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rick m May 24, 2024 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by GaylordWilshire (Post 10207567)

In the 80s--saw Ruth beaming-- on arm of Jack Nicholson entering the Studio City Jerry's Deli--- Quite a sight--She is now living quietly in Texas---

Noir_Noir May 25, 2024 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by Bristolian (Post 10209217)
Making an educated guess that this may be on Highway 101, I looked at Google maps and figured that 8 miles north of Buellton

Zooming in on that 8 mile north point shows this:

In the great, "where the hell is that on the road to Buellton debate", I'm liking Bristolian's position.

Just about spot on the eight mile mark from Buellton on the 101 is the most likely spot it seems to me.

Squinting a little and imagining the girls there off to the left a bit, I'm in. :)

ethereal_reality May 25, 2024 12:44 AM

Thanks for your input, guys. I appreciate it. :)

And, yes, I think that's the spot, Noir Noir.

P.S. My next post will be closer to home. (Los Angeles)

Martin Pal May 25, 2024 5:52 PM


Originally Posted by Noir_Noir (Post 10211312)
In the great, "where the hell is that on the road to Buellton debate", I'm liking Bristolian's position.

Just about spot on the eight mile mark from Buellton on the 101 is the most likely spot it seems to me.

Unless I'm really confused, which is not unreasonable, if you mean "8 miles from Buellton on the 101" -- the sign the girls are on says Buellton is "1" mile away. :shrug: (Do you think that says "8"?)

I was looking at this "California's Local Bridges" interactive map yesterday; there's a lot of them!
(You have to scroll down a bit to get to the interactive Bridge Inventory map.)

Martin Pal May 25, 2024 6:16 PM


Originally Posted by rick m (Post 10211264)
In the 80s--saw Ruth beaming-- on arm of Jack Nicholson entering the Studio City Jerry's Deli--- Quite a sight--She is now living quietly in Texas---

Now that's an interesting (verrry interesting) duo!

Mackerm May 25, 2024 6:21 PM

I was squinting at that too. It could plausibly be a "3" but it's fatter than the other "1"s on the sign. Three miles north of Buellton is in Zaca Canyon which doesn't really match the terrain in the photo, as far as I can see. On the UCSB aerial photo site, it catalogues a flight from 1929, which might show some trees which were gone by 1938. But apparently you have to pay for that.

There's lots of good stuff on this blog:

Gribblenation: Former US Route 101 in Buellton

Cris Shapan's take on Ruth Buzzi (Facebook) Also on her Twitter page, she's wearing a t-shirt with the same photo of her Laugh-In character.

ethereal_reality May 25, 2024 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by Martin Pal (Post 10211631)
Unless I'm really confused, which is not unreasonable, if you mean "8 miles from Buellton on the 101" -- the sign the girls are on says Buellton is "1" mile away. :shrug: (Do you think that says "8"?

Oh my GOD! It is a 1. :runaway:

That damn bridge is nothing but a curse.


I just looked at the close-up again & decided to enlarge it even further.

All the numbers on the sign are elongated and if you look closely at the top number you can see two white spaces within the number.
It is an 8.

Here's the enlarged enlarged version.

I almost cropped out William Frawley at the bottom.


Beaudry May 26, 2024 5:40 PM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 10208764)
This amateur photograph isn't a mystery location but it's interesting none-the-less.
eBay / Feb. 1913

I'm not sure what's going on between 1030 and Flower. ..Anyone?

This place actually got moved, not far, over to near 9th and Fig (they built an auto dealership in its place in 1921).
cut building into three sects, move, reconnect cuts, rebuild foundation

Here's where it went—needless to say this part of the world is pretty wiped away by development, but you can see traces today (like where 9th makes the little jog at Pearl/Figueroa)


ethereal_reality May 26, 2024 8:02 PM

Excellent sleuthing, Noir Noir. Thanks for the interesting information.


I believe the last line on the moving permit says the house house was cut into 3 sections. That's quite a feat.

Flyingwedge May 28, 2024 4:50 AM

For Memorial Day
Hey, do you remember the house across the street from Venice High School?


Originally Posted by GaylordWilshire (Post 9869786)

The caption reads "Dolce Casa: Home of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Humphreys near Venice, California October 1, 1916"

A group of Union Army Civil War nurses visited "Dolce Casa" in October 1918. Among them was Margaret Cook Meseroll Hayes,
who was born in St. John, New Brunswick, Canada on December 11, 1833. Her first husband (Meseroll) died in 1858; she
remarried in 1866 (Hayes) but was widowed again in 1879. Her son with Mr. Hayes had died in 1875, just short of age four.

October 13, 1918, Los Angeles Evening Express @

Mrs. Hayes (seated), who was a nurse in Memphis, Tennessee, is shown here c. 1900 with another former Union Army nurse:

00115905 @ LA Public Library

In 1905 Mrs. Hayes survived a streetcar accident that killed former LA City Councilman James Blanchard and injured about 20.
The Herald said Mrs. Hayes' arm and head were cut, while the Times said she had a broken arm; apparently the impact of the
crash threw her through the open door of the streetcar she was riding:

December 5, 1905, Los Angeles Times @

Here is a depiction of the accident (Burlington no longer crosses Washington). Mrs. Hayes was in the Washington Street car,
and Blanchard was crushed by the Burlington Avenue car he was in:

December 2, 1905, Los Angeles Times @

A photo of the accident scene; the building in the background might be on the NW corner of Burlington and Washington in this February 2023 GSV:

December 2, 1905, Los Angeles Times @

On December 11, 1929, Mrs. Hayes was filmed celebrating her 96th birthday by helping to plant a tree, perhaps at the VA in Los Angeles.
She really put her foot into it!

University of South Carolina

Mrs. Hayes' two daughters died in 1922 and 1931. On May 30, 1934, the LA Coliseum hosted a Memorial Day ceremony that
featured school children giving medals to Civil War veterans:

May 30, 1934, Los Angeles Evening Post-Record @

And there's Margaret Hayes getting her medal. She looks a little tired . . .

. . . but she's still smiling!

University of South Carolina

Margaret Hayes died less than two months later, on July 18, 1934:

July 20, 1934, Los Angeles Times @ ProQuest via LA Public Library

ethereal_reality May 28, 2024 8:58 PM

A perfect post for Memorial day, Flyingwedge...Thanks so much. :)

There was a photograph album listed on eBay a few days ago & a couple of the photographs caught my eye.

In particular this one of a cafe located in a hotel.
eBay..It might have sold, I can't find it now.

Beneath the photo:.."Jess (1937)..Hillman Hotel Cafe."

Here's a closer look at the interior.

The Hillman Hotel doesn't sound familiar to me...Does anyone know where it was located?


ethereal_reality May 28, 2024 9:25 PM


Here's another cafe interior from the same album & this location is a bit more intriguing.

Jess (1937)..Rick's Grill (R.K.O. Cafe)

I wonder if the cafe was located on the R.K.O. Studio lot or somewhere along its periphery. :shrug:..Does anyone know?


Mackerm May 29, 2024 2:53 AM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 10213571)

There was a photograph album listed on eBay a few days ago & a couple of the photographs caught my eye.

In particular this one of a cafe located in a hotel.
It might have sold, I can't find it now.

Here ya go. Love that "completed items" toggle.

Scott Charles May 29, 2024 9:28 AM

For any Noirisher in the Los Angeles area, there's currently an exhibit at Union Station about the original Chinatown and how it was replaced by Union Station.

This video about the exhibit was shown on local KABC television today:

Video Link


Union Station stands at the site of Los Angeles’ original Chinatown. This once vibrant community of families, businesses, and associations with roots going back to the middle of the 19th century was a place where residents persisted, grew rapidly, and thrived. Where You Stand: Chinatown 1880 to 1939 invites participants into the center of the vibrant community through a multi-dimensional experience. Installed in the Union Station Waiting Room Gallery, view the exhibits’ historic photographs, listen to oral history recordings, and use augmented reality to see artifact materials superimposed within locations around Union Station. Audiences can explore the site’s historic layers, formerly a collection of alleyways, streets, and buildings, and home to thousands of Chinese residents in the late 19th to early 20th century Los Angeles.

ethereal_reality May 29, 2024 8:21 PM


Originally Posted by Mackerm (Post 10213795)
Here ya go. Love that "completed items" toggle.

Thanks Mackerm. ..Where is the "completed items" toggle?

Mackerm May 29, 2024 9:37 PM


When you're looking at search results, hit "Filter", then, "show more"

ethereal_reality May 29, 2024 9:46 PM

.Gotcha!.. Thanks Mackerm.

This afternoon I have a mystery vantage point.
Currently oneBay

Onward Minions. :whip:


HenryHuntington May 29, 2024 10:11 PM

Looks like the photo was taken from the rooftop or an upper floor of the building at 6508 Selma Ave. (SW corner of Wilcox & Selma), as it overlooks the Hollywood Post Office.

ethereal_reality May 29, 2024 11:42 PM


Where are we?
Currently on eBay



Mackerm May 30, 2024 5:16 AM


4th St. looking over the 110 freeway toward the Bonaventure hotel. The fence railings are identical, including the little bit connecting the bridges at different levels.

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