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sdFan09 Nov 19, 2008 11:04 PM

SD Future
I see a great future with the military in San Diego but I hate the fact that they have so many bases here. Why do we need both a Marine Corps Air Station and a Naval Air Station, a Marine Corps Base, a Naval Base and an Anti-Submarine Base at Point Loma. The Navy could still be a big part of San Diego if they closed down one or two of the bases (preferably Miramar for an airport site) that take up some of the most prime real-estate in the city.

If Miramar were to be used as an Airport it would be centrally located, the neighbors couldn't complain about noise because they already have to deal with Naval Flights. Since the HSR is already supposed to go down the 15 it would be a logical stop too. We could run a trolley line up the 163(through Hillcrest/Balboa) and the 15 up to Miramesa or RB and run a trolley line/people mover from the proposed trolley line up the 5 to the airport location. Therefore the airport would be completely connected by mass transit options going in all directions and plenty of freeways.

We could then develop the current Lindbergh site, hopefully a sports arena, stadium and some mid-rise and high-rise development. The height restrictions would be gone so we could finally get some real skyscrapers. The city would also make money by selling the land at Lindbergh, Qualcomm and the Sports Arena Site. Later on, there would be lots of infill between the Lindbergh Site Development and Current Downtown which would make the Embarcadero much more walkable.

I like the idea of a canal between "Big Bay" and "Little Bay" also.

tdavis Nov 19, 2008 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by SDDTProspector (Post 3922514)
Crackertastik nailed it.....

Great vision, Like the fact that its a city, not a tourist destination/ scam.

I could see "sea world proudly presents the canals of italy in san diego", forget the fluff give me some substance, a real city......

I second that. It's nice to see someone in this city have some vision.

eburress Nov 19, 2008 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by Crackertastik (Post 3921396)
Hey, seeing as we are talking about the airport is my vision.

A forum guy here or on SSC provided a map of uptown that i built upon. (THX) So basically i built out downtown SD 2050 with a big emphasis on greenery and iconic buildings. From the 5 to the waterfront there is a lowrise avenue with green roof parks. Harbor drive is underground with park on top that goes from downtown to uptown and follow it all the way to the convention center. I expanded the convention center with my own idea. Again more greenery.

There is a ton of park space for the transition from downtown to uptown. This is filled with either open space or low rise allowing a great view corridor for the hills. Uptown is like my urban interpretation of central park. A huge park with surrounding urban density. Reverse central park. This is mostly iconic buildings and tall. Tallest of the two areas. Also i added a low to mid level building/canal design. So lots of San Antonio river walk style areas. And of course a huge open waterfront with view corridors open. Lastly, a nice opera house and arena on the bay.

from overhead...
downtown from northern tip of coronado...

Looks great...and I'm not just saying that because the "Uptown" map I made is in there!! :)

I personally see the airport area featuring more mid-rise buildings (5-15 story range), but your San Dubai vision is cool too!

Crackertastik Nov 19, 2008 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by eburress (Post 3923000)
Looks great...and I'm not just saying that because the "Uptown" map I made is in there!! :)

I personally see the airport area featuring more mid-rise buildings (5-15 story range), but your San Dubai vision is cool too!

Awesome map and overall general layout. I love it. Apologies for not asking to use it, but heck its for fun anyway. I just 3d-ized it.

I think midrises would be fine, if that meant that height would push higher and higher in the downtown area. I would be cool with that too.

kpexpress Nov 20, 2008 7:03 AM

San Dubai is not a good idea. Eclectic...what I meant by that is I think we need to think outside the box and not pick and choose from what's already been done (architecturally, not planning [meaning the canal idea is what SHOULD happen at that location]) I see a CN tower in an area where it really doesn't engage either side of your "uptown" and current downtown. While on the subject of your "downtown"....I love it! I think that this area, how you have designed it, is exactly what we need here. Dense, Tall and identifiable. I think that you could take another look at the convention center though, there is more there (potential) than how you have designed it in my opinion. The problem with your uptown area is not individual design, it is the whole concept. You must not have an area that close to downtown competing for commerce an residents. Something like that would kill the entire downtown economy and it would be a newtown (your uptown) and ghosttown (current downtown). San Diego already has enough competition with downtown, this "uptown" is the last thing we need on the waterfront. Now this is in now opposing the plan, just the intense height and focus of that area. Plus there would be literally no intercommunication done between uptown and downtown. Might as well be another city. And the congestion getting to and from the two areas. I just think that it seems like an after thought to the plan that was presented and lacks some critical thinking as to what may come about having uptown being how you have designed it. Whatever is built there should have a primary focus on the multi sports (olympic) arena, and the completely engaged by a series of canals and waterways. That would be amazing.

As far as Dubai-sing San Diego..... look at Dubai, it is as Tom Mayne put it, "an ecological disaster.." plus with all those signature buildings, there is not one that stands out (unless you build up 2600M). If they're all cool, none of them are cool. We need infill and density with some talls all located in and within our downtown. That would merit some decent transit and outerlying TODS (stadium/canal-town being one of them). Do you understand the hierarchy?

I may have been misunderstood with my comments before, but do you get my drift?

kpexpress Nov 20, 2008 7:08 AM


I also envision an iconic bridge in 2100 spanning from north coronado island to the center of the uptown area. If the Navy were to ever unload Coronado Island you would see a HUGE residential boom there, and the need to get those people to uptown and the 5 freeway. That is assuming military strategy in 2100 would be different (and no i don't WISH that would happen, i can just envision it).
This, I think would be amazing, but the residents of Coronado would never stand for that IMO.

If this "uptown" area (Loma Portal/Midway) really was planned to be that big, I think it would be rad to have an island strip elegantly curving from uptown and meeting up with downtown extending all the way out into the shipping lanes with parks, beaches, recreation area and even row homes with private docks on it. This would create an intimate water area for downtown/uptown yet still accessible to by boats and sea life, etc. Maybe the stadium on it's own island out in the middle of this newly created lagoon? Transit accessing it from tunnels under the water. That would be cool.

eburress Nov 20, 2008 6:36 PM


Originally Posted by Crackertastik (Post 3923027)
Awesome map and overall general layout. I love it. Apologies for not asking to use it, but heck its for fun anyway. I just 3d-ized it.

I think midrises would be fine, if that meant that height would push higher and higher in the downtown area. I would be cool with that too.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Midrises in "Uptown" and much taller towers in the more traditional Downtown area. Both ways are cool though...and yours is very reminiscent of how Singapore is developing.

No worries about using the's fair game and I'm glad you put it to such good use! :)

SDCAL Nov 20, 2008 7:03 PM

After Obama takes office, everyone should write their congressional representatives asking they close Miramar.

A long-shot yes, but what other choice do we have?

Something needs to be done before our idiotic Airport Authority wastes a bunch of money on "band-aid" fixes for Lindergh Field.

By the way, love the creativity and vision of some of the previous posts. Wish the people in charge of planning and development had the same grand visions!!!!!!!!!

Jobohimself Nov 20, 2008 9:57 PM

Not to be negative, but even we did move the airport to Miramar, would SD City Ordinances still retain the height cap? San Diego doesn't have the most progressive mindset...

staplesla Nov 20, 2008 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by Jobohimself (Post 3924977)
Not to be negative, but even we did move the airport to Miramar, would SD City Ordinances still retain the height cap? San Diego doesn't have the most progressive mindset...

They could initially and I'm sure the FAA wouldn't take a proactive stance to adjust the restrictions. However, a developer would eventually file a suit and the FAA would be forced to explain to a court why the current height restrictions should remain. Because Miramar's runways run east/west they would have a tough time explaining why they should remain the same. Miramar's height restrictions extend to La Jolla, UTC, portions of the Sorento Valley, Santee, and Poway.

SDCAL Nov 22, 2008 8:41 PM

metro center
From CCDC meeting minutes of last meeting:

Hope the city council gives approval, this type of retail is sorely needed downtown

SDCAL Nov 22, 2008 8:55 PM

the nolan

Originally Posted by kpexpress (Post 3613274)
The Nolan is an office tower (office suites, one per floor) that is located on Sixth Ave between the ballpark storage building and the Hotel Solamar. Looks pretty sweet, today I biked past it and saw that they were putting in the soldier beam and lagging. Construction should move quick on this project as the scope of the whole project is quite small. But the thing should be pretty large, renderings show it towering over the Hotel Solamar by at least five floors.

Here is the project on the architects office

Is this in trouble?? They started excavating this summer and there was a lot of activity, now there is a hole and no activity going on. Anyone have info

Fusey Nov 22, 2008 8:59 PM


Originally Posted by SDCAL (Post 3928670)
From CCDC meeting minutes of last meeting:

Hope the city council gives approval, this type of retail is sorely needed downtown

What tenants are signed on?

obendega Nov 23, 2008 12:23 AM

Holly crap a 747 just went by my window! Quite an unusual sight for San Diego. N623U5.

staplesla Nov 23, 2008 1:46 AM


Originally Posted by SDCAL (Post 3928692)
Is this in trouble?? They started excavating this summer and there was a lot of activity, now there is a hole and no activity going on. Anyone have info

I might be wrong but I thought the frame for this project was already going up.

IconRPCV Nov 23, 2008 2:41 AM


Originally Posted by eburress (Post 3913840)
See, I really do think half the people in San Diego used to live in Dallas...and if not in Dallas, somewhere in Texas. Not to get too off-topic, but when I bought my house in Carmel Valley, it turned out that the people I bought it from were moving to Dallas, the neighbors on both sides were from Dallas, and the guy in the house behind mine was a childhood friend of mine who grew up in the same neighborhood in Richardson. Weird.

Now I know why SD has so many problems; blame Texas.

SDCAL Nov 23, 2008 3:41 AM


Originally Posted by staplesla (Post 3929091)
I might be wrong but I thought the frame for this project was already going up.

no - walked by it several times the last couple weeks and no work is being done, and it's just a hole

it is still fenced off with an alternate sidewalk path but it looks like work is not progressing

they also used to have a sign up advertising the Nolan, now it's gone

sandiegodweller Nov 23, 2008 8:43 PM


Originally Posted by SDCAL (Post 3928692)
Is this in trouble?? They started excavating this summer and there was a lot of activity, now there is a hole and no activity going on. Anyone have info

Is it in trouble? Is any project not in trouble?

eburress Nov 24, 2008 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by IconRPCV (Post 3929170)
Now I know why SD has so many problems; blame Texas.

hahaha - since Dallas doesn't have so many of San Diego's problems, I think you have to blame the people who are NOT from Texas for what's wrong with San Diego. They are the no-growth NIMBYs who ridiculously want to keep San Diego this sleepy surf town.

Seriously, if the former Texans were in charge, Miramar would have become the city's international airport long ago, there would be 1000 footers downtown, way more companies would be headquartered here, and San Diego might actually have at least one decent strip club!

Fusey Nov 24, 2008 1:39 AM


Originally Posted by eburress (Post 3930502)
and San Diego might actually have at least one decent strip club!


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