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PHX31 Feb 21, 2014 9:25 PM

I really wonder what the point of this is. Is this REALLY an issue? How many religious types out there are incredibly put off by having to serve LGBT in their place of business? One? One wacko had a problem with it and complained? This is such an unbelievable joke. The author behind this bill must really have problems. This CAN'T just be about religious beliefs. That legislator must have major psychological issues. He had to know the shit storm this would create and he must be basking in it...

That, or I completely don't understand politics (which is already true).

HooverDam Feb 21, 2014 11:26 PM

Its a classic solution in search of a problem kind of thing.

This bill is being put forth by the lunatics over at Center for Arizona Policy, specifically Cathi Herrod.

Notably, Doug Ducey has tapped Cathi Herrod to be one of his key advisers.

I highly encourage everyone to vote for Scott Smith. Fred DuVall might be a good guy too, I honestly don't know a ton about him yet. However it seems unlikely any Democrat will win. Register Independent, vote in the Republic primary for Smith. While he's in the GOP, he's lead from the center and is probably the best thing to ever happen to Mesa.

If Doug Ducey, Christine Jones, or any of those other nuts'll be bad times for AZ.

nickw252 Feb 21, 2014 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by westbev93 (Post 6462629)
A stupid bill can backfire when you inadvertently legalize a whole host of things you never intended to legalize.

Unintended consequenses. Look at the alt-fuel fiasco the legislature created a few years ago.

The Arizona legislature needs to take a vacation and stop writing stupid laws.


Originally Posted by HooverDam (Post 6462870)
Its a classic solution in search of a problem kind of thing.

Just like last year's potty laws (aimed at discriminating against trans-gender people by criminalizing using the bathroom).

Leo the Dog Feb 22, 2014 6:32 AM

Well, if it makes you guys feel any better, I haven't heard of this silly law until I read it here. It hasn't hit the newsreel in California yet, therefore I don't think it'll be a big national media story.

PHX31 Feb 22, 2014 3:12 PM

It was the secondary headline of and there is already a current event thread on it.

KevininPhx Feb 22, 2014 3:23 PM


Originally Posted by Leo the Dog (Post 6463301)
Well, if it makes you guys feel any better, I haven't heard of this silly law until I read it here. It hasn't hit the newsreel in California yet, therefore I don't think it'll be a big national media story.

Noted, you're in California. Got it. It's national news on every national newscast and every 24-hour cable news. I even heard it on BBC World News yesterday.

HooverDam Feb 22, 2014 3:56 PM


Originally Posted by Leo the Dog (Post 6463301)
Well, if it makes you guys feel any better, I haven't heard of this silly law until I read it here. It hasn't hit the newsreel in California yet, therefore I don't think it'll be a big national media story.

Do you own a tv/radio? Its everywhere.

One company that was looking to bring about 1K jobs to Phoenix already called and said forget it. Even if it doesn't pass, they don't want to be in a place where this kind of thing is remotely possible.

Leo the Dog Feb 23, 2014 2:47 AM


Originally Posted by HooverDam (Post 6463452)
Do you own a tv/radio? Its everywhere.

One company that was looking to bring about 1K jobs to Phoenix already called and said forget it. Even if it doesn't pass, they don't want to be in a place where this kind of thing is remotely possible.

I honestly haven't heard a word until today. I think most people are watching the Olympics, concerned about the drought, the Ukraine, local goings on etc...nobody really cares about a local law of another state that doesn't affect them.

RichTempe Feb 23, 2014 3:38 AM


Originally Posted by Leo the Dog (Post 6464186)
I honestly haven't heard a word until today. I think most people are watching the Olympics, concerned about the drought, the Ukraine, local goings on etc...nobody really cares about a local law of another state that doesn't affect them.

Well it was on the ABC National News tonight so somebody must care about it.

poconoboy61 Feb 23, 2014 5:35 AM


Originally Posted by Leo the Dog (Post 6464186)
I honestly haven't heard a word until today. I think most people are watching the Olympics, concerned about the drought, the Ukraine, local goings on etc...nobody really cares about a local law of another state that doesn't affect them.

Yeah, I guess no one really cares. It's only made the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Tribune, the BBC, the Washington Post, and the Examiner, but I guess other than that and the 5.68 million returns in Google regarding this law, it's not really being talked about.

Leo the Dog Feb 23, 2014 5:12 PM


Originally Posted by poconoboy61 (Post 6464309)

Yeah, I guess no one really cares. It's only made the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Tribune, the BBC, the Washington Post, and the Examiner, but I guess other than that and the 5.68 million returns in Google regarding this law, it's not really being talked about.

I don't know why you're up in arms. I'm just telling you that I've yet to hear the story, locally, 5 hours west of Phoenix. I also haven't heard of it nationally due to other big, more concerning media stories that are dominating the airwaves.

A potential law in Arizona just isn't as big a news story as it's being made out to be yet. It'll be big news once Brewer signs it into law.

rocksteady Feb 25, 2014 5:54 AM


Originally Posted by Leo the Dog (Post 6464186)
I honestly haven't heard a word until today. I think most people are watching the Olympics, concerned about the drought, the Ukraine, local goings on etc...nobody really cares about a local law of another state that doesn't affect them.

I think you spoke too soon. It is currently the main story on just about every major news site as I type and on every news channel as a feature story.

Leo the Dog Feb 25, 2014 3:41 PM


Originally Posted by rocksteady (Post 6466848)
I think you spoke too soon. It is currently the main story on just about every major news site as I type and on every news channel as a feature story.

It's a silly bill/law that won't hold up. I doubt Brewer will sign. The story is now gaining steam, especially since the Olympics ended and Kiev, Ukraine has stabilized. I first heard of it here on SSP 2/21/14. As it gets closer to Brewer either signing/or not, it'll be a more prominent news story in the media.

I wonder if people will be outraged, boycott US corporations that do business in India because of their Gay sex ban with a penalty of 10 years imprisonment? The Olympics didn't leave Russia for their anti-gay laws. I have a feeling we'll keep employing Indians and conducting business with that country of over 1 billion people.


HooverDam Feb 25, 2014 5:23 PM


Originally Posted by Leo the Dog (Post 6467176)
It's a silly bill/law that won't hold up. I doubt Brewer will sign. The story is now gaining steam, especially since the Olympics ended and Kiev, Ukraine has stabilized. I first heard of it here on SSP 2/21/14. As it gets closer to Brewer either signing/or not, it'll be a more prominent news story in the media.

I wonder if people will be outraged, boycott US corporations that do business in India because of their Gay sex ban with a penalty of 10 years imprisonment? The Olympics didn't leave Russia for their anti-gay laws. I have a feeling we'll keep employing Indians and conducting business with that country of over 1 billion people.


Americans are, rightfully, held to a higher standard. When other countries have backwards, intolerant policies, we're not shocked. When it happens in the US, we're disappointed.

KevininPhx Feb 26, 2014 1:52 PM

We're a Phoenix-based entertainment site startup. Here's a cool Skyscraper TV show that's wrapping up tonight - we previewed it today.

Preview: Season Finale Puts the Spotlight on NYC's Tallest and Most Luxurious Condo Tower - Super Skyscrapers

rocksteady Feb 27, 2014 5:52 AM

Arizona in running for $5 billion Tesla battery factory

I really hope our leaders make a strong push for this, because you know Texas will be. This will bring high paying jobs, and further diversify our economy. And with the Apple, Intel, Google Fiber, and Phoenix Mart the area could become the next Austin in terms of becoming a tech hub.

HooverDam Feb 27, 2014 3:05 PM


Originally Posted by rocksteady (Post 6470796)

I really hope our leaders make a strong push for this, .

They are.

HX_Guy Feb 27, 2014 3:37 PM

I doubt we have much chance after the SB1062 bullshit, unfortunately.

rocksteady Feb 27, 2014 4:19 PM


Originally Posted by HX_Guy (Post 6471239)
I doubt we have much chance after the SB1062 bullshit, unfortunately.

Lets hope her veto tells business leaders we are truly open for business and hope they aren't already tainted by this stupid bill. Time will tell...

PHX31 Feb 27, 2014 5:01 PM

I love the media bias.

CNN three days ago: Headline: ARIZONA PASSES ANTI-GAY BILL

CNN today: sidebar link: Ariz. Gov. vetoes anti-gay bill

That's just as hurtful in reality. Now tons of people who don't know any better or read anything else think it was passed and supported by everyone in Arizona and is now law. If the media was less sensational, rational people would understand it wasn't supported by a majority of businesses and people in Arizona and isn't likely to (and didn't) become a law.

mdpx Feb 27, 2014 7:18 PM


Originally Posted by PHX31 (Post 6471447)
I love the media bias.

CNN three days ago: Headline: ARIZONA PASSES ANTI-GAY BILL

CNN today: sidebar link: Ariz. Gov. vetoes anti-gay bill

That's just as hurtful in reality. Now tons of people who don't know any better or read anything else think it was passed and supported by everyone in Arizona and is now law. If the media was less sensational, rational people would understand it wasn't supported by a majority of businesses and people in Arizona and isn't likely to (and didn't) become a law.

It's not really media bias. I think the story was building each day and the new pressures from companies and politicians rose to high levels. Since it came to a crescendo last night CNN's website and the actual CNN (including most all media outlets across the country) were doing wall-to-wall coverage. They actually broadcasted the entire speech by Jan Brewer and talked about the Governor's veto non-stop. I don't think anyone is confused with the outcome. Most of the headlines on it today are smaller because the balloon has popped.

rocksteady Feb 27, 2014 8:38 PM

Phoenix one of 8 cities in the running for the 2016 Republican Convention

While I don't agree with their platform, a convention of this size is a welcome and needed shot in the arm for our revamped convention center and new/revamped hotels. Unfortunately, this guy is our cheerleader.

Former U.S. Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., is chairing Phoenix’s effort to secure the GOP convention. Phoenix was a finalist for the party’s 2012 convention, but lost out to Tampa.

“I don’t know that we have a really great shot, but I think we’ve got a good shot,” Kyl told The Arizona Republic in January.

HooverDam Feb 27, 2014 9:09 PM

^ It'd be nice, not sure how the looniness in the State House will effect that though. It still is surprising to me we didn't get it in our Centennial Year when our State Senator had just been the prior cycle nominee.

rocksteady Feb 27, 2014 9:39 PM


Originally Posted by HooverDam (Post 6471992)
^ It'd be nice, not sure how the looniness in the State House will effect that though. It still is surprising to me we didn't get it in our Centennial Year when our State Senator had just been the prior cycle nominee.

I agree. Sometimes I just feel like maybe we don't have the right people fighting to secure these type of events like other major cities. I could be completely wrong though. haha Jon Kyl may make a couple of pitches, and then follow it up with comments like he made in the article. The attitude around here seems to be "if we secure a deal then great! If we don't oh well I won't exert any energy to making it happen." I see signs though that mentality is starting to change, hopefully.

HooverDam Feb 28, 2014 6:01 PM


Originally Posted by rocksteady (Post 6472057)
I agree. Sometimes I just feel like maybe we don't have the right people fighting to secure these type of events like other major cities. I could be completely wrong though. haha Jon Kyl may make a couple of pitches, and then follow it up with comments like he made in the article. The attitude around here seems to be "if we secure a deal then great! If we don't oh well I won't exert any energy to making it happen." I see signs though that mentality is starting to change, hopefully.

I wish we had political leaders more akin to ASU football Coach Todd Graham withhis "speaking victory" mantra. Believe it, achieve it, all that good stuff. Too many people in this state seem resigned to being second rate.

rocksteady Feb 28, 2014 7:04 PM


Originally Posted by HooverDam (Post 6473348)
I wish we had political leaders more akin to ASU football Coach Todd Graham withhis "speaking victory" mantra. Believe it, achieve it, all that good stuff. Too many people in this state seem resigned to being second rate.

Completely agreed! Love them or hate them, we need more people like Colangelo, Gordon, Crowe, Graham. They may not have always had the best ideas...but they have always made things happen in the Phoenix and Tempe area.... imagine what the city wouldn't have if it weren't for those 4 guys alone fighting to make things happen.

pbenjamin Feb 28, 2014 7:12 PM

The reality is that it will not come here, not due to inadequate lobbying on the state's behalf, although that won't help. Both parties want conventions in swing states these days, typically ones that the party isn't sure they can win, to give them an edge. The last two Republican conventions were in St. Paul, MN and Tampa. The last two Democratic conventions were in Denver and Charlotte. Arizona just isn't purple enough. Yet. There is also the perception that it is too damned hot here that time of the year. All the boosterism in the world can't change those things. The smart money is on one of the 3 Ohio cities.

pbenjamin Apr 2, 2014 6:45 PM


Originally Posted by pbenjamin (Post 6473490)
The reality is that it will not come here, not due to inadequate lobbying on the state's behalf, although that won't help. Both parties want conventions in swing states these days, typically ones that the party isn't sure they can win, to give them an edge. The last two Republican conventions were in St. Paul, MN and Tampa. The last two Democratic conventions were in Denver and Charlotte. Arizona just isn't purple enough. Yet. There is also the perception that it is too damned hot here that time of the year. All the boosterism in the world can't change those things. The smart money is on one of the 3 Ohio cities.

Not going to happen.

HooverDam Apr 4, 2014 11:10 PM

You all need to be at the final ReInvent PHX event tonight if you haven't gone. The Mayor will be there, and there will be snacks, what else could you ask for?

6-8pm tonight at the PHX Financial Center South Rotunda on Central/Osborn. The city, design team, etc. need your input on how to make the best form based code possible for the northern sections of the LRT line.

I'll be there, come say hi :)

biggus diggus Apr 9, 2017 6:04 AM

So I am spending my first night away from downtown Phoenix in 11 years (not counting vacations) and I drove down to my old place to try to find my cat, the traffic is so bad. I'm glad to be gone. So quiet up here uptown.

Never did find that stupid cat!

combusean Feb 7, 2020 6:56 AM

I just got a job with NASA in Mountain View, California at the Ames Research Center. It is an unreal victory in my hellacious job market and field.

But I cannot forget my professional upbringing in Tempe and Phoenix that led me to this day starting from over 25 years ago when I was a junior-high school student learning to run a Linux server with a 90 MHz Pentium with 64 MB RAM in my ASU mentorship.

I look forward to the new generations the Valley of the Sun will produce.

PHX31 Feb 7, 2020 2:49 PM


Originally Posted by combusean (Post 8823867)
I just got a job with NASA in Mountain View, California at the Ames Research Center. It is an unreal victory in my hellacious job market and field.

But I cannot forget my professional upbringing in Tempe and Phoenix that led me to this day starting from over 25 years ago when I was a junior-high school student learning to run a Linux server with a 90 MHz Pentium with 64 MB RAM in my ASU mentorship.

I look forward to the new generations the Valley of the Sun will produce.


My 4 year old son seems interested in rockets and space (like a lot of youngsters). What would you say is the best course he could take to someday work at NASA? Now, I'm not even coming close to trying to chart a path for him at all, but I'm just trying to understand how people in general eventually get in a position like you working for a place like NASA or JPL or the like.

Do they need to go to elite charter schools and prep schools then elite colleges? Or could he make it there via public schools by simply having a focused interest, work hard on after school activities/clubs, and maybe just be uber smart?

DesertRay Feb 7, 2020 2:51 PM


Originally Posted by combusean (Post 8823867)
I just got a job with NASA in Mountain View, California at the Ames Research Center. It is an unreal victory in my hellacious job market and field.

But I cannot forget my professional upbringing in Tempe and Phoenix that led me to this day starting from over 25 years ago when I was a junior-high school student learning to run a Linux server with a 90 MHz Pentium with 64 MB RAM in my ASU mentorship.

I look forward to the new generations the Valley of the Sun will produce.

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Nice, nice job staying the course and getting the prize. Do you mind sharing more of your journey there, so that lurkers can benefit from how the heck you got to where you are going?

muertecaza Feb 7, 2020 4:22 PM


Originally Posted by combusean (Post 8823867)
I just got a job with NASA in Mountain View, California at the Ames Research Center. It is an unreal victory in my hellacious job market and field.

But I cannot forget my professional upbringing in Tempe and Phoenix that led me to this day starting from over 25 years ago when I was a junior-high school student learning to run a Linux server with a 90 MHz Pentium with 64 MB RAM in my ASU mentorship.

I look forward to the new generations the Valley of the Sun will produce.

Congratulations--one small step for an Arizonian, one giant leap for Arizona-kind.

azliam Feb 7, 2020 4:36 PM

Congratulations Sean!

Classical in Phoenix Feb 7, 2020 6:02 PM


Originally Posted by combusean (Post 8823867)
I just got a job with NASA in Mountain View, California at the Ames Research Center. It is an unreal victory in my hellacious job market and field.

But I cannot forget my professional upbringing in Tempe and Phoenix that led me to this day starting from over 25 years ago when I was a junior-high school student learning to run a Linux server with a 90 MHz Pentium with 64 MB RAM in my ASU mentorship.

I look forward to the new generations the Valley of the Sun will produce.

Congratulations! Best of luck to you.

biggus diggus Feb 7, 2020 6:30 PM

What is your field?

Congratulations on your new position.

combusean Feb 8, 2020 1:32 AM


Originally Posted by PHX31 (Post 8824043)

My 4 year old son seems interested in rockets and space (like a lot of youngsters). What would you say is the best course he could take to someday work at NASA? Now, I'm not even coming close to trying to chart a path for him at all, but I'm just trying to understand how people in general eventually get in a position like you working for a place like NASA or JPL or the like.

Do they need to go to elite charter schools and prep schools then elite colleges? Or could he make it there via public schools by simply having a focused interest, work hard on after school activities/clubs, and maybe just be uber smart?

So what surprised me about this is that NASA as I understand it is effectively split into two directions: the missions themselves and the data that they gather. I am going to work on the latter at the cloud computing center because NASA is one of AWS’s biggest customers.

There were a few things that won me the job: 13 years of industry experience but most importantly the soft skills. They didn’t interview me on the technical side which is probably why I got it. Being friendly, knowing my field, and knowing how to solve customer problems was essential to me landing this job.

Technical people tend to be difficult at best to work with so while you can grow up your kid in a highly intelligent environment, they need to know how to work with others.

combusean Feb 8, 2020 1:45 AM


Originally Posted by DesertRay (Post 8824044)
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Nice, nice job staying the course and getting the prize. Do you mind sharing more of your journey there, so that lurkers can benefit from how the heck you got to where you are going?

I had the experience of a mentorship that no longer exists at Arizona State University because they no longer allow individual servers on the network. My father was a professor there and the College of Education at ASU needed some tech help many years ago.

Somewhere around 1995 when I was in junior high I was granted “root” at a Linux box at that college of education which pretty much accelerated my tech knowledge.

From there it became an operations and system administrator field to web programming and that’s what kept my career going until pretty much 2012 when I had to leave Phoenix for better pastures when there were no jobs available.

I continued my Web app experience until 2014 when I fell into this field known as “Devops” where development and operations are fused together so I’m supposed to be two people in one.

I got fucked over and laid off a bunch of times doing this because this field is notoriously pickyand unstable but whatever. I’m working for NASA!

ASU Diablo Dec 10, 2020 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by CrestedSaguaro (Post 9130484)
It was reported sometime ago (late 2019 I think) that plans were in the works to redevelop the theaters into dine-in seating with about half the units. I image COVID probably put a good delay on that since theaters were impacted so heavily from closures and Hollywood filming delays. Hopefully once all this settles, they will still be interested in redeveloping the theaters.

With Warner Bros' recent announcement of also releasing theatrical releases straight to HBO Max on the same day, I wonder how this impacts theatres going forward. As more and more studios move to same-day theatrical/streaming releases, this may mean the end of theatres as we know them today. Sure they will still exist but this pandemic has really altered how the public consumes entertainment...

combusean Dec 11, 2020 12:46 AM

"The end of theatres as we know it" is really chicken little. They're releasing them to their own streaming service to recover untold millions in sunk costs and promote those services. Streaming services will never have the reach of your average theater.

I just wish they demolished Arizona Center and replatted it rather than what we got--I'd take an extended Taylor St rather than the AC hotel there. I have a feeling that will be its future--it just doesn't have any anchors or the square feet to compete with the Biltmore, and a 1000 beds or so if they ever build Palm Court isn't going to turn that block around.

biggus diggus Dec 11, 2020 1:16 AM

People still want to go to the movies. Not everyone is a homebody, I've heard plenty of people complaining about how they miss the experience.

ASU Diablo Dec 11, 2020 1:34 AM


Originally Posted by combusean (Post 9130578)
Streaming services will never have the reach of your average theater.

You mean to tell me a physical theater, miles away from households, have a larger reach than tens of millions, possibly hundreds, of streaming connected devices globally, right in their living rooms? Don’t be dramatic with your reply, never said it would happen overnight or that movie theatres would completely die off. Of course, there will still be a demand.

One of the key players to watch is Disney over the next couple of months and what they do. Let’s see, top 5 grossing movies in 2019 where all Marvel/Disney. What do you think would happen if Disney, said for example, let’s only release to Disney Plus?

But hey that’s just my opinion. What do I know? I’m sure drive-in movie owners once said the same thing about their business model.

combusean Dec 11, 2020 1:53 AM

Not everyone has streaming, wants to pay for it, has a decent device to watch it on (i'll pass watching a movie on my phone I paid money for), or the bandwidth to get it.

Almost anyone not confined to a nursing home has access to a movie theatre, especially the poor and old. Can't say that for streaming.

PHXFlyer11 Dec 11, 2020 2:07 AM


Originally Posted by combusean (Post 9130627)
Not everyone has streaming, wants to pay for it, has a decent device to watch it on (i'll pass watching a movie on my phone I paid money for), or the bandwidth to get it.

Almost anyone not confined to a nursing home has access to a movie theatre, especially the poor and old. Can't say that for streaming.

What? You are definitely in a very slim minority here. Almost anyone is willing to pay $13/month for Netflix or other services. And many choose to do so instead of paying cable so it's actually cheaper, not more expensive for them.

You don't have a TV? I'm really confused. If you don't have a TV then you are in the 2% of American households that do not. Most TVs purchased in the last 5 years have built in support for several streaming services. My TV is probably 10 years old now, but I bought a Firestick for $20 that allows me to access any streaming subscription i purchase.

combusean Dec 11, 2020 2:10 AM


Rather than 25 million people without broadband, Microsoft's research indicates "162.8 million people are not using the internet at broadband speeds".
Your smart TV doesn't do you any good if you don't have home Internet to connect it to.

PHXFlyer11 Dec 11, 2020 2:16 AM

I do think movie theatres will still exist, but they will be fewer, they will include more amenities and will cost more. You're no longer paying to go watch a new movie, you're paying for an experience that must trump your experience of watching at home, and you must be willing to pay more than ever before to do so.

I could see Amazon buying a major theatre chain after they go bankrupt. Then you could buy say a $10/month Prime Theatre pass to watch unlimited new movies in the theater -- or the alternative is you pay to "rent" them via PrimeTV. I think it's a model that could work.

You sell it as an add-on to Prime. AMC did $5.4B in revenue last year and lost $149M. Amazon could sell this service which amounts to $120/year per subscriber. If they get 20M people to subscribe (and BTW you would still have to pay for Prime) then that's $2.4B, add on concessions (but better -- and of course more expensive -- think Whole Foods type quality and prices) then you could easily make money doing this and more important it drives more revenue for all of their other products and subscriptions.

PHXFlyer11 Dec 11, 2020 2:17 AM


Originally Posted by combusean (Post 9130644)

Your smart TV doesn't do you any good if you don't have home Internet to connect it to.

If you don't have home internet again, you're in a small minority.

combusean Dec 11, 2020 2:20 AM

163 million people is half the country...

PHXFlyer11 Dec 11, 2020 2:29 AM


Originally Posted by combusean (Post 9130657)
163 million people is half the country...

That's not true. 73% of households have broadband internet at home.

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