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Large Cat Aug 31, 2015 11:50 PM

I have a few pitifully noobish questions:

1) How soon could this conceivably start construction? (demolition?)

2) Is there a development proposed for the parkade on Cordova?


trofirhen Sep 1, 2015 1:58 AM

Nice enough building. Let's get on with it, shall we?

LeftCoaster Sep 4, 2015 9:42 PM


Originally Posted by officedweller (Post 7148879)

Now they just need to tear down the PriceWaterhouse Building
and replace it with another tower with a tall lobby area to create a sightline to the CP Station
(maybe that's the eventual plan?)

?? It's only 15 years old and gets among the highest rents in the city.

And sighlines to the station from where?


Originally Posted by Large Cat (Post 7149102)
I have a few pitifully noobish questions:

1) How soon could this conceivably start construction? (demolition?)

2) Is there a development proposed for the parkade on Cordova?


1: It will liely start construction in Q4 2015 or Q1 2016

2: Yes. 320 Granville St is proposed for that site. A ~25 storey office tower proposed by Greg Kerfoot (Who likely doesn't have the capital or team to build it) and will either partner or sell the site.

osirisboy Sep 4, 2015 9:48 PM

Maybe he meant the grant Thornton tower

trofirhen Sep 4, 2015 9:52 PM


Originally Posted by osirisboy (Post 7153820)
Maybe he meant the grant Thornton tower

Which one is that, please? Do you have the address? I can find it on Google that way (and the Web, of course). Thank you. :)

officedweller Sep 4, 2015 10:11 PM

Yes, the Grant Thornton Tower. It was originally called the Price Waterhouse Building (before merger with Coopers Lybrand to form PriceWaterhouseCoopers).

LeftCoaster Sep 4, 2015 10:12 PM

^ Try google, it's surprisingly effective.

And ya that would make more sense, must have been what he meant.

trofirhen Sep 4, 2015 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by officedweller (Post 7153847)
Yes, the Grant Thortnon Tower. It was originally called the Price Waterhouse Building (before merger with Coopers Lybrand to form PriceWaterhouseCoopers).

And it has sort of an open domed "garden? Smallish; dark glass and stainless steel trimming, a bit sci-fi perhaps as a building?

officedweller Sep 4, 2015 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by trofirhen (Post 7153851)
And it has sort of an open domed "garden? Smallish; dark glass and stainless steel trimming, a bit sci-fi perhaps as a building?

The dome on the roof of the tower was supposed to light up as a beacon, but the City nixed that idea.
The building was very sci-fi.

Bcasey25raptor Sep 5, 2015 12:45 AM

This building looks amazing. Build it.

red-paladin Sep 5, 2015 5:48 AM


Originally Posted by Bcasey25raptor (Post 7153984)
This building looks amazing. Build it.


retro_orange Sep 5, 2015 9:55 AM


Originally Posted by officedweller (Post 7153869)
The dome on the roof of the tower was supposed to light up as a beacon, but the City nixed that idea.
The building was very sci-fi.

I seem to be one of the few who likes the PWC Grant T. building. I'll admit it was dated by the time it was built, it's still a neat building. The 80's did not reap many good pieces of architecture for this city, it's one of the better. :shrug: I do wish they built it about twice as big as it is now, its gonna be dwarfed once this sharp new tower is its neighbor. I am glad to see the underutilized plaza gone, it was dingy.

red-paladin Sep 5, 2015 6:50 PM

I don't mind it at all. Everyone complains about variety, and even though the style is 'cheesy' to most people, it was well pulled off.

trofirhen Sep 5, 2015 8:38 PM


Originally Posted by red-paladin (Post 7154371)
I don't mind it at all. Everyone complains about variety, and even though the style is 'cheesy' to most people, it was well pulled off.

What does "cheesy" mean, in the design context? I know it's kind of pejorative, and I hear it often mentioned on SSP Vancouver, but not sure precisely. Thanks.

osirisboy Sep 5, 2015 9:43 PM

Tacky, cheap

mcminsen Sep 6, 2015 2:20 AM

-trying too hard

There are various offerings of definitions of cheesy on Urban Dictionary but I found this one the most interesting as it gets into the etymology of the word.


Low quality, cheap, inauthentic, crappy; fake. From cheese cloth, the thin cheap fabric used to drain cheese curd, and in the past sometimes used instead for proper cloth in cheap clothing.
(While feeling the fabric of a shirt on the rack) "This one feels a little cheesy." Hence any low-grade or fake product, tangible or not, offered to the public.

by TedC on Urban Dictionary

trofirhen Sep 6, 2015 1:04 PM

cheesy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Thank you both for your assistance. (I wonder what the 'cheesiest' designs in Vancouver would be):rolleyes:

red-paladin Sep 6, 2015 3:01 PM

It would be outside the scope of this thread!

I love how this project will have as much plaza space as before.

trofirhen Sep 6, 2015 5:00 PM


Originally Posted by red-paladin (Post 7154791)
It would be outside the scope of this thread!

I love how this project will have as much plaza space as before.

Good reasoning about the scope of the thread!

Yes, I think 601 is worth going for, too. Have the negotiations been completed? Is there a tentative start date, or not?
The Hastings "canyon," though not too tall, needs to be enhanced, IMO, and 601 will be a cornerstone of that.

(I'd love to see the other half of that old Royal Bank tower added! Too bad the space is occupied....)

phesto Dec 16, 2015 5:50 PM

Hearing that demo work will begin on this one early in the new year and it will be full-steam ahead from there.

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