to a business friendly state like Texas.

Lipani Jan 15, 2011 7:54 PM

L.A. is losing a number of cruise ships as well. Most of it has to do with the economy, particularly a significant drop in tourism to Mexico.

Hawaii's environmental regulations are much, much tougher (for obvious reasons). Norwegian ended up selling their ships rather than send them to a different port. Other cruise lines, though, stepped in to take over their market share. I doubt we'll see that here -- at least for a couple of years. But if tourism to Mexico increased, along with an improvement in the economy, we'd be one of the first ports to benefit.

HurricaneHugo Jan 15, 2011 9:55 PM

Anybody know if that Cougar Cruise is still running lol

SD_Phil Jan 16, 2011 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by mello (Post 5127236)
They aren't that was just a general rant on my part Phil. Sorry for the confusion. I agree with you that the environmental regs did not necessarily spell doom for the cruise industry in San Diego. Maybe e burress is just really frustrated in CA's overregulation in general especially compared to a business friendly state like Texas.

No worries. I have a feeling this is going to get worse for a while more before it even begins to get better.

A lot of you might know that I work (for the time being) at UCSD. People there are all abuzz about Gov. Brown's $500 million dollar reduction in higher education funds for next year. UCSD's personal hit is in the neighborhood of $60 million. These are hard times and CA public universities (UC and CSU) and community colleges have had their budgets cut several years in a row now.

To me stuff like this is far worse than cruise ships. Cruise ships can always be enticed back relatively quickly but it takes a long time to built up an educated workforce.

mello Jan 16, 2011 6:42 AM

Phil: I have noticed tons of new construction on the UCSD campus and more across the 5 by the Scripps Medical facilities. Is it possible for you to put together a little compilation of what has been built in the last couple years and what is UC? I like those new dorms on the North end of campus and some of the new buildings more to the south on Torrey Pines Rd. are excellent too.

HurricaneHugo Jan 17, 2011 1:33 AM

I had plenty of pictures on my old phone but it went the way of the dodo.

Phil, where exactly do you work?

HurricaneHugo Jan 17, 2011 4:30 AM

Also last time posted random pictures of San Diego Mello said they weren't interesting. :(

Urbanize_It Jan 19, 2011 5:36 PM

CCDC has updated the Kettner and Ash Bosa project with a new picture. Anyone know what is going on with this project? What do you think of the new design?

SDfan Jan 19, 2011 8:18 PM

Its cute. I like the roof design. Very Miami.

Lipani Jan 19, 2011 10:55 PM

Transform? Meh. It'll put a band-aid on San Diego's airport problem for a few years, but definitely won't help the city in the long run.


$1 billion expansion will transform Lindbergh Field
By Robert J. Hawkins
Tuesday, January 18, 2011 at 7:44 p.m.

For many travelers, the newest addition to San Diego International Airport has been about closed parking lots, rerouted roadways and the tearing down of bits and pieces of Terminal 2.

But that is going to change.

In the next few months, the $1 billion Green Build — a nod to its environmentally sensitive design — will take shape atop the site of a long-dormant municipal and military landfill. It will be a mirror image of the existing terminal, with 10 new gates and a signature common area for travelers. Construction is also poised to begin on an elevated roadway for departing passengers, with a sophisticated curbside check-in.

On the western side of the terminal, the 784 support piles have been driven into the ground and the 1.5 million-square-foot concrete apron is being poured over the top of them. In February, the prefabricated steel will start to arrive from Arizona. In mere months, the skeletal structure will be in place.

The project is being financed by airport user fees and revenue bonds, revenue from concessions and Federal Aviation Administration grants.
San Diego Union-Tribune

HurricaneHugo Jan 19, 2011 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by Urbanize_It (Post 5131734)
CCDC has updated the Kettner and Ash Bosa project with a new picture. Anyone know what is going on with this project? What do you think of the new design?

Too bulky but I'll take it.

kpexpress Jan 20, 2011 8:34 AM


Originally Posted by Urbanize_It (Post 5131734)
CCDC has updated the Kettner and Ash Bosa project with a new picture. Anyone know what is going on with this project? What do you think of the new design?

I can see the bulky comment, but the top is light and elegant - not very fitting with the bulky base. Seems a bit disconnected (top to the bottom), could use some further development to better incorporate the two. Make the base leaner and blend the top better with the base. I like the eyebrow aesthetic though.

OneMetropolis Jan 20, 2011 5:38 PM

$1 Billion Terminal Expansion Pics

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