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Fusey Aug 28, 2008 10:38 PM

^ After reading the article and your post that's what I was thinking as well. At my former employer we'd do a lot of work with MTS in that neighborhood. Pretty much everything you said I've witnessed many times.

sandiegodweller Aug 28, 2008 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by bmfarley (Post 3764526)
An online Tribune article yesterday indicated that it was a CCDC employee that was hired away... and not to Gerding, but to a sub-consultant or co-applicant. And, I don't believe it was the fellow doing CCDC internal review of the financials.

Could it have been inaccurate reporting... as if that ever happens?

Either way, I don't see anything too critical or fatal.


Of course, whenever you get 3 accountants or financial analysts into a room you get 4 or more opinions or different versions of data comming out So, although Jones Lang LaSalle will cover the cost of re-examining their soon-to-be ex-employees work, they will likely come up with different results. Thus, enter more consternation into the process and the house comes down like a house of cards.

Probably not fatal but it will delay the vote for 4 months. The new City Council will get a shot at it in early 2009. What you see today is probably not what you will see then.

malsponger Aug 29, 2008 1:35 AM

On the other side of town:
Sapphire crane is down. A few missing window sections where the construction elevator ran up. Also it looks like the sheet rock still needs to be up around the staircase. Interested to see what that surface will look like.

Bayside just put the top floor windows in. Still working on pooring the concrete for the crown effect, then I am sure the crane will come down sometime next week.

Vantage Pointe a lot being done these last few days. Looks very close to topping out. Glass up about 2/3s of the way.

Strata: Still looks underground.

Indigo: Looks to be at street level.

Ex-Burger King (1050 B) - Still digging but lots of work being done.

bmfarley Aug 29, 2008 4:02 AM


Originally Posted by Fusey (Post 3765170)
^ After reading the article and your post that's what I was thinking as well. At my former employer we'd do a lot of work with MTS in that neighborhood. Pretty much everything you said I've witnessed many times.

To add onto what I wrote, and glad you concur... this photo shows a shopping cart and blankee that likely wouldn't be there under typical circumstances. And, narrow temporary paths for construction and immediately adjacent to a travel lane is no place to 'hang out'! Err... loiter.

And not to be too much of a skeptic, but I wonder how of those injured only claimed to be injured in anticipation of fradulent claims for financial relief????

I really feel for the construction company.

SDCAL Aug 29, 2008 5:01 AM


Originally Posted by bmfarley (Post 3764868)
The Trib site now says 14, with 2 critically injred. Also, none are workers as all were passerby-ers. Two victims are children.

With that said, I know the area very well. That corner attracts, like a strong magnet, clients to Father Joe's accessing their services.

What's going on at that corner at that time is loitering... people not having anything to do but hang-out. Very very often, so many peeps are crowding the sidewalk that those in wheelchairs roll in the traffic lanes on Imperial instead. Other pedestrians do the same. It sometimes feels like an atmosphere of Russian rhoulette driving down the street... will someone walk out in my may... or get out of the way. I am suprised that there are not more ped-car accidents as there are now.

I am a skeptic on this one.... that the majority of those involved were loitering, not passing by, and possibly caused the accident themselves by messing around with the scaffolding equipment. I observed during earlier construction at this site that those frequenting the area seemed disgruntled by the disruption to THEIR environment. As if they owned the public space immediately adjacent to it. Trash was frequently tossed over the construction fence and passerby-ers often ignored areas cordoned off for construction... exposing them, and workers, to dangerous conditions.

I have to say I am pretty repulsed by these comments - - I live downtown and walk under these construction zones all the time, you have to to be on foot downtown. It is scary to think this could happen to me or someone I care about.

I don't know how you fake "critical injuries" as two had, and as far as the others any legal claim would need to be evaluated with a medical report of the injuries.

To suggest fraud simply because this happened in a less afluent area of town is like the crude comments I heard about NO after the Hurricane Katrina. I don't care who the people are, you should be able to walk on a public sidewalk without having construction materials falling on your head! Really diaspointed in this kind of stuff :(

Hopefully this will be a wake up call for all contruction zones to be extra mindful of safety, and gad nobody died!!

HurricaneHugo Aug 29, 2008 8:54 AM

Apparently a truck backed up into it causing it to fall.

staplesla Aug 29, 2008 5:18 PM


Originally Posted by bmfarley (Post 3765793)

And not to be too much of a skeptic, but I wonder how of those injured only claimed to be injured in anticipation of fradulent claims for financial relief????

I really feel for the construction company.

How tasteless! People got hurt and all you can think about are the small percentage of those who file fradulent claims?

bmfarley Aug 29, 2008 5:59 PM


Originally Posted by SDCAL (Post 3765911)
I have to say I am pretty repulsed by these comments - - I live downtown and walk under these construction zones all the time, you have to to be on foot downtown. It is scary to think this could happen to me or someone I care about.

I don't know how you fake "critical injuries" as two had, and as far as the others any legal claim would need to be evaluated with a medical report of the injuries.

To suggest fraud simply because this happened in a less afluent area of town is like the crude comments I heard about NO after the Hurricane Katrina. I don't care who the people are, you should be able to walk on a public sidewalk without having construction materials falling on your head! Really diaspointed in this kind of stuff :(

Hopefully this will be a wake up call for all contruction zones to be extra mindful of safety, and gad nobody died!!

Repulsed by the comments? Or repulsed by what happened at the site?

The large majority of the time I choose to believe the good in people. However, being familiar with the area and those that frequent this specific site I feel my skepticism is justified.

In no way do I know if the scaffolding came down by someone being a deviant, but I would not be surprised. OSHA will be examining the site. Oddly, one of the UT pictures did show a truck behind the temporary wall in a place that seemed odd… and a person interviewed on FOX indicated the wall moved from the other side just before it came down. Are they related?

As for possible fraud…. it is not uncommon at all for someone that is down and out, living on the margins to get by, to take advantage of a situation when it presents itself.

“Ow, my neck hurts!”

I do not know if someone did try and claim an injury when they were not, but two things came together to present a seemingly golden opportunity!

staplesla: obviously not as I spoke to other things too.

Derek Aug 29, 2008 6:02 PM


Originally Posted by bmfarley (Post 3765793)
To add onto what I wrote, and glad you concur... this photo shows a shopping cart and blankee that likely wouldn't be there under typical circumstances. And, narrow temporary paths for construction and immediately adjacent to a travel lane is no place to 'hang out'! Err... loiter.

And not to be too much of a skeptic, but I wonder how of those injured only claimed to be injured in anticipation of fradulent claims for financial relief????

I really feel for the construction company.

Wait what happened? I didn't see anybody post an article about that.

Fusey Aug 29, 2008 6:26 PM

Derek, in my original post I mentioned that a friend sent me an email regarding a structural collapse near Father Joe's. After the UT posted an article I edited my post. Sorry for the confusion.

On a side note, my friend told me later on that many people in that area were talking about "the great deal" the injured were going to get and some even said, "I wish that was me!" like this accident was a good thing. I don't think bmfarley was out of line, I think he was perfectly justified in his comments. Anyone who has ever dealt with the homeless population in the East Village would tell you the same thing he did.

Derek Aug 29, 2008 11:34 PM

So a wall at a construction site fell on homeless people? What project was it?

SDCAL Aug 29, 2008 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by Derek (Post 3767705)
So a wall at a construction site fell on homeless people? What project was it?

we don't know, they are speculating because of where it was located

in the UT today they say 3 people are seiously injured

just because some yahoos were making tasteless comments near the scene is no reason to assume the construction company is in the clear and homeless people sobaotaged it

I stand by my opinion that the comments were out of line, but that's just my opinion we are each entitled to our own ;)

Here is the article, this consturction company has had previous violations:

Three badly hurt as covered walkway collapses

Others injured when block-long section falls
By Greg Gross and Angelica Martinez

August 29, 2008

A covered wooden walkway collapsed on pedestrians at an East Village construction site during lunch hour yesterday, critically injuring three people.

PEGGY PEATTIE / Union-Tribune
Emergency personnel came to the aid of pedestrians injured yesterday when a walkway collapsed next to an apartment building under construction at 15th Street and Imperial Avenue.
“I've never seen a building fall like that,” said Ariel Medina, who was treated by paramedics on the sidewalk. “The whole darn walkway fell down.”

Medina said it was chaos as people screamed and ran if they were able. Some were hit directly by the falling wood, while others received glancing blows.

The block-long pathway was erected next to a three-story apartment building going up at 15th Street and Imperial Avenue in downtown San Diego. It was designed to protect pedestrians from debris falling from the construction site.

Investigators with the California Occupational Safety and Health Administration said the cause of the accident just after noon was unknown.

Medina, 34, of Rancho Peñasquitos, was on her way to the bank when she stopped in the walkway to talk to a friend. She said it swayed, then fell, striking her in the back. She estimated that about 20 people were in the walkway at the time.

Fifteen of the injured were taken by ambulance to four hospitals, including Scripps Mercy Hospital and UCSD Medical Center, both in Hillcrest.

They ranged in age from 16 to 64, but most are in their mid-40s and mid-50s, said Maurice Luque, San Diego Fire-Rescue Department spokesman.

Those in critical condition were two women, ages 57 and 60, and a 50-year-old man, he said.

Dr. Michael J. Sise, medical director of the trauma unit at Scripps Mercy, said two badly injured patients being treated there had suffered a broken back and a fractured leg.

Sise said that he had talked to officials at the hospitals and that all the patients were expected to survive.

The general contractor for the site is Carlsbad-based Allgire General Contractors. Kathryn Musso, operations manager, said the company doesn't know what caused the accident.

“It's under investigation currently, and that happened immediately as soon as the site was secured,” Musso said. “Our first and foremost concern is for . . . anyone who was injured.”

Advertisement Asked about prior violations at the site, Musso said, “I don't know anything about that.”
According to state records, Allgire has had at least two accidents in the past four years, one which led to a $16,000 fine and citation for a serious violation of state safety law.

One of those accidents was in December at the same 15th Street and Imperial Avenue site. The company was cited for a low-level violation of leaving a ladder unsecured and was fined $200, according to records from the state Department of Industrial Relations.

The more serious incident happened in September 2004 in Encinitas, where the company was building new multifamily housing. Responding to an accident there, the state cited Allgire for not providing a guardrail to protect workers from falling.

When the state classifies a violation as “serious,” according to department spokesman Dean Fryer, it means the employer knew the violation existed and didn't correct it. He couldn't say yesterday, however, what the circumstances were in the 2004 accident.

In total, Allgire received four citations for safety violations, according to state records going back to 1972.

“They don't have an extensive list with us,” Fryer said. “I've seen construction companies with voluminous records.”

The project under construction, called “Studio fifteen,” will be 275 units of affordable housing. It is scheduled to open in the spring.

Father Joe Carroll, who runs the St. Vincent de Paul-Joan Kroc Center for the homeless across the street, said people who live at the center and who have lunch there were near the walkway when it collapsed.

Tina Allen, 41, lives at St. Vincent de Paul with her husband, Tyrone, 49, who was serously injured and taken to Scripps Mercy.

“We were just standing under the boardwalk when it suddenly came down. It was horrible,” she said at the hospital.

Abigail Garcia, 50, was on her way to a dentist office when the structure began to fall.

Garcia said it felt like something struck the walkway before the collapse, and she said she was lucky to get out of the way before it tumbled down. She was treated by paramedics at the scene for an ankle injury.

A construction worker at the site, who did not want to be named, said he did not believe that any construction scaffolding next to the building fell on the walkway.

The developer of the project is San Diego-based Affirmed Housing Group.

Julie A. Hattler, chief financial officer for the company, arrived at the site shortly after the accident.

“We are very concerned with the individuals that were injured,” she said. “Our thoughts and our prayers go out to them.”

It was the second major accident at a downtown construction site in the last several months.

On May 19, 14 construction workers were injured, three critically, in an explosion at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront under construction near the San Diego Convention Center.

The explosion ripped through the fifth-floor boiler room of the 30-story hotel and knocked out the northern face of the fourth through seventh floors.

The cause remains under investigation by Cal-OSHA, with a report expected by the end of the year.

SDCAL Aug 29, 2008 11:40 PM

Marriott at Ballpark Village no more
Marriott won't build 1,929-room hotel here

4:19 p.m. August 29, 2008

SAN DIEGO – Marriott Corp. has pulled out of its plan to build the West Coast's largest hotel – 1,929 rooms – at Ballpark Village, just east of Petco Park in downtown San Diego.
JMI Realty, the real estate company of Padres owner John Moores, said the move was brought on by the “current turbulence and uncertainty in the capital markets,” plus delays in getting city approvals for the project, which changed in scope at least twice.

Advertisement The hotel was set to endure intense scrutiny as one of the partners developing Ballpark Village is Lennar Corp. The city's downtown redevelopment authority is investigating all its projects for the past three years, especially ones involving Lennar and the Related Co., which had an undisclosed business relationship with former CCDC President Nancy Graham.
The Marriott project got mixed reviews from the community. Some liked the vibrancy they thought it would bring to the East Village, and some worried it would be a fortress that blocked views of the Coronado Bridge, worsened parking headaches and didn't do much for local merchants.

Fusey Aug 29, 2008 11:41 PM

Edit: Posted the same article a minute before me SDCAL.

No surprise on the Marriot. Just about everything is against it right now.

good Aug 30, 2008 12:24 AM

Setai / Maxim / Steve Rebeil: any new information on this hotel and the developer?
Any new information in addition to priot problems? Heard new lawsuit from Custom Windows.

bmfarley Aug 30, 2008 1:21 AM


Originally Posted by good (Post 3767783)
Any new information in addition to priot problems? Heard new lawsuit from Custom Windows.

Yes, the Voice of San Diego forwarded a piece saying the 1,929-room Marriot at the Ballpark Village is suspended due to conflict of interest with comeone at CCDC. Ex-CEO Nancy Graham apparently had business ties to Lennar development, which is a partner with JMI Reality or Marriot on the project.


Additionally, the CCDC General Counsel is resigning because she had economic ties to the same project.... she was a 25% owner of an Escondido law firm representing the developer in discussions with CCDC ....and while at CCDC she lead administerial/procedural things with that same project. She says she didn't know her law firm was involved in the project.

The developer, on the other hand, is saying the project is suspended due to economic conditions.

Pardon the cynicism in this, but even though the economy is struggling it seems convention activity in San Diego has been on an upswing. No? Am I wrong? Hurricane Katrina affected New Orleans as a convention destination.... and I thought those to host events had been looking elsewhere with San Diego a beneficiary at their expense. Now, another hurricane is bearing down on "The Big Easy".

staplesla Aug 30, 2008 5:59 AM

Is the Gaylord project still a go? I haven't heard about this in a while.

PadreHomer Aug 30, 2008 7:01 PM


Originally Posted by Derek (Post 3754925)

Yeah, I truly apologize. I thought about it and I'm an idiot :haha:

I wasn't thinking :koko:

kpexpress Aug 30, 2008 10:29 PM

What's up with the Satai? I thought that this project would be done by the time I returned back to San Diego. 707 Tenth Lofts look good.

Derek Aug 31, 2008 4:47 AM


Originally Posted by PadreHomer (Post 3768843)
Yeah, I truly apologize. I thought about it and I'm an idiot :haha:

I wasn't thinking :koko:

Don't be sorry! :jester:

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