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alps Jun 8, 2015 5:37 AM

I think the photomontage posted above is inaccurate. It makes it look like no. 1477 will be demolished. Here is the site boundary:

I also really like the small footprint of this one.

Drybrain Jun 8, 2015 12:48 PM

That's kinda too bad, since 1474 Brenton is nicer than either of the houses on South Park.

I'm still rah-rah for this project, but I would like to see the side streets off of SGR hold on to most of the old houses they currently have--they provide a nice lingering local character to an otherwise thoroughly modern-looking area. (Which is really turning into a nice little warren of shops and side streets. I feel like we should be planning this area not simply as SGR, but as a sort of SGR district. Tom's and the Fireside moving to Birmingham Street will help that too.)

kph06 Jun 16, 2015 10:41 AM

Here's some renderings from Geoff Keddy's website:

kwajo Jun 16, 2015 12:36 PM

This might be my favourite proposal in Halifax in years, the renderings look fantastic!

ILoveHalifax Jun 16, 2015 12:54 PM

I am certainly in favor or development and high rises but would like to see the blue house to the north of this site preserved; it adds a bit of heritage to the street. I also would like the grey building to the south of this on Brenton St preserved. I think they are 2 of the best on the block. Of course it's all about investment.

Drybrain Jun 16, 2015 2:02 PM


Originally Posted by ILoveHalifax (Post 7064210)
I am certainly in favor or development and high rises but would like to see the blue house to the north of this site preserved; it adds a bit of heritage to the street. I also would like the grey building to the south of this on Brenton St preserved. I think they are 2 of the best on the block. Of course it's all about investment.

Wow, we agree on a heritage issue! Amazing.

I'd like to see them saved too, simply because--while they may not stand out in the South End--they're pretty great houses and would be among the best in any other neighbourhood. The city really only has so many. Plus, the side streets around SGR have lost a lot of similar structures, and keeping some around adds to the architectural variety.

But wow, I really do like this proposal. It puts me in that rare (for me) situation where if the houses get knocked down, I'll still consider it a trade up for the city. But of course it'd be nice to have it all.

Keith P. Jun 16, 2015 4:29 PM

The reality is that we have no idea what these houses are like inside. Odds are they are student housing dumps, not the Victorian mansions we imagine them to be based on their exteriors.

ILoveHalifax Jun 16, 2015 4:36 PM

Yes, Keith,

I would think if they were to be saved they would require complete renovation down to studs and rebuilt and repurposed to somebody or business that could afford the location

portapetey Dec 1, 2015 11:54 AM

The article I already posted in the Brenton St. thread also discusses this development.

I'm glad to see our little South Park is developing its very own Shi Pa Town.

I'd like to see this go forward, and I don't think the existing houses look particularly worth saving. I realize there are others who disagree.

(EDIT: Actually, the one on Brenton looks decent. The two on South Park don't, to my eye. The larger grey one next door looks good too.)

someone123 Dec 1, 2015 5:06 PM


Originally Posted by portapetey (Post 7253661)
(EDIT: Actually, the one on Brenton looks decent. The two on South Park don't, to my eye. The larger grey one next door looks good too.)

They should be saved and moved to a new lot. People sometimes say this is prohibitively expensive but if there were valuable density bonusing tied to it the story would be very different.

fenwick16 Apr 9, 2016 3:20 PM


Originally Posted by teddifax (Post 7401244)

This image was posted in the Chronicle Herald story:

Here is a link to the Design Review Committee report -

Colin May Apr 9, 2016 4:07 PM


Originally Posted by fenwick16 (Post 7401621)
This image was posted in the Chronicle Herald story:

Here is a link to the Design Review Committee report -

Once the 2 storey grey property is torn down and the 18 storey apartment/condo goes up on Brenton the people in the proposed S Park apartment/condo will have a great view of the neighbours rooms.

fenwick16 Apr 9, 2016 4:23 PM


Originally Posted by Colin May (Post 7401663)
Once the 2 storey grey property is torn down and the 18 storey apartment/condo goes up on Brenton the people in the proposed S Park apartment/condo will have a great view of the neighbours rooms.

I had forgotten about that proposal, shown in this link -

Trillium condo owner have a reason to be upset, considering how much they paid for their condos.

teddifax Apr 9, 2016 6:14 PM

You can't do anything about any other development, if you don't own the view outright and someone else builds in front of you.

Dmajackson Apr 9, 2016 7:32 PM

It should be noted that this project has a air and light easement over it in favour of 5670 Spring Garden (office building) which is why the building is only four stories on Brenton Street. This easement will make sure there is some space between the four towers on the block. The block north of this has some spacing problems as well, especially so after The Pavilion gets built.

beyeas Apr 11, 2016 12:50 PM

I was walking by this site an hour ago, and only read it quickly as I walked by, but the development notification signage that is posted says that this is planned to be a 16 story building including penthouse. Not sure if maybe it changed after that was posted, because those renderings don't look 16 stories to me!

someone123 May 25, 2017 4:06 PM

Bumping this one since demolition has started:

Jonovision May 25, 2017 9:36 PM

Glad to hear it. I really like this development.

JET May 30, 2017 5:54 PM

I walked by the demolished house today, and was surprised to see that it had a concrete foundation, I was expecting to see a rubble stone foundation

Dmajackson Jun 2, 2017 6:08 PM
Halifax Developments Blog (Photo by David Jackson)

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