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hrivas Feb 2, 2012 2:08 AM

anybody want to contribute ideas for phoenix?

Phxguy Feb 2, 2012 4:18 AM

Well, I submitted my idea... currently awaiting for anything to show up.

Phxguy Feb 2, 2012 10:23 PM

Just a tourist video for Phoenix, thoughts?

HX_Guy Feb 2, 2012 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by Phxguy (Post 5574933)

Just a tourist video for Phoenix, thoughts?

Go to bustling downtown Phoenix and see the great shops and restaurants? Hmm. :shrug: Ok restaurants yes...but bustling and shops?

HooverDam Feb 3, 2012 1:05 AM

When they mention the downtown as bustling and shops and restaurants they the show two people walking in a government plaza. Thrilling.

nickw252 Feb 3, 2012 2:16 AM

Increasing Density and Diversity Likely to Make Western States More Blue
Here is a great article on how urbanization is changing the demographics and politics of western states like Arizona. Best of all, the picture used is on Central Avenue in Phoenix with the light-rail in the background. :banana:


The geography of American politics is shifting, and this is especially true in the Mountain West. These six states – Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah – are undergoing changes large and small as they rearrange their political representation in response to the latest Census figures. As they redistrict their state legislatures and reapportion federal representatives, the new political boundaries being formed in these states are largely the result of two trends: increasing demographic diversity and a growth in urban populations.

A new report from the Brookings Institution digs into these shifts to understand how populations are changing and how these changes will likely affect the outcomes of future political races. Author David F. Damore writes that in these six states, the boundaries are being reshaped by high rates of population growth, the geographic concentration of that growth in urban areas and the growing number of minority residents there. As a result, Democrats are likely to see more votes in many parts of these states – in both federal and state legislative races.

The region is home to the four states that experienced the largest percent population increases in the country between 2000 and 2010 – Nevada by 35.1 percent; Arizona by 24.6 percent; Utah by 23.8 percent; and Idaho by 21.1 percent. This growth has brought three new U.S. House of Representative seats to the region in Arizona, Nevada and Utah. Beginning with the 2012 election, the Mountain West will have 29 U.S. House seats and 41 Electoral College votes. This growth has gradually turned the region more Democratic, especially in Colorado, Nevada, and New Mexico, and to a lesser degree in Arizona.

Damore finds that much of this shift to the blue side of the spectrum is due to the heavy concentration of new growth in the urban areas of these six states and, not unrelated, their increasing minority populations.

The largest metro areas in four of these six states saw increases in their populations between 2000 and 2010.

The Las Vegas metro area, for example, is now home to three out of four Nevadans. The state’s minority population also increased by about 11 percent between censuses, bringing the non-white population to nearly 45 percent. Two-thirds of Arizonans live in the Phoenix metro area. Arizona’s minority population also increased from 36.2 percent in 2000 to 42.2 percent in 2010. The Albuquerque metro area now houses about 44 percent of New Mexicans. Nearly 40 percent of all Idahoans live in the Boise metro area.

Only Denver and Salt Lake City saw their metro populations dip in the 2010 Census. But both are still significant population centers. Metropolitan Denver is home to more than half of all Colorado residents, and metropolitan Salt Lake City is home to about 41 percent of all Utahns.

These shifts have both national and state-level implications. But as Damore writes, the ways these shifting concentrations and demographics play out in each state’s reapportionment and redistricting vary.


[M]apmakers across the region are afforded different degrees of latitude in how they go about doing their work. For instance, in Nevada and New Mexico, the residency of incumbents can be considered, while Idaho forbids it. Idaho allows for twice as much inter district population variation for state legislative districts as Colorado and New Mexico, and Idaho only allows state legislative districts to cross county lines if the counties are linked by a highway. Arizona and Idaho mandate that two lower chamber districts be nested within the boundaries of a state senate seat, while Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah do not. Nevada also allows for multi-member member state legislative districts. Lastly, Arizona’s redistricting plans must be pre-cleared by the U.S. Department of Justice. While Arizona is the only state in the region subject to preclearance, protection of minority voting rights also has been a point of contention in prior redistricting cycles in New Mexico.

…The mix of small chambers, increased urbanization, and large geographic spaces means very large and increasingly, fewer and fewer stand-alone rural districts.
And though demographics are major drivers of political boundaries, much of the political reshaping of districts happens in the courts. In each of the Mountain West states, the two factors of politics and demographics combine in a variety of ways to reshape upcoming elections.

Arizona: The last redistricting effort heavily skewed votes toward Republican candidates, filling two-thirds of the state legislature with Republicans, despite having only slightly more registered Republican voters in the state. A similar move this time is less likely, writes Damore, but rural districts are likely to be consolidated or eliminated, giving Democrats a slight advantage urban areas. Damore predicts that Arizona will become the region’s fourth swing state in the near future.

Colorado: The state Supreme Court has upheld a redistricting map favored by the Democrats that keeps two safely Republican districts, one safely Democratic district and four districts where neither party has more than a 4 percent advantage. These four will likely create interesting elections in the coming years. In the state legislature, the state supreme court has upheld a set of maps widely seen to favor democrats.

Idaho: With a Republican-dominated political scene, Idaho’s redistricting was more about spatial issues than partisan ones. Damore calls them a “regional anomaly” because they both benefit the GOP but also are more urban than previous boundaries. More Republicans were pulled into formerly Democrat-heavy state legislative districts, while one of its House districts was dramatically reshaped to lose 50,000 people.

Nevada: The growth of Nevada and the urbanization of its population has heavily shifted political representation to the metropolitan Las Vegas area. Damore notes that of the 63 seats in the state legislature, 47 are either partially or completely located in Clark County, which is a democratic stronghold in a Red state shifting Blue.

New Mexico: Redistricting is still being ironed out in the courts right now, but because much of New Mexico’s growth over the past decade has been in Democratic Albuquerque and its suburbs, the new maps are likely to favor Democrats in the state legislature and in its three House seats.

Utah: Still heavily Republican, Utah’s politicians have remapped the four U.S. House districts to split up the largely Democratic urban center of Salt Lake City. In the clearest case of gerrymandering, each district will include parts of the urban center, but more of the rural fringe, favoring the Republicans. The state legislature tips the same way.

Overall, the trend is a decreasing rural influence, which tends to translate into a decreasing Republican influence. But as Damore notes, the region is home to a large number of nonpartisan voters, which will create a level of political uncertainty in upcoming elections, despite a growing urban influence. At least three states – Colorado, Nevada and New Mexico – can be expected to lean Democratic in the 2012 presidential election, and there’s a small chance that Arizona’s shifts may turn it blue this year. Idaho and Utah aren’t likely to swing in this election cycle, but as the demographics and concentration of voters change, the political geographies of these states could begin to shift as their neighbors in the Mountain West already have.
The Atlantic Cities

mwadswor Feb 4, 2012 12:08 AM


Supreme Court to hear Arizona immigration case April 25

by Michael Kiefer - Feb. 3, 2012 12:40 PM

The United States Supreme Court on Friday set an April 25 date for oral argument on Arizona's immigration law, Senate Bill 1070.

The high court announced in December that it would hear the case, but did not set a date.

The U.S. Department of Justice challenged the law before it went into effect in 2010, and a U.S. District Court judge in Phoenix imposed an injunction preventing several portions of the law from going into effect. The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the injunction, and Gov. Jan Brewer petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court.

I'm too lazy to dig up one of the immigration threads, so this is going here :) .

Whichever way the Supreme Court rules, this is going to be interesting. Unless they find a way to wimp out and skip the real issue like they did with the GPS case.

Phxguy Feb 7, 2012 5:43 AM

Everybody should start contributing their ideas over at as someone stated earlier. I've submitted two ideas!

HooverDam Feb 7, 2012 5:06 PM

Speaking of ideas to help things out in PHX, check out this:

You can 'vote' to try to promote the Historic 1st Baptist Church be redeveloped. I doubt it does much of anything to vote, but I just thought the interior photos were cool, I hadn't seen inside there.

EDIT: Oh looks like the Tovrea Castle is on there too:

I've never seen some of those images, of the dilapidated nearby buildings and such. I wonder how possible it would be to ever go back to the original vision and have the place as a boutique hotel. I guess pretty low now since the area is pretty rough and the nearest destination is Le Girls...but having it just as a place to tour and not much else doesn't seem like the maximum possible use.

HX_Guy Feb 9, 2012 10:53 PM

You know how we complain about how so much of Phoenix's history has been razed?

Well...could be a lot worse I guess. This is Timisoara, Romania...where my wife is from...


The high school my wife went to...

Now... :(

nickw252 Feb 10, 2012 1:30 AM

whoa... just whoa.

dtnphx Feb 10, 2012 5:11 PM

I almost shat myself when I saw that first pic. I thought that was in Phoenix. Whew!

HX_Guy Feb 11, 2012 7:03 AM

Ran across a great site tonight with historic Phoenix area buildings...

Leo the Dog Feb 13, 2012 5:06 PM


Originally Posted by HX_Guy (Post 5586755)
Ran across a great site tonight with historic Phoenix area buildings...

Great find! Very interesting.

PHX31 Feb 17, 2012 8:21 PM

I know I've seen this before on this site, or maybe it is someone's avatar... anyone here Jason Hill?
Jason Hill

nickw252 Feb 18, 2012 2:15 AM

He did a series of 3 color screenprints here:

HooverDam Mar 11, 2012 6:55 AM

As of this afternoon, I am back in Phoenix- hooray!

combusean Mar 11, 2012 11:51 AM

As of this evening, I was just fined $90 for crossing the light rail tracks in Tempe by a private security guard.

Hoover, can I have what you're on? Arizona's ugly police state money-grabs are really pissing me off right now.

vid Mar 11, 2012 1:42 PM

Coming to this coffee talk depresses me because you guys are all more mature than those of us in the Midwest coffee talk. :(

Vicelord John Mar 11, 2012 2:49 PM


Originally Posted by combusean (Post 5622997)
As of this evening, I was just fined $90 for crossing the light rail tracks in Tempe by a private security guard.

Hoover, can I have what you're on? Arizona's ugly police state money-grabs are really pissing me off right now.

how did he know who you are?

HooverDam Mar 11, 2012 3:26 PM


Originally Posted by combusean (Post 5622997)
As of this evening, I was just fined $90 for crossing the light rail tracks in Tempe by a private security guard.

Hoover, can I have what you're on? Arizona's ugly police state money-grabs are really pissing me off right now.

That crap seems to happen everywhere. I got a ticket in St Louis on my drive West for doing a California Stop at a stop sign that was a pedestrian crosswalk and there were no people in sight.

Tempe_Duck Mar 11, 2012 6:14 PM


NIXPHX77 Mar 12, 2012 1:08 AM

Welcome back to Phoenix, HooverDam!

mgmAZCO Mar 19, 2012 6:44 PM

Have noticed a VW ad that's running nationally that was shot in Phoenix. Cool shot of Luhrs buildings at the end of the ad. It's a short spot, but the city looks nice!

combusean Mar 19, 2012 7:44 PM

^ I saw that last night! :D Looks good. I thought it was just the end scene that was shot in Phoenix but they really got it all (you can also see the Public Transit Building as they're going north and I think the Phoenix HR building/AT&T switching office in another scene, as well as the Bankrupty Court and O'Connor Courthouse). They really made the city look good--I thought it was somewhere in Europe first with the "City Parking" sign. Thanks for the youtube link mgm.

mgmAZCO Mar 19, 2012 8:53 PM

You're welcome man! Glad to see they showcased a more urban Phoenix, rather than shots of cacti and mountains...nice change of pace anyway.

scottkag Mar 20, 2012 7:59 PM


Originally Posted by mgmAZCO (Post 5633115)
Have noticed a VW ad that's running nationally that was shot in Phoenix. Cool shot of Luhrs buildings at the end of the ad. It's a short spot, but the city looks nice!

LOL, last month I drove through the middle of them filming that near 3rd ave and Washington.

mwadswor Mar 22, 2012 4:21 AM

Cool. I think I saw them filming that around the Luhrs Building last month. I was so confused wondering what they were doing, but now it makes sense.

My only quibble is that we just finished the gorgeous new south court tower, and I didn't see it in there.

Leo the Dog Mar 24, 2012 2:28 AM


Originally Posted by mgmAZCO (Post 5633115)
Have noticed a VW ad that's running nationally that was shot in Phoenix. Cool shot of Luhrs buildings at the end of the ad. It's a short spot, but the city looks nice!

Are you sure it's running across the nation? I haven't seen it here in CA, but then again, I don't watch a whole lotta TV. I do see car commercials that feature local SD scenes quite a bit though.

combusean Mar 24, 2012 10:21 AM

^ I'm pretty sure it's national. I was watching whatever national network it was on satellite tv with my brother when I saw it air.

NIXPHX77 Mar 26, 2012 4:54 AM

There also was a Circle K commercial (promoting cold drinks there?) that showed the Luhrs buildings last summer.
I just saw it again this week, so they must have started re-using it. (guy and a dog in a car, it's very hot out, dog walks away on 2 legs.)

mgmAZCO Mar 26, 2012 2:08 PM

Yeah the VW ad is national, I live in Denver and it's been airing a lot here.

Phxguy Mar 29, 2012 2:37 AM

As I am technologically retarded with posting pictures, here are some cool shots from above. Taken in Feburary.

plinko Mar 29, 2012 4:35 AM

You need to get those up on the forum. Really nice!

HX_Guy Mar 29, 2012 5:06 AM


Originally Posted by Phxguy (Post 5645477)
As I am technologically retarded with posting pictures, here are some cool shots from above. Taken in Feburary.

Wow those are great!

HooverDam Mar 30, 2012 11:09 PM

^Nice pictures, Downtown is starting to fill out.

On a personal note, my girlfriend and my application was accepted and we'll be moving into a duplex in Willo on Coronado- hooray! She grew up in suburban PHX and hated it, so Im hoping living in one of the cities most charming historic districts will change her heart on what the Valley has to offer.

Vicelord John Mar 30, 2012 11:12 PM

nice pics, howd you score the heli ride?

nickw252 Mar 31, 2012 6:19 AM


Originally Posted by HooverDam (Post 5648125)
^Nice pictures, Downtown is starting to fill out.

On a personal note, my girlfriend and my application was accepted and we'll be moving into a duplex in Willo on Coronado- hooray! She grew up in suburban PHX and hated it, so Im hoping living in one of the cities most charming historic districts will change her heart on what the Valley has to offer.

Welcome to the 'hood, I'm just on the other side of 7th by Coronado :cheers:

Phxguy Mar 31, 2012 4:19 PM

Should've said this when I posted them, but these aren't my pictures. They're Michelle Humphrey's. I'm too cool for helicopters anyways.:rolleyes:

Syndic Apr 1, 2012 1:44 AM

As a one-time Phoenix resident I feel at liberty to say that Phoenix has the worst downtown of any city its size in America. Maybe even the world. It's airy and suburban-looking and old. I blame your city government. They seriously need better vision and motivation.

Density, density, density, people. Look at Denver. They're way ahead of Phoenix.

Suburbs are gross! C'mon, guys.

Vicelord John Apr 1, 2012 2:38 AM


Originally Posted by Syndic (Post 5649358)
As a one-time Phoenix resident I feel at liberty to say that Phoenix has the worst downtown of any city its size in America. Maybe even the world. It's airy and suburban-looking and old. I blame your city government. They seriously need better vision and motivation.

Density, density, density, people. Look at Denver. They're way ahead of Phoenix.

Suburbs are gross! C'mon, guys.

We really appreciate your purely negative comments.

May god have mercy on your soul after you (hopefully) go kill yourself.

Leo the Dog Apr 1, 2012 2:45 AM


Originally Posted by Syndic (Post 5649358)
As a one-time Phoenix resident I feel at liberty to say that Phoenix has the worst downtown of any city its size in America. Maybe even the world. It's airy and suburban-looking and old. I blame your city government. They seriously need better vision and motivation.

Density, density, density, people. Look at Denver. They're way ahead of Phoenix.

Suburbs are gross! C'mon, guys.

This coming from a Texan resident, need I say more?!

Syndic Apr 1, 2012 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by Leo the Dog (Post 5649411)
This coming from a Texan resident, need I say more?!

An Austin resident. People aren't moving here in droves for no reason.

I just read someone on here talking about the death of the "housing boom" as if it was a bad thing. Isn't "housing boom" just another word for building acres upon acres of putrid suburban garbage? The death of the housing boom is the best thing that ever happened to America. James Howard Kunstler calls suburbia "the biggest misallocation of resources in the history of the world".

Anyway, it didn't die. It just changed forms. It turned into a demand for urban living. But the people (in charge) in Phoenix apparently haven't caught on. Maybe because all the people voting for them are older snowbirds who think the suburbs are this wonderful paradise.

SunDevil Apr 1, 2012 7:09 PM


Originally Posted by Syndic (Post 5649358)
As a one-time Phoenix resident I feel at liberty to say that Phoenix has the worst downtown of any city its size in America. Maybe even the world. It's airy and suburban-looking and old. I blame your city government. They seriously need better vision and motivation.

Density, density, density, people. Look at Denver. They're way ahead of Phoenix.

Suburbs are gross! C'mon, guys.

You mean Denver, which had around 300,000 people in 1930 when Phoenix had around 60,000 is "way ahead"? I AM SHOCKED!

Vicelord John Apr 1, 2012 7:13 PM

why is this guy even garnering responses? He's an obvious troll who came out of nowhere to talk shit. He has some growing up to do, and should probably just kill himself now, before it's too late.

SunDevil Apr 1, 2012 7:17 PM

Some one should also remind him that Austin is, in fact, in Texas which makes him a Texan.

azliam Apr 1, 2012 7:41 PM


Originally Posted by Syndic (Post 5649640)
An Austin resident. People aren't moving here in droves for no reason.

I just read someone on here talking about the death of the "housing boom" as if it was a bad thing. Isn't "housing boom" just another word for building acres upon acres of putrid suburban garbage? The death of the housing boom is the best thing that ever happened to America. James Howard Kunstler calls suburbia "the biggest misallocation of resources in the history of the world".

Anyway, it didn't die. It just changed forms. It turned into a demand for urban living. But the people (in charge) in Phoenix apparently haven't caught on. Maybe because all the people voting for them are older snowbirds who think the suburbs are this wonderful paradise.

Despite the fact that people are moving to Austin, it is merely a former shell of itself personality-wise (I used to live there). It's as though people caught on to how hip Austin was, only 20 years too late. I imagine you are one of those.

Syndic Apr 2, 2012 7:14 AM

Pretty sure I was born here. And Austin has improved, in my opinion. This is what we envision it looking like in 2030:

Don't get defensive. Just take the criticism to heart and realize Phoenix needs a lot of work. "Housing booms" and suburbia are not the answer. Need to work on downtown.

Vicelord John Apr 2, 2012 7:16 AM

Why even bother criticizing? You came out of nowhere and started ranting.

You're a troll

hrivas Apr 2, 2012 8:59 AM


Originally Posted by Syndic (Post 5649358)
As a one-time Phoenix resident I feel at liberty to say that Phoenix has the worst downtown of any city its size in America. Maybe even the world. It's airy and suburban-looking and old. I blame your city government. They seriously need better vision and motivation.

Density, density, density, people. Look at Denver. They're way ahead of Phoenix.

Suburbs are gross! C'mon, guys.


I just read someone on here talking about the death of the "housing boom" as if it was a bad thing. Isn't "housing boom" just another word for building acres upon acres of putrid suburban garbage? The death of the housing boom is the best thing that ever happened to America. James Howard Kunstler calls suburbia "the biggest misallocation of resources in the history of the world".

Anyway, it didn't die. It just changed forms. It turned into a demand for urban living. But the people (in charge) in Phoenix apparently haven't caught on. Maybe because all the people voting for them are older snowbirds who think the suburbs are this wonderful paradise.
suburbs are gross.
your enlightening criticism is, i am sure, taken to heart by everyone on this forum.

do you really think that any of us aren't aware of anything you have pointed out? really? phoenix is nowhere near ideal but there are some great people here doing some great things to improve it.

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