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Scott Charles Apr 29, 2018 10:08 PM

Zooming around the full-sized image that Hoss posted, I think I recognize almost everything, but... what is that hilltop building on the northwest corner of First and Hill? I wasn't aware of there ever being a building up there...

Lomara Apr 29, 2018 10:09 PM

Rancho Los Amigos/Los Angeles County Poor Farm

Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 8169525)

Surprisingly, Patton was the only insane asylum in ALL of Southern California in 1913. (there were four in the rest of the state)
If that was the case, Downey was only considered a poor farm in 1913. (established as such in 1888)
So was it the L.A. County Poor Farm in Downey (later renamed Rancho Los Amigos*), that primarily picked up the slack for the mentally ill after 1913?

*"Rancho Los Amigos is erroneously known as the "Hollydale Mental Hospital" from LOOK INSIDE DOWNEYS CREEPY ABANDONED ASYLUM

sidenote: (Camarillo State Mental Hospital did not open until 1936)

At last, someone else who confirms Rancho Los Amigos was never an insane asylum. I wasn't sure there was another person besides myself. Are you a unicorn, ER?

Rancho Los Amigos was primarily a treatment facility for polio victims in the early 20th century, as far as I was told when I was a kid. Later, I learned it was really the "poor farm" in its early years, as a place for the poor and other people who had no where else to go. They would earn their keep by working the land.

This KCET article states: "But the L.A. County Poor Farm, later known as Rancho Los Amigos, was an exclusive club of sorts. It was a place of refuge for the destitute, the infirm, the addicted, and the elderly. "

I grew up in a home built on the land that used to be the Los Angeles County Poor Farm. Here it is marked on a 1941 map I saw in an exhibit at the Los Angeles Public Library in 2008. by Kimberly, on Flickr

HossC Apr 29, 2018 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by Scott Charles (Post 8171471)

What is the name of that website - all of you guys use it - that only lets you see aerial images in a tiny window, then displays totally obnoxious watermarks all over the image... like this?

I made the above image in Photoshop, but that's just what it looks like - TONS of watermarks.

I couldn't find the website in my bookmarks, nor could I find it via a Google search... if one of you folks could give me the link, I'd really appreciate it! :worship:


Flyingwedge Apr 29, 2018 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by Scott Charles (Post 8171477)
Zooming around the full-sized image that Hoss posted, I think I recognize almost everything, but... what is that hilltop building on the northwest corner of First and Hill? I wasn't aware of there ever being a building up there...

That's architect Robert Brown Young's Highland Villa:


Originally Posted by tovangar2 (Post 6932823)

Another hilltop shot, this time from the south. On the left, at the northwest corner of Hill and 1st St is the brand-new, three-story, balconied Highland Villa (1886), which appears in so many photos (the Highland Villa will be sacrificed in ca 1910 for the 1st St cut and the Hill St Tunnel approach). The Bradbury Mansion is left of center. The Bixby home is across the street to the east and the little house is on the right:
c.c. pierce / full view:



Originally Posted by Scott Charles (Post 8171471)
What is the name of that website - all of you guys use it - that only lets you see aerial images in a tiny window, then displays totally obnoxious watermarks all over the image... like this?

P.S. Do you mean HistoricAerials?

HossC Apr 29, 2018 10:27 PM


Hey, FW, I was just about to answer that question about Highland Villa with some of your excellent post on that area:


Originally Posted by Flyingwedge (Post 7138479)

Here we are looking back at 1 S. Hill St., which is at the left. The hillside just behind/north of the house is where the above
two photos must have been taken. To the right of the house is the three-story Highland Villa, with First Street running
between it and the house. Above and between 1 S. Hill St. and the Highland Villa is the home of Mrs. Shepherd, subject of my
post on the First Street cut (
CHS-6717 @ USCDL --

Now we're looking SW at 1 S. Hill Street, just above the roof of the Highland Villa. This is a little better view of the hill just
behind the house where the first two photos were taken:

Lomara Apr 29, 2018 10:39 PM

Pat Smear's old house on Bundy

Originally Posted by Lwize (Post 8170887)
And Pat Smear is still with us.

He toured with Nirvana in 1993/1994.

And he's been an on again/off again member of The Foo Fighters for nearly 25 years.

A few years ago, The Foo Fighters put out an album "Sonic Highways" with a matching HBO series chronicling the making of the album. In episode 1, Pat Smear and Dave Grohl go to the location of Pat's childhood home on Bundy, just north of Pico. I jumped and excitedly photographed the TV image of the street sign because it was just a couple of blocks from my employer at the time.
2014-11-15 00.01.20 by Kimberly, on Flickr

We often walked that stretch of Bundy on our way to the local watering hole, the Arsenal.

The house was torn down and rebuilt, though, according to Pat during the episode.

Scott Charles Apr 30, 2018 3:06 AM


Originally Posted by HossC (Post 8171485)

Well, color me stupid. I even linked to historicaerials a few posts back.

In my own defense, I'm not quite that stupid - when I visited the site from my bookmarks, the page was set on "Map" (not satellite), and I only scrolled down to see how far the dates went back - so I never even saw the watermarked images.

But thank you for the answer nonetheless, Hoss!

ethereal_reality Apr 30, 2018 4:10 AM

mystery location /firehouse

I just came across this on ebay.

"1929 Rare Glossy Los Angeles Fire Department Photograph 5 Firemen Truck"

missing truck number / missing station number.


ethereal_reality Apr 30, 2018 4:39 AM

Here's another from ebay.

"Antique Mounted Photo Los Angeles California Public Library"

The seller is incorrect....

This isn't the library. It's the old Los Angeles City Hall at 266 Broadway. [1888 to 1928].

A closer look at the people. (see any relatives?)

and a closer look at the Public Library sign, the horses and the light hanging beneath the center archway.

bottom border: Putnam, 208 N. Spring St., Temple Block, Los Angeles, Cal.

odinthor Apr 30, 2018 5:02 AM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 8171709)
Here's another from ebay.

"Antique Mounted Photo Los Angeles California Public Library"

The seller is incorrect....

This isn't the library. It's the old Los Angeles City Hall at 266 Broadway. [1888 to 1928].

A closer look at the people. (see any relatives?)

and a closer look at the Public Library sign, the horses and the light hanging beneath the center archway.

bottom border: Putnam, 208 N. Spring St., Temple Block, Los Angeles, Cal.

You're absolutely right, e_r: City Hall. What there was of a library evidently was allotted some space a few floors up in City Hall. Quoth my notes, evidently from my crystal ball as I don't give a source, the Public Library, housed in "four small, dark room of the old Downey Block" (that short quote from Newmark), moved in 1888 to the third floor of the new City Hall on Fort St.

The first circulating library in L.A. was, it appears, offered by Mr. Ducommun in 1853: From the Los Angeles Star of June 25, 1853: “Circulating Library. Hereafter the Novels in the Store of the subscriber will be loaned to those desiring to read the same at a low rate. Persons taking Books from the Library will be required to deposit the amount of their value, which will be refunded upon return of the Books. C. Ducommun."

ethereal_reality Apr 30, 2018 5:10 AM

One more for tonight.

A 'mystery' location and a 'mystery' mystery.


"1949 Orig Photo BIG GAME HUNTER TROPHY ROOM Novice E Boomhower Los Angeles"


#1...Is anyone familiar with Mr. & Mrs. Novice E. Boomhower?

#2...Where did the Boomhowers live? (that game room looks like it's in a basement)

#3...Where's Mimi? (does she ever turn up?)


Scott Charles Apr 30, 2018 5:42 AM


Originally Posted by Flyingwedge (Post 8171486)
That's architect Robert Brown Young's Highland Villa:


Originally Posted by tovangar2 (Post 6932823)
Another hilltop shot, this time from the south. On the left, at the northwest corner of Hill and 1st St is the brand-new, three-story, balconied Highland Villa (1886), which appears in so many photos (the Highland Villa will be sacrificed in ca 1910 for the 1st St cut and the Hill St Tunnel approach). The Bradbury Mansion is left of center. The Bixby home is across the street to the east and the little house is on the right:
c.c. pierce / full view:

Thank you, Flyingwedge (and tovangar2) - what a fantastic photo!

First Street stops dead at the foot of the hill, and Hill Street looks like a dirt path! I went back and read tovangar2's in-depth post about the First Street cut (among other things) and learned a great deal. Thanks for writing such a detailed, informative post, tovangar!

I will admit that I never really understood this next photo, but now that I know the location of the Highland Villa, it all makes perfect sense! :)

Since we're on the topic of Hill and First, it is my understanding that the two sides of the Hill Street tunnel were built separately - the railway tunnel in 1909, and the car tunnel in 1913:

Do any photos exist of the Hill Street tunnel before the second, “car” tunnel was added?

oldstuff Apr 30, 2018 4:18 PM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 8171724)
One more for tonight.

A 'mystery' location and a 'mystery' mystery.


"1949 Orig Photo BIG GAME HUNTER TROPHY ROOM Novice E Boomhower Los Angeles"


#1...Is anyone familiar with Mr. & Mrs. Novice E. Boomhower?

#2...Where did the Boomhowers live? (that game room looks like it's in a basement)

#3...Where's Mimi? (does she ever turn up?)


Here is a little bit of history on the Boomhowers:

He was born on September 12, 1878 in Gallupville, New York, the eldest son of Frank and Katie Boomhauer. (the California death records list his date of birth as 1884) The New York State Census of 1892 lists his father’s occupation as apiarist (beekeeper).

He was married in 1902 to Daisy Lovette Ringwalt in Coshocton County, Ohio
He registered for the WWI draft and at the time was married to Daisy and living in New York. No divorce or death records for Daisy can be found.

At some point he was supposedly married to Emily Lujan (possibly also known as Mimi) . No marriage records can be found. She was born in Manhattan, NY in about 1896.

There are no other marriage records indicating a marriage to Mimi. When he registered for the draft in WWII he was living in Los Angeles and was married to Mimi. His residence is listed as 701 Nimes Road, Los Angeles. this house was originally built in 1931 according to the Los Angeles County Assessor's office. His employment address is listed as 1940 S. Main Street, Los Angeles and he is listed as self employed.

On August 27, 1949 an article in The Independent Record of Helena, Montana reported that she had been trying to sell her husband’s collection of big game trophies and the mansion in Bel Air, possibly the Nimes Road property. She had also pawned a $5000 wrist watch for $150.

On December 13, 1949, a Judge ruled that she was a missing person rather than deceased since they did not have enough evidence to prove she was dead. That article lists her deceased husband’s occupation as “floor covering inventor” and “big game hunter”.

There were some articles which indicated that she may have "secretly married ", but no concrete evidence of this can be found. She had let slip to her furrier William Marco, that she had to talk a purchase over with her present husband, so she may have remarried.

A card file for the Associated Press on Guam, on August 26, 1959 notes that her disappearance is still an open case.

An article in the Los Angeles Times in November of 1949 noted that there was a problem with inheritance under the terms of her will, which could not be put into effect until she was legally declared dead. Persons who were to inherit would be her sisters, a brother, a niece and three nephews. The money to be divided would have been about $45,000 and consisted of the house and her personal jewelry. The house was valued at $40,000 at the time. They should have waited...the house sold two years ago for over $7,800.000.

As to the big game room being in a basement, the house is built into a hillside, so the lower floors would only have windows on one side, which appears to be the case in the photos with light coming from the right. Since the fireplace is visible in the picture, the room would have been on the south end of the house overlooking slope. It is located in the hills, just west of Beverly Glen.

Couriouser and Couriouser!

odinthor Apr 30, 2018 5:14 PM

It looks as if the Boomhower mystery has not yet been solved. When last the Los Angeles Times looked into the matter in 1975, it was in connection with such missing worthies as Judge Crater and Ambrose Bierce. Here's an earlier story putting all the facts together for our reading pleasure (resized and compacted by my madd journalistic skillz to save space), plus the little paragraph from 1975:
Los Angeles Times via ProQuest via CSULB Library

Beaudry Apr 30, 2018 8:19 PM


Originally Posted by Scott Charles (Post 8171741)

Do any photos exist of the Hill Street tunnel before the second, “car” tunnel was added?

I think this is the only one I've seen, from the Times, 13 June 1910—

—and which I think we've seen before in relation to the removal of the Highland Villa.

Scott Charles Apr 30, 2018 9:21 PM


Originally Posted by Beaudry (Post 8172356)
I think this is the only one I've seen, from the Times, 13 June 1910—

—and which I think we've seen before in relation to the removal of the Highland Villa.

Simply amazing, Beaudry - thank you! :D

I had serious doubts that such a photo existed. I'm so happy to learn that I was wrong!

ethereal_reality May 1, 2018 3:32 AM

Missing Mimi still Missing
Thanks so much for the information on Mimi Boomhower oldstuff and odinthor.

As expected..the address olstuff gave us is correct.

los angeles city directory 1941

Here's an aerial.

& the view from Nimes Road.


I searched ebay again today--this time using "Boomhower" as my search word.

Lo and Behold this photograph of 701 Nimes Road turned up.

The seller also has this pleasant photograph of Mimi Boomhower


ethereal_reality May 1, 2018 5:12 AM

Did you all know odinthor has a new book out on early California?

The title is 'With My Own Eyes' by Brent C. Dickerson (<---that's him :))

there's a synopsis HERE

ScottyB May 1, 2018 6:27 AM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 8172806)
Did you all know odinthor has a new book out on early California?

The title is 'With My Own Eyes' by Brent C. Dickerson (<---that's him :))

there's a synopsis HERE

Good plug! I have hastily completed my order.

CityBoyDoug May 1, 2018 8:18 AM


Originally Posted by ScottyB (Post 8172837)
Good plug! I have hastily completed my order.

The book synopsis says there's lust in that new book.
The title is 'With My Own Eyes' by Brent C. Dickerson ..[.that's Odinthor]

A must read for sure.

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