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Ex-Ithacan Jan 3, 2006 5:19 PM

^ Could be whit.

Here's an article on the expansion of Cornell's Hockey rink. My high school team use to play there, until a new community rink was built. Anyway, sounds like a good move to me, more seats mean more chances for folks to se Big Red hockey.:yes:


whit_x Jan 4, 2006 12:44 AM


Originally Posted by Ex-Ithacan
^ Could be whit.

Here's an article on the expansion of Cornell's Hockey rink. My high school team use to play there, until a new community rink was built. Anyway, sounds like a good move to me, more seats mean more chances for folks to se Big Red hockey.:yes:


I saw the article, plus my mom works up there for the games, so I'd been hearing about it for a while. It's a bit less than I thought they'd do, since I thought they would try to add another 1000 seats at that end, instead of the 400 or so seats. I think they could raise the roof, add 2 rows and 10 or so boxes and still sell out, but that's just me.

Ex-Ithacan Jan 5, 2006 4:20 PM

Yeah whit, I think they could have doubled the seating and still sold the place out every game. Must be a function of where Cornell wants to spend their capitol expense money (nanotechnology and biotech probably beat out hockey;) ).

btw, did you see this article about what the city is thinking of doing in the last large undeveloped land parcel in the city? Sounds like one of those town center concepts with a lot of residential and even some mid-rise bldgs.


whit_x Jan 6, 2006 12:01 AM

Sounds like a good plan. as long as they tie it into the parking lot of Wal-mart, the street going into the recycling plant, and the trailer park. Too many people that work in town are forced to live out in Lansing, Dryden or out in Brooktondale because they can't afford to live in town.

Ex-Ithacan Jan 6, 2006 12:20 AM

Your concerns were somewhat addressed in the OPED by the Journal:


whit_x Jan 6, 2006 11:15 PM

That's what I get for having a Planning degree

Ex-Ithacan Jan 7, 2006 1:40 AM


Ex-Ithacan Jan 11, 2006 11:22 AM

New expanded Buddhist monastery.

Ex-Ithacan Jan 16, 2006 7:31 PM

Here's an interesting site. How about a treehouse that's taller than any buildings many small towns have.


bpg88 Jan 17, 2006 7:21 AM

I'll tell you, Ithica is pretty fucking cool.

Ex-Ithacan Jan 18, 2006 12:36 AM

^ Yeah, it is a cool little city. May have to cruise up there again this spring.

:yes: :banaride:

whit_x Jan 18, 2006 2:16 AM

Maybe I'll get home this summer for a little bit. Perhaps go eat at Joe's now that it's open again. It's gotta be better now than the last people that owned the place

Ex-Ithacan Jan 18, 2006 11:24 AM

Yeah, I missed the really old Joe's (back when I was a kid). And you're right about it must be better now than the previous folks.

Ex-Ithacan Jan 19, 2006 4:34 PM

Here's an article for any engineering types about Cornell's plans for a heat plant renovation.


Ex-Ithacan Jan 22, 2006 12:49 AM

Not all is well in the Ithaca area. Disturbing article about a juvenile corrections facility just outside of town. My brother thought about applying for a job there after the factory he worked in closed down. Glad he didn't do it now.

Ex-Ithacan Jan 27, 2006 5:17 PM

Bill Gates helps out Cornell - new building coming:)

westcoastperspective Jan 27, 2006 7:01 PM


Originally Posted by Ex-Ithacan
Bill Gates helps out Cornell - new building coming:)

Thats awesome- and a huge chunk of cash to donate! Send him over to Buffalo when you're done with him! :tup:

whit_x Jan 28, 2006 12:58 AM

But why would he want to add to the Soviet campus that is in Amherst.

Ex-Ithacan Jan 30, 2006 11:51 AM

LOL guys.

Here's a short article on a possible win/win development for the Finger Lakes area:


Ex-Ithacan Jan 31, 2006 10:32 PM

Short article on a new development in the city's west end:

I couldn't find a pic, but there's a rendering here and a decent model too:

The new health & fitness building has just broken ground in the lower right hand of the pic just above the bottom bridge on Inlet Island:

whit_x Jan 31, 2006 10:56 PM

Broken ground? That bad boy is open, according to the article. It's an impressive place, at least from the Cass Park side of the inlet. but I'm going to miss the Station, not that I ever ate there.

Ex-Ithacan Jan 31, 2006 11:12 PM

^ I meant that the building was just getting underway in the pic I posted.

Ex-Ithacan Feb 1, 2006 12:07 AM

Hey, I found a decent pic of my old hood, Collegetown (in the foreground and middle of the pic) and some of Cornell (along the skyline). I lived in 2 different apartment buildings, one not visible, but the other is the bright yellow building a bit to the left in the lower part of the pic).

Ex-Ithacan Feb 1, 2006 1:29 PM

Who says people from the Ithaca area are strange? Interesting article about a middle-aged man living a different lifestyle:

:shrug: :D

Ex-Ithacan Feb 1, 2006 10:43 PM

I found an article from back in November with a small rendering of the proposed Cayuga Green (btw, the tax abatement passed).

Can anyone tell me how to get the address for the rendering so I can isolate it? I tried to right click and get the properties, but the full properties will not show up. Any help? Thanks.

whit_x Feb 2, 2006 1:39 AM

Here is another article about the possible community to be built between the Wal-Mart/Lowes plaza and the Inlet

The proposal is for 600 homes. I wonder what type of housing that this will entail? Even though it's close to downtown and all the stuff on Elmira Road, unless it's designed well, it still will be isolated, since everything else out there is big box and auto dealership.

Ex-Ithacan Feb 2, 2006 12:47 PM

^I'm pretty sure that's the same development in the Journal article in post #53. I hope the city can pull it off, but I have my doubts. Even if it comes to fruition, it probably will take a decade to get the first shovel full of earth at the pace the city moves on development.:rolleyes: ;)

whit_x Feb 2, 2006 11:00 PM

It is. I just hope that it is done right, and won't require a bridge across the inlet to get people out of there.

Ex-Ithacan Feb 6, 2006 11:02 PM

^A town within a town, but the public transit will be important to its success.

I thought I'd show some pics of the Ithaca City courthouse building. Kind of a change of pace from most of the really bland public buildings downtown. I'm not sure how old it is, bit it's located across 6 mile creek from the downtown(there's a footbridge leading to the public library on the other side of the creek).


Ex-Ithacan Feb 8, 2006 9:59 PM

Here's a follow-up to the "new town" article whit_x posted above. This could really boost the city's reputation as well as population in Central NY.


Ex-Ithacan Feb 11, 2006 4:52 PM

Here's an article about another gorge rescue, but the kid rescued was entirely at fault.

And on a more upbeat note, here's an article about a new housing alternative for some folks with problems:


whit_x Feb 16, 2006 1:17 AM

Trying to figure out a plan for downtown
With the increased desire to make downtown Ithaca an entertainment destination (spending a million or so in tax breaks for a movie theater) the City commissioned a report to look at other cities that are in a similar situation. here is an article describing their findings.

While they have some good ideas, the bowling center part of it is a bit loopy, since the two largest centers have closed over the last 10 years, most recently Ides, which closed in May of last year, with the property being turned into a Rite Aid and a couple of other commercial lots. and a third burnt down and was never rebuilt, despite having a good restaurant attached to it. However it would be a return to the past for downtown, since the Challenge Industries building used to be the Bowl-O Drome back in the 40's

Ex-Ithacan Feb 16, 2006 12:00 PM

Yeah, I agree about the bowling. I do remember when I was a kid, there was a 4 lane alley in the basement of a sporting goods/hobby store at the end of Eddy street. It was cramped (no seating behind the lanes, only off to the left side), and no automatic pin reset-there was a guy rolling the ball back and setting the pins. Maybe a small basement type bowling alley/ bar with a few lanes and some music playing would work. Oh well. Whit, did you read the other article about Bloomfield and Schon, the Cayuga Green developers? They are loved everywhere they go, but hit the wall in Ithaca. Almost gave up the fight, but city officils convinced them to stick it out, thank goodnes.

whit_x Feb 16, 2006 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by Ex-Ithacan
Yeah, I agree about the bowling. I do remember when I was a kid, there was a 4 lane alley in the basement of a sporting goods/hobby store at the end of Eddy street. It was cramped (no seating behind the lanes, only off to the left side), and no automatic pin reset-there was a guy rolling the ball back and setting the pins. Maybe a small basement type bowling alley/ bar with a few lanes and some music playing would work. Oh well. Whit, did you read the other article about Bloomfield and Schon, the Cayuga Green developers? They are loved everywhere they go, but hit the wall in Ithaca. Almost gave up the fight, but city officils convinced them to stick it out, thank goodnes.

I go in there quite a bit when I'm home, since part of it became the Chariot (Good Pizza, plus the floors are the bowling alley floors.) I have no beef with most of the project, but you know my view on the movie theater section, which is whre I would have come up against the wall with the project and the city allowing the tax breaks for this segment, especially since many studies have proven that tax breaks are ineffective as development tools.

As far as the bowling center in downtown goes, I don't think that the economics of an 8 lane center would work even there, since the insurance costs for a facility would scare off most investors, and the 40 year mortgage would scare off others (I saw an article quoting Chuck Parkin, owner of the Bowl-O Drome talking about expanding his center after the demise of Ides and these numbers came up.)

Ex-Ithacan Feb 16, 2006 12:24 PM

40 year mortgage? Yikes. You're probably right, I was just tossing out an idea. I guess it will depend on the popularity of bowling and the economics as to whether Bowl-O-Drome would expand. btw, I use to be in a junior bowling league (saturday mornings) at the Drome when I was a kid. Good times.

whit_x Feb 20, 2006 12:26 PM

Pyramid Movie Theaters
It's finally official, the new theaters at Pyramid Mall will be open by fall, as the former Ames store will bve torn down to make way for a 14 screen complex, as mentioned in this space before.

Ex-Ithacan Feb 27, 2006 6:44 PM

^ Well, I guess this means a lot more people are going to have to go to the movies in Ithaca, because Cayuga Green is suppose to start construction later this year with the multi-plex theatres being a major component (12 screens I believe).

Ex-Ithacan Mar 2, 2006 2:44 PM

How about some pics I found on the net (taken by Chad Lieberman of Flap.TV). Taken in sept 05 from the top of the new downtown parking garage.















Ex-Ithacan Mar 3, 2006 12:22 PM

The day will be coming soon. Ithaca to get its first Starbucks:


whit_x Mar 5, 2006 2:58 PM

The article mentioned 4 other locations for Starbucks in the Ithaca area. I can guess 2 (Collegetown and in the vicinity of the mall). Where do you think the other 2 will be?

Ex-Ithacan Mar 6, 2006 10:54 AM

Probably the Elmira Road corridor and maybe some place on South Hill near IC.

Ex-Ithacan Mar 9, 2006 12:45 PM

Here's an article on some new technology which may be the wave of the future (or not). Anyway, I thought it was an interesting class project for school:

Of course maybe this is old stuff and a non tech guy like myself just isn't up on all the latest stuff.:rolleyes:

Ex-Ithacan Mar 9, 2006 2:48 PM

Found these pics on the net. The tallest structure in Ithaca is the McGraw Tower on Cornell's campus. There's a clock and chimes play during the day. Students are the chime masters.

here's one of the students in action:


Ex-Ithacan Mar 13, 2006 3:45 PM

Ithaca isn't all hippies, beautiful campuses and waterfalls. Here's a couple of pics from the net of part of the flats.

around the corner from where my brother lives


But not all is bad, here's a new health & fitness center which just opened on the west end.

whit_x Mar 14, 2006 2:06 AM

The first pictures
bring back memories. Many was the afternoon that I would go to that store back when it was called Jakes to get some baseball cards or a soda while I was waiting for my dad to pick me up after school at Immaculate.

Ex-Ithacan Mar 15, 2006 12:27 PM

^I went to catechism at Immaculate for a while (the nuns scared the bejebuss out of me). Never made it to that market, we use to frequent our own up in Collegetown.

For all you fast food lovers, here's some sad news:

a sad day indeed.

btw, I've never had that BBQ chicken, and I grew up in Ithaca.

Ex-Ithacan Mar 17, 2006 2:46 PM

Of course another problem popped up with the Cayuga Green phase 2.

The new building is suppose to go where the parking lot and helix are in foreground. The garage to be renovated is in the background (other side of the street):

whit_x Mar 18, 2006 4:01 AM


Originally Posted by Ex-Ithacan
^I went to catechism at Immaculate for a while (the nuns scared the bejebuss out of me). Never made it to that market, we use to frequent our own up in Collegetown.

For all you fast food lovers, here's some sad news:

a sad day indeed.

btw, I've never had that BBQ chicken, and I grew up in Ithaca.

You never had a parent that worked at Cornell that dragged you to an employee day as a kid, or did they not have those things until the 80's?

Ex-Ithacan Mar 18, 2006 5:37 PM

Don't know when that started whit, besides my folks were blue-collar folks who didn't work for Cornell, we just lived near it.:shrug:

Ex-Ithacan Mar 22, 2006 1:56 PM

Here's a nice article about bringing more vitality to downtown Ithaca.

:) :tup:

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