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Ex-Ithacan Mar 25, 2006 3:03 PM

Letter to editor in response to entertainment study. I can't believe this guy is predicting total doom & gloom to guide future planning.

Maybe we should just get busy building bomb shelters again for the big war when Iran gets the bomb.:rolleyes:

whit_x Mar 27, 2006 12:34 PM

I recognize the name
Wasn't he the same idiot that thought that sprawl was good and that jobs should be spread out into the hinterlands?

Ex-Ithacan Mar 27, 2006 12:52 PM

^ May well be whit, sounds like the same kind of reasoning.:rolleyes: :koko:

Ex-Ithacan Mar 29, 2006 12:05 PM

Mixed reviews on unemployment in the Ithaca area:

Ithaca needs more hi-tech type jobs, and the jobs which would support hi-tech position.

whit_x Mar 30, 2006 1:42 AM

Even with Cornell there
Not too many people want to stay afterward,especially the entrepenurial types that feel condescended by having to live in Ithaca. As much as I'd love to move home, the reality is that there is a very limited job market that pays any money there unless you want to work at Cornell or IC. This is the same scenario that plays out in most college towns, not just Ithaca. I agree that there needs to be High Tech jobs and that the presence of Cornell should support that, but at some point, most of these companies want to be in a place with a deeper labor pool and not be stuck in a place whose airport has one permanent airline (for the time being) and one airline that might not be ther in 6 months or a year as their case moves through bankruptcy court.

Ex-Ithacan Mar 30, 2006 10:33 AM

^ Agreed, just pisses me off that the potential will probably go unrealized.

Ex-Ithacan Apr 5, 2006 10:23 AM

Here's an editorial from the local paper which kind of tells the city to pat itself on the back. Some good news for a change.

Ex-Ithacan Apr 9, 2006 7:20 PM

Tax abatements for new projects downtown put on hold:


donybrx Apr 10, 2006 12:37 AM

One airline, eh? I think the last time I felw into Ithaca, it was on Mohawk..... yikes.

WonderlandPark Apr 10, 2006 12:46 AM

Mohawk still exists? No way. Did they ever lenghthen the airport runway?

donybrx Apr 10, 2006 12:59 AM

^^^^Only on someone's I don't have a clue....Ex-Ithacan is our man in the know.....

Ex-Ithacan Apr 10, 2006 9:35 AM

The runway was lengthened a bit, but it still doesn't generate enough traffic for any big jets. There are actually 2 airlines: US Air and Northwest (both going bankrupt?:rolleyes: ). Funny you should mention Mohawk, my Uncle use to work for them many years ago. That airline was merges with others and eventually became US Air.

Ex-Ithacan Apr 10, 2006 12:10 PM

Speaking of the airport, it's hard to find pics, but here's a few:

aerial with airport to left (this is an old pic);

aerial with the airport in upper half

inside the terminal


whit_x Apr 10, 2006 11:46 PM

2 for now
But the next time that Northwest cuts back, Ithaca will be the first to go, just like with Continential on their multiple attempts to serve the Ithaca area. I still thought that Ithaca, Elmira, and Binghamton should have combined into one big airport that would have actual service.

Ex-Ithacan Apr 11, 2006 11:27 AM

I read that Northwest is actually doing better than expected on the Ithaca routes. Who knows, maybe someone else might get interested too. I think the 3 cities joining to make one airport would have been feasable some time ago, but there's a lot of infrastructure in place for the 3 cities and their airports, and building one from scratch might be cost prohibitive. Not sure all three together could generate enough money for a whole new airport. Besides, there's a lot of local pride involved too.

Ex-Ithacan Apr 11, 2006 11:32 AM

Here's a possibilty I think you're going to hope for whit:

And good ole Gary Ferguson letting us know downtown's gonna be OK. I love that guy's positive outlook.


whit_x Apr 12, 2006 12:04 AM

They got smart
Ithaca isn't growing fast enough to support 2 12 to 14 screen mainstream first run theaters. Now if this works out, maybe they can turn Fall Creek into a dollar theater and expand the gym in Center Ithaca inth the Cinemopolis location.

whit_x Apr 12, 2006 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by Ex-Ithacan
I read that Northwest is actually doing better than expected on the Ithaca routes. Who knows, maybe someone else might get interested too. I think the 3 cities joining to make one airport would have been feasable some time ago, but there's a lot of infrastructure in place for the 3 cities and their airports, and building one from scratch might be cost prohibitive. Not sure all three together could generate enough money for a whole new airport. Besides, there's a lot of local pride involved too.

There was s study back in the 70's about this and occassionally it's brought up, but you're right, since Ithaca got a new terminal and both Binghamton and ELmira renovated their terminals in the 90's it's gonna be a while, plus you're right about the egos involved.

Ex-Ithacan Apr 12, 2006 9:49 AM


Originally Posted by whit_x
Ithaca isn't growing fast enough to support 2 12 to 14 screen mainstream first run theaters. Now if this works out, maybe they can turn Fall Creek into a dollar theater and expand the gym in Center Ithaca inth the Cinemopolis location.

Works for me, but I hope it won't affect the tax abatements for the project. If it does, there could be a problem since a moritorium has been set on any tax abatements for the next 6 months. And you know in Ithaca development is 3 steps forward and 2 back.:rolleyes:

Ex-Ithacan Apr 12, 2006 10:05 AM

Sad news for an Ithaca neighbor. The city od Cortland (the other half of the Ithaca/Cortlan MSA) lost an historic landmark building to fire yesterday. Here's an article with pics:

The only pic of the building I could find from my collection isn't that great:

I hate it when old gems like this are destroyed.:(

whit_x Apr 12, 2006 9:48 PM


Originally Posted by Ex-Ithacan
Sad news for an Ithaca neighbor. The city od Cortland (the other half of the Ithaca/Cortlan MSA) lost an historic landmark building to fire yesterday. Here's an article with pics:

The only pic of the building I could find from my collection isn't that great:

I hate it when old gems like this are destroyed.:(

I think there used to be a decent pizza place in that building, although I could be wrong.

Ex-Ithacan Apr 12, 2006 10:54 PM

^ I think you're right.

Ex-Ithacan Apr 13, 2006 11:10 AM

I hope a nice rendering of this building comes out soon:

Ex-Ithacan Apr 14, 2006 11:33 AM

I'm getting concerned about the next phase of the Cayuga Green project:


whit_x Apr 15, 2006 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by Ex-Ithacan
I'm getting concerned about the next phase of the Cayuga Green project:


Holy S*%^, a bunch of politicians write a document in such a way that covers their butts if anything changes about the project. In living in Florida I'm used to the politicians not realizing what they signed until it's too late. Still, I think that this will get worked out. At the end of the day, here's what probably will happen. The developer will still get part of their money (for the apartments) The money that was going for the theaters will be used to buy out the operator of Fall Creek and Cinemopolis. The space that would have been for the 12 screen theater will be a 6 screen art theater with 3 good restauarants and a little more retail. Fall Creek becomes a dollar theater and the health club at Center Ithaca expands into the Cinemopolis space pretty easliy.

Ex-Ithacan Apr 15, 2006 12:59 PM

^ Nice scenario, but don't forget we're dealing with the folks in Ithaca. Could end up a People's Park taking up 10 parking spaces and designate the rest a no development zone. ;) :rolleyes:

whit_x Apr 15, 2006 3:26 PM

True, but
Even they want something built downtown, It's just that they don't want to pay for it. Something will be built there. It might take 20 years and Cornell will wind up with a large part of it, but it something will be built.

Ex-Ithacan Apr 15, 2006 5:14 PM

whit, we can only hope.

Ex-Ithacan Apr 18, 2006 10:35 AM

Once again the voices of unreason are taking over the Ithaca density issue:

And another article about affordable housing in the Ithaca area (leads me to believe the city/county should be a lot bigger population wise if only housing were more affordable)

whit_x Apr 18, 2006 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by Ex-Ithacan
Once again the voices of unreason are taking over the Ithaca density issue:

The one person had a good point. With all of the hype about downtown redevelopment, you would think thate would be a maket for someone or someones to buy some of the buildings on the Commons and gut and modernize the upper floors. Yet all anyone wants to do is build new.


And another article about affordable housing in the Ithaca area (leads me to believe the city/county should be a lot bigger population wise if only housing were more affordable)
That's the case everywhere, not just in Ithaca. It's a little more extreme there than in other areas in Upstate because Cornell's student population throws the pricing out of kilter inside the city.

whit_x Apr 20, 2006 12:23 AM

The coffee wars is about to hit Ithaca as Starbucks prepares to open its first local store. The Ithaca Times discusses this in relationship to how this will affect local chain Gimme Coffee

Ex-Ithacan Apr 20, 2006 11:43 AM

^Yeah, this could be a good "battle" to watch. Gimmee is so Ithaca, touchy & feelie, gotta love it. Thanks whit.

Ex-Ithacan Apr 21, 2006 6:41 PM

Not good news on the housing front for regular folks in the Ithaca area:

whit_x Apr 22, 2006 2:27 AM

About your last oist, Ex-Ithacan, This is especially needed because with gas at $3 a gallon with no end in sight for the price going up, the same people that can't afford a place in Tompkins County or especially in the City or Town of Ithaca are going to be even more hamstrung. The problem is, as mentioned here before, that the student housing market skews prices up, especially in desirable areas such as near Cornell. Also, with the only affordable housing being built being mobile homes, the choices are even more limited, since very few places close in are zoned for mobile homes, those that exist are at or very near capacity, such as in Varna or down at Nate's Floral Estates, and cities have no desire to zone property for mobile homes because of Nimbyism, low return on their investment for infrastructure and schools, and asthetics.

Ex-Ithacan Apr 22, 2006 10:45 PM

I think mobile homes are gonna be a tough sell anywhere in the city or town of Ithaca. I know there's been some recent developments in the town for mixed income housing developments near transit stops. Perhaps some mixed income stuff in the city (on transit loops) of a hi-rise variety is a possibilty. I think this could work well in the west end or northside as long as it doesn't degenerate into another set of projects (section 8). Just a pipe-dream of mine, but what the heck.

whit_x Apr 23, 2006 11:28 AM

I'd love to see this stuff being built too, edspecially in Fall Creek or in the Southside, but even then, what's considered affordable is targeted at a price point that developers are leery to build at, and as amazing as it sounds for such a touchy-feely place like Ithaca, there's no inclusionary housing ordinance on the books. Even with one on the books (notwithstanding the legal challenges) the amount of housing a project has to have to kick in this provision in a place like Ithaca would create maybe 5 to 10 affordable homes per year.

Ex-Ithacan Apr 24, 2006 3:34 PM

Interesting article about Rod Serling:

Ex-Ithacan Apr 26, 2006 9:58 AM

Looks like there's going to be more retail going in along the Elmira road corridor. kind of strip mall sprawly, but at least it's within the city limits, so the taxes will help, and no green space wasted in the burbs.


Ex-Ithacan Apr 28, 2006 10:33 AM

The only "development" type of info I've found recently has to do with the expansion/merchandise change in a downtown store. Maybe the hippies in Ithaca are starting to fade a bit:

And nothing to do with development, but here's a legal matter involving a local landlord(perv).

Ex-Ithacan Apr 28, 2006 12:15 PM

Just a pic I found on the net. A cranky old bar in downtown Ithaca, and someone must have been a bad boy (or maybe it was the dirty pants;) ).

Ex-Ithacan Apr 29, 2006 11:13 PM

Here's a quick article about the closing of a downtown parking garage. Not sure I'd want to park on the surface lot underneath the garage :rolleyes:


whit_x Apr 30, 2006 12:25 PM

More praise for TC3. It's been named the number one digital community college

whit_x Apr 30, 2006 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by Ex-Ithacan
Just a pic I found on the net. A cranky old bar in downtown Ithaca, and someone must have been a bad boy (or maybe it was the dirty pants;) ).

What a place. Townie bar downstairs, upstairs a small club frequesnted by IC students.

Ex-Ithacan Apr 30, 2006 1:51 PM

^ LOL, yeah it's a one-of-a-kind in some respects.

Good find on the TC3 article. I graduated from there in '77. The Dryden campus was still fairly new. Good foundation for a continuing education. Thanks whit.

themaguffin May 1, 2006 2:27 PM


themaguffin May 1, 2006 5:43 PM


Ex-Ithacan May 2, 2006 11:24 AM

Here's a negative oped to the downtown density policy in Ithaca, gee thanks guys.

Ex-Ithacan May 5, 2006 3:37 PM

This is certainly not positive news, but there's been a rash of stabbings in ithaca this week. I wasn't too worried about it, but the latest one happened a block from my brother's apartment building, and 2 of the guys arrested live a block from him. I'm afraid there's been too much "gang" type stuff going on. It's not the little town I grew up in anymore.


whit_x May 6, 2006 12:23 PM

I don't think it's as bad as some make it out to be
If you don't piss people off at the bar, you and your buddies won't have a reason to retaliate against them. Still, there's always some underlying tension there, whether it be drugs, idiots, or racially motivated crime involving some yahoo from Brooktondale or Enfield.

Ex-Ithacan May 6, 2006 2:05 PM

I know Ithaca was never perfect (crime-wise), but it seems to have gotten a lot more violent over the last 15 years or so. Sad stuff. It may be called enlightened, but that could be a stretch for the reality of the city.

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