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FredH Nov 26, 2016 4:20 AM


Originally Posted by Mstimc (Post 7632937)
I think the best thing about it was it's funky location after the freeway went around it.

Here is the 101 Freeway squeezing past the Brew 102 plant down in the lower left corner.
Earl Witscher, Modernage Photo Service

But, Hey! We never drank that crap back then. We had class. We drank Lucky Lager. It came in little stubby bottles and had a word puzzle on the bottom of the bottle cap. What's not to like?

HenryHuntington Nov 26, 2016 4:36 AM

Best friend rolled his dad's Renault Dauphine coming up the S-curve from Aliso St. I was riding shotgun. Car finally came to rest on its left side in that little triangle made by the exit/entrance to Garey St. I somehow ended up sitting in the rear seat, exited through the opening for the rear window which had conveniently popped out. Even with the concussion, I was in better shape than the stop sign we knocked over. Still made it to class at CSULA thanks to a friendly tow truck driver. Hard to believe it's been a half-century (almost) since that day, but never forget to give thanks passing that location.

ethereal_reality Nov 26, 2016 5:02 AM

Miss 102 Brew contest [year unknown]


I wonder what graphic designer came up with the bottle protruding through the O? ;)

below: Here's an earlier post from a few years back.


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 6542369)

Traffic on the 101 Freeway approaching the curve next to the 102 Brewery.

The gas-o-meter looks quite imposing in this view.

here's a funny comment:

"This was my Dad's favorite beer. Once, when I was of age, I bought a six pack to drink in his honor.
I had to spit the stuff out - you could literally taste the smog in the brew!'
- Anonymous

ethereal_reality Nov 26, 2016 5:32 AM

This photograph was taken in the same banquet room at the Montmartre Cafe as the Louella Parsons dinner party photo. (you can see the same chandelier in front of the flags)

I thought this was a photograph of a stag party where the showgirl jumps out of the cake (you know, like in 'Singin' In The Rain')

But then I noticed how young the girl looks -egads! jail-bait!

there's an explanation...of sorts

"Tom Mix giving a bachelor party at the Montmartre.
The little girl sitting on the trick plate is his daughter."

Was this some sort of a practical joke? It still seems inappropriate and unseemly.

FredH Nov 26, 2016 6:18 AM


Originally Posted by HenryHuntington (Post 7633595)
Best friend rolled his dad's Renault Dauphine coming up the S-curve from Aliso St. I was riding shotgun. Car finally came to rest on its left side in that little triangle made by the exit/entrance to Garey St. I somehow ended up sitting in the rear seat, exited through the opening for the rear window which had conveniently popped out. Even with the concussion, I was in better shape than the stop sign we knocked over. Still made it to class at CSULA thanks to a friendly tow truck driver. Hard to believe it's been a half-century (almost) since that day, but never forget to give thanks passing that location.

Your friend may have done his dad a favor:

Someone in the town where I grew up in Ohio had one of these things. One day, (mid 1960's) I was driving down
the main thoroughfare and noticed it sitting ass end up in the middle of the road.

Kind of like this:

So, you're not the Lone Ranger when it comes to Renault Dauphine rollovers. At least you came out OK.

ethereal_reality Nov 26, 2016 6:21 AM

Over the years there have been off and on discussions about the Moscow Inn (it was first seen on the 1929 amusement map).
Yet as far as I know no one found an exact address or any photographs.

I have this ad from a 1929 Filmograph Magazine.


and from another source, a photograph!

some previous mentions on NLA:


Originally Posted by Godzilla
I have not seen any mention or depiction of the Moscow Inn. It is not in the '29 directory.


Originally Posted by BifRayRock
Where was the Moscow Inn located and are there pictures? It was east of La Boheme aka Trocadero, and its number was CR 4331.

I don't know how Bif found the phone number if it wasn't in the directory. Bif?


Originally Posted by rcarlton
Nothing on Moscow Inn yet.


Originally Posted by BifRayRock
Still keeping an eye peeled for the Moscow Inn.

So you see why I'm kinda' jazzed a photograph has been found. (even though it doesn't show that much of the interior)

Oh, and is the Mildred Harris mentioned in the photograph the same Mildred Harris, child-bride of Charlie Chaplin?

FredH Nov 26, 2016 7:13 AM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 7633617)
This photograph was taken in the same banquet room at the Montmartre Cafe as the Louella Parsons dinner party photo. (you can see the same chandelier in front of the flags)

"Tom Mix giving a bachelor party at the Montmartre.
The little girl sitting on the trick plate is his daughter."

Was this some sort of a practical joke? Somehow it still doesn't seem appropriate.

ER - Bachelor Party Rule #1 - Don't bring your young daughter.

Well, don't bring your daughter of any age, as far as that is concerned.

It seems that this wasn't Tom's only bad decision in life:

Do people really ride out into the middle of the desert to have lunch where Tom Mix ran into a ditch? Jeez.

HossC Nov 26, 2016 2:07 PM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 7633639)

Over the years there have been off and on discussions about the Moscow Inn (it was first seen on the 1929 amusement map).
Yet as far as I know no one found an exact address or any photographs.

I have this ad from a 1929 Filmograph Magazine.

I can only find the Moscow Inn in the 1930 CD. The address of 8353 Sunset Boulevard puts it nearly opposite Sunset Tower. Today, Carney's is at 8351 Sunset Boulevard.

Here's roughly the same view dated 1930. Sunset Tower wasn't completed until August 1931, so the date might be slightly out. There appears to be an entrance by the car on the right, but then nothing until the white building down the street. The white building is quite deep, so could this be where the Moscow Inn was located?

The Water and Power site dates this image at 1933. I think the service station is the roadside part of the white building in the picture above.

The tiled building behind the service station was probably the same one that housed the Casanova Club in 1936. It was at 8383 Sunset Boulevard.

BifRayRock Nov 26, 2016 4:53 PM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 7633639)
Over the years there have been off and on discussions about the Moscow Inn (it was first seen on the 1929 amusement map).
Yet as far as I know no one found an exact address or any photographs.

I don't know how Bif found the phone number if it wasn't in the directory. Bif?

I believe the number was listed as part of a contemporaneous tourist map.

There are also two listings in the '30CD. Here is one of them:

A similar ad, from what may be your source, reconfirmed it. ;)

The :previous: ad was likely playing off of Valentino's post mort. popularity. He died in '26.


RV has a 1921CD listing at the Formosa Apartments 7139 Sunset Blvd.

RV 1918 trade ad. This address (7369 Sunset Blvd.) has a 1922CD listing for Corrine Brooks, Maid and it was presumably not as upscale as the Formosa. (Looking for a photo.),_1918.jpg,_1918.jpg

Permits indicate 1917 construction of a 40 room apartment building at 7365-7369 Sunset Blvd address. Permits also indicate destruction in '63 and replacement by, among other things, a coffee shop. Denny's at 7373 Sunset?

ethereal_reality Nov 26, 2016 6:41 PM

Thanks for the follow-ups FredH, HossC and BifRayrock. -much appreciated.

Hoss, so you're saying the RED A is the Casinova Club, the RED B is the Standard Oil Station and the building within my ORANGE box is possibly the Moscow Inn, right?

Initially I thought the structure (in my orange outline) was the back half of the service station (the garage/maintenance area).
-but now I'm beginning to see three separate buildings
(maybe ;)).

I'm also curious about the four 'I don't know what to call them' inside the Blue outline.
Is this an entrance leading to an venue set back from Sunset, or is this just a side street all gussied up?

As for my Green arrow...I'd certainly love to know what this sign says!


HossC Nov 26, 2016 7:07 PM



Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 7633865)

I'm also curious about the four 'I don't know what to call them' inside the Blue outline.
Is this an entrance leading to an venue set back from Sunset, or is this just a side street all gussied up?

I think it might be this entrance that I've marked on the 1947 aerial below. Sunset Tower is visible below to the left.
Historic Aerials

The Sunset Capri Apartments (8341 Sunset Boulevard) were built in the circle up the hill in the early '50s - I posted Julius Shulman pictures of them here. From that post, here's a "now" shot.


Originally Posted by HossC (Post 7509160)

The apartments now seem to go by the name Round Hill. Entry to the semi-circular complex is via a gated ramp near Carney's.
Google Maps

I don't know what was up that ramp in the 1930s - I'll see what I can find in the CDs.

ethereal_reality Nov 26, 2016 7:20 PM

:previous: Hoss, it's quite interesting seeing the empty circular lot where the Sunset Capri would be built five years later.

HossC Nov 26, 2016 8:13 PM

Just two photos from Julius Shulman today. This is "Job 1829: Jones and Emmons, Building Contractors Association Building, Pomona Fair (Pomona, Calif.), 1954". I like the line of blocks that stick out.

I think I can see trade stands inside, so this may have been a temporary building for the Pomona Fair. Does anyone recognize it?

Both from Getty Research Institute

Tourmaline Nov 26, 2016 8:30 PM


Originally Posted by Tourmaline (Post 7275744)
Does the area behind little Milt closely resemble a part of your profile of the ship? Hard (for me) to determine that the curved location is a match.

The hardware seems consistent with an English merchant ship of the period, and there are other equally compelling reasons to conclude the Milt-in-knickers image also includes the 1923-Standish Mayflower. However, it must be remembered that there were other silent era outdoor sets that included mocked sailing ships, or at least parts of them. Doug Fairbanks' 1926-Black Pirate comes to mind. We are informed that much of the filming took place on or near Catalina Island. But it seems likely that some of the special effects were accomplished on the UA lot. Not having researched the subject, I can imagine other silent productions with a need for historical sailing ship backdrops, e.g., Columbus, the Spanish Armada, Pirates take Wilshire and Here come the conquistadors.

More Charles Ray Productions, the Mayflower and Capt. Standish?

Don't recall seeing this undated image on NLA. It depicts a structure bearing a large painted "Charles Ray Productions." Source indicates "Sunset Blvd." Maybe, maybe not. 1923CD lists Ray's Production at 1425 Fleming (Fleming was renamed Hoover Street) which certainly put it near Sunset Drive and Sunset Blvd. Can anyone pinpoint this Studio Barn's exact location? Note the object at the bottom right corner of the image. Could it be a prop (mooring) from the Myles Miles Standish film? Of course, the Pilgrims presumably used an anchor in Plymouth Harbor; however, the Mayflower visited several English ports and eventually settled on the Thames before allegedly being broken up for construction on dry land. Not having seen the '23 Standish film, one can only wonder whether the Mayflower was depicted as being tethered to a mooring and whether the bottom right item was part of that production.:shrug:

Mayflower does Plymouth

Edit. I was in the process of including a link when I noticed ER's repost and thank him for it.

After looking at the 1923CD, and the "1425" Fleming address :previous:, I wondered if there wasn't a misprint or are some other sources in error regarding the Ray studios location? For example, one source mentions "1725 Fleming" but no mention of "1425." See also this comprehensive history of the Monogram Studio, but erroneously listing the address at "1725" rather than "1425 Fleming." One supposes that the "1725" [Fleming] Hoover address may have referred to the Prospect Studios and where the ABC TV affiliate has had a long time home. But probably not. However, nearby "1425" more accurately depicts the location where KCET TV is located and most sources state this was where Ray's Studio was located. Other CD listings bear this out. The 1913CD lists Essanay at 1425 Fleming. The 1914, 1915 and 1916CDs lists Kalem Co. at 1425 Fleming.

ethereal_reality Nov 26, 2016 8:38 PM

:previous: Here's a bit more...with a rare photograph of the cast of the now lost film "The Courtship of Miles Standish".


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 7274170)

"In 1912 the Lubin Company purchased land for a movie studio on Fleming Street off of Sunset Boulevard.
Charles Ray took over the property in the 1920s after Kalem, Essanay and Jesse Hampton came and went."

Charles Ray (1891-1943) was an extraordinarily popular silent film star.

His first experience in film came with Thomas Ince's Studio in 1915. He was featured in many short films as a wholesome, simple country boy (he was from Indiana)
The public loved him and clamored for more. He moved on to full-length features in the late teens and early 20s.

After forming his own production company, he placed most of his money into the mega-project, "The Courtship of Miles Standish" (1923).

An extremely rare cast photo of Charles Ray's 'the Courtship of miles Standish'.

"The Courtship of Miles Standish" ended up costing over $1 Million dollars!
Most astoundingly, Mr. Ray built a full size replica of the Mayflower at his studio in East Hollywood.
The film was a major flop and Mr. Ray lost his fortune.

A blogger at http://estatesalechronicles.blogspot...hollywood.html

"I've never seen a photograph of the ship in situ. That is until recently"

The blogger found this amazing photograph in a reference book at an estate sale.

:previous: The "Mayflower" dwarfs its Southern California neighborhood, 1920s.

After an additional google search or two, I found this blurb in Photoplay (1923)

But as I mentioned earlier, the film flopped, Mr. Ray's pockets were empty, and the tourist attraction never happened.
Eventually the "Mayflower" burned to the ground. Some critics later commented that the reception of "The Courtship of Miles Standish"
was so bad, Ray would have been better off keeping the boat and burning the film.

And get this, the film is now lost! No copies of Mr. Ray's epic are known to exist. :(

I can't remember, did we ever figure out where Charles Ray's million dollar 'Mayflower' ended up? (possibly creditors?)

ethereal_reality Nov 26, 2016 10:14 PM

I can't let sleeping dogs lie.


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality
"Is this an entrance to a venue or just a side street all gussied up"?
early 1930s / detail of photo posted by HossC

In this image (possibly taken from the top of the Sunset Tower) from around 1950, the street 'markers' are still in place. (probably a repeat on NLA)

This is one of the better images that I've seen of Mount Kalmia (Sweetzer Castle).

As a reminder.

The above is from a Christmas card sent by the owner at the time, Mrs. Hersee Moody Carson.
A few years back I posted a framed image of the complete card here:

I'm not sure if we have seen this black and white image before.

This is the view from Sunset.(the same view as the artist's illustration above)

As most of you know, Mount Kalmia/Sweetzer Castle still stands, shrouded in trees right next to the Sunset Capri/Round Hill Apartments
that Hoss and I spoke about earlier today.

It appears some of it's formal 'gardens' have survived as well. (circled in red below)
google_earh detail

Frustratingly, a huge ugly building has recently been constructed right in front of Mount Kalmia.


Then (2011)

Various owners allowed the trees/shrubbery to take over the grounds. (probably for privacy from busy Sunset Blvd)
Otherwise, I think the front terrace and to some degree, the house would have been visible from Sunset as recently as 2013.
We needed a team of bushwhackers (no offense odinthor) to tackle some of that overgrowth.

From Sweetzer (2016)

...from Sweetzer 2013 (getting ready for construction)

Oh I almost forgot, here's a current view of the 'street' that goes up to Sunset Capri/Round Hill Apts.

This is where the four markers appear in the 1930 and 1950 photographs at the top of this post.

Why are there three manholes so close together?


riichkay Nov 26, 2016 10:33 PM

Neil strikes a j'accuse pose vis-a-vis the Champagne music king from the parking lot of the Hullabaloo Club, a bldg we've seen many times on NLA as Earl Carroll Theater, Moulin Rouge, Aquarius Theater et al. Undated photo but I found a review of a Diamond show there from Dec. '66, and that sounds right as the Palladium is promoting New Years Eve tickets.

The Hullabaloo was co-owned by KRLA d.j. Dave "The Hullabalooer" Hull.

ethereal_reality Nov 26, 2016 11:37 PM


riichkay, I couldn't find Neil Diamond's performance at the Hullabaloo, but I found a clip of Joey Heatherton performing The Hullabaloo at the Hullabaloo!

Video Link


CityBoyDoug Nov 26, 2016 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 7634043)
I can't let sleeping dogs lie.

Frustratingly, a huge ugly building has recently been constructed right in front of Mount Kalmia

From Sweetzer (2016)


I agree ER. In this age of horrific and ugly buildings influenced by Frank Gehry and others, design, beauty and style are meaningless. The various elements of a building are merely stuck onto the surface in a seemly random pattern. Their effect is anti-human and an insult to nature. Its like listening to a three year old make ''music'' by striking various keys of a piano. The effect is to attack the brain with as much pain as possible.

FredH Nov 27, 2016 4:08 AM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 7634088)

riichkay, I couldn't find Neil Diamond's performance at the Hullabaloo, but I found a clip of Joey Heatherton performing The Hullabaloo at the Hullabaloo!

Video Link


Hey ER - I think I've detected a couple of your Hullabaloo dance moves here:

You even get a little of "The Swim" thrown in as a bonus

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