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GaylordWilshire May 12, 2016 4:07 PM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 7439202)

:previous: Fantastic Tetsu.

No one found was able to locate this one, you're the first!

Tetsu wrote...
" Everything on the right hand side in the original photo has been demolished."

Now I'm left wondering about the large brick building with the fall-out shelter. I thought for sure it would still be standing.


We've nosed around that house before in a couple of posts. One prior is from 2010:

HossC May 12, 2016 7:03 PM

The dust still seems to be settling at Photobucket, so I've got another short Julius Shulman post today. This is "Job 4558: Bradbury Building, Southern California American Institute of Architects offices (Los Angeles, Calif.), 1969". There's a color version of the first image, but it's very dark. The name on the desk is Sherry Bell.

For lovers of monochrome, the set contains a black & white version of this shot with someone sat at the desk in the background.

This one's only available in color. The picture over the fireplace says "Pico House 1869". Given that these pictures date from 1969, I wonder if it was produced to celebrate 100 years of the Pico House.

All from Getty Research Institute

ethereal_reality May 12, 2016 9:40 PM

:previous: Interesting post Hoss.

While trying to find additional information on the AIA offices in the Bradbury Building
I happened across this image of the entrance in the 1970s.

Why do you think that cheap looking 'ticket booth' was placed in the entryway like that? Aesthetically, it's so wrong.

here's a close-up

It looks like it's made of plywood. :(


ethereal_reality May 12, 2016 10:21 PM

Martin Pal, I thought you'd like to see this.

"Painters paint the exterior of the Hollywood Canteen before the grand opening."

...finishing touches.

"Three servicemen finish installing a rope sign above the front entrance of the Hollywood Canteen."

and after the rope sign is complete....

"Workmen leveling out the cement at the front entrance."

Martin Pal May 12, 2016 10:50 PM

Excellent, E_R, and I was doing some research of my own!


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 7439289)
Martin Pal, thanks for the photographs of the Hollywood Canteen; this one is quite a treasure!

I still can't decide if that's a woman driving the car.

Yes! I keep going back and forth if that's a woman driving or not, too.

When I see a photo like that, I'm thinking: "What other photos did you take?!"


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 7439289)
re: The missing stars.

It looks like there was writing within the stars. (I hadn't noticed this before)

& what's that to the right of the 'for'.......a heart with an arrow? (it's also missing in color photograph)


I don't think I noticed (or remembered) the writing within the stars, either. I went back online and also to the Canteen book I have to see if I could answer these questions.

First, no canteen photo dated from 1943 on has these stars in the photos, or the absence of the (red) awning from the street to the entrance.
The canteen opened in October, 1942, and most of the photos from that year are from near the time of the grand opening, like this one from
a previous post:


Originally Posted by Martin Pal (Post 6897559)

Here's an early 1942 photo of the canteen.

In the night photo above I thought there was just a lot of lights on the building, but info about the day photo above states that
originally it was painted white. Sometime in 1943 it was painted brown.

So, when it was painted brown, I guess the stars disappeared at that time.


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 7439882)

This photo you posted, E_R, answers some questions: The writing on the stars are the names of the branches of the military.
And the photo shows what that other thing you mentioned is. It looks to be a light or perhaps a speaker so that those waiting
could hear what's going on inside? Though it's not in the opening night photo above.

It's also above Rita Hayworth's head, outside of the canteen in 1942.

One more interesting photo:

I love these doors with the initials or names of servicemen carved into them who probably did it while waiting in line, or maybe when they came by when it wasn't open.

If there had ever been a museum exhibit, those doors would've been a nice touch.

I don't know what the sign says except "Canteen Hours" (although I know the hours were Mon. - Sat. 7:00 p.m. - Midnight and Sunday 2:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.)
and "For Servicemen Only". Anyone else make out anything below that?

ethereal_reality May 13, 2016 12:12 AM

This was going to be a 'mystery' location....

That is, until I happened upon two additional photos that clearly show the address as 640 S. Wall St.

I wonder why all the buses are parked at this Ford shop....didn't the city have it's own repair shop?

This one's from a slightly different angle. It's interesting that there is roof-top parking.

:previous: I love that red pick-up truck.

ethereal_reality May 13, 2016 12:39 AM

'mystery' location.

I guess the best clue would be the 'Blacksmithing' sign on the side of the building.

Here it is enlarged for a better look.


ethereal_reality May 13, 2016 12:51 AM

I realize this is Long Beach, but I'm not sure of the exact location.

Most intriguing to me is the cocktail lounge/cafe at far right. I think the blade sign, half hidden by the streetcar, says DANCING.

below: Is this a sailor leaving the premises?

It's the middle of the day and I see the curtains are drawn in the upstairs window, perhaps there's more going on in there than dancing.
(I'm trying to make this photo way more 'noirish' than it actually is ;))


CityBoyDoug May 13, 2016 1:06 AM


Originally Posted by Martin Pal (Post 7437102)
Wasn't Rusty Bumpers the name of a stripper? :yes:

I've seen almost no color photographs of the Hollywood Canteen, interior or exterior.
There's this common one used for a postcard of the place, seen in both color and b&w,
but I don't know if it was taken in color or "colorized."


And there's this interior shot I included in a previous post about the canteen.

But here's a new one to me! A color snapshot with four soldiers being escorted around by a lady (?) driver.

I did not know the rope style signage for the canteen's name was painted red.

Note: In the postcard view, the Hollywood Canteen sign has blue stars accenting it that are absent from the
color snapshot. (The red awning is absent in the postcard shot, too.)

Not to overdo a fine point but most prefer the word to be ''Servicemen" word, military personnel.

''Service men" in 2016 are men who work on your building and do maintenance.

Maybe it was different then.

HossC May 13, 2016 1:59 PM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 7439980)

This was going to be a 'mystery' location....

That is, until I happened upon two additional photos that clearly show the address as 640 S. Wall St.

I wonder why all the buses are parked at this Ford shop....didn't the city have it's own repair shop?

It's interesting that there is roof-top parking.

The yard where the buses were parked (between Maple Avenue and Wall Street) appears to have been an extension of the bus terminal behind the Pacific Electric Building. I've arrowed the T-shaped building with the roof-top parking. The 840 S Wall Street address would have been on the other side of Wall Street. The image below on the left is from 1952, and shows the elevated streetcar lines at the back of the Pacific Electric Building. The advertising for Downtown Ford was probably designed to be read by the streetcar passengers. By 1964 (below, right), the elevated tracks have gone, although the buses are still parked in the same area. The T-shaped building was gone by 1972.
Historic Aerials

odinthor May 13, 2016 2:15 PM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 7440019)
I realize this is Long Beach, but I'm not sure of the exact location.

Most intriguing to me is the cocktail lounge/cafe at far right. I think the blade sign, half hidden by the streetcar, says DANCING.

below: Is this a sailor leaving the premises?

It's the middle of the day and I see the curtains are drawn in the upstairs window, perhaps there's more going on in there than dancing.
(I'm trying to make this photo way more 'noirish' than it actually is ;))


We're at the corner of Ocean Blvd. and Pine St., looking east on Ocean...

(I'd get an angle more like the earlier shot, but the street trees get in the way!)

Huh? Sailors interested in something other than dancing? What could you be thinking?

HossC May 13, 2016 7:05 PM

We've got another mix of color and black & white photos in today's Julius Shulman post. It's "Job 4367: Richard Lee Dorman, University of Southern California, Married Student Housing (Los Angeles, Calif.), 1968". First, the monochrome.

Bikes were obviously the preferred means of transport in 1968.

I've left out two of the color shots because they either duplicate the ones above or each other. Note the big palm tree.

I'll finish the Shulman photos with the stairway nearest the road.

All from Getty Research Institute

The block is in the southwest corner of the campus.
Google Maps

The building hasn't changed much, but the grass area is smaller to allow more room for parking, and the palm tree has gone. I also can't see any bicycles!

Martin Pal May 13, 2016 7:15 PM


Originally Posted by CityBoyDoug (Post 7440038)
Not to overdo a fine point but most prefer the word to be ''Servicemen" word, military personnel.

''Service men" in 2016 are men who work on your building and do maintenance.

Maybe it was different then.

CBD, I don't know for sure, but perhaps that "Service Men" designation was intentional. Female service members were not really welcomed at the Canteen, at least not like the men were. They did provide a very small viewing area upstairs where they could go and have something to eat and watch what was happening, but were not invited to be in the main room to dance etc. Although those rules were relaxed on occasion. There's some stories about women who were quite upset about this treatment and, indeed, later on they opened a section for them to sit downstairs, but the Canteen was basically for the enlisted men.

All color photographs of the Hollywood Canteen that I know about, including the three posted a couple days ago:

Here’s Betty Hutton performing at the Hollywood Canteen: Hutton Estate

A close-up of Betty w/autograph: Hutton Estate

A fan magazine photo of Marlene Dietrich and Harry Davenport performing their duties. Diva

The source indicates that Marlene "wears her 'Desire' blazer while working at the Hollywood Canteen during WWII."
Desire is the name of a film from 1936 that she starred in. Harry Davenport (b. 1866!) made a lot of silent shorts in
the teens, one credit in the 20's and came back when he was almost 70 as a character actor in sound films, making
well over 100 films! (You may remember him as Dr. Meade in Gone with the Wind.)

Hostesses Olivia DeHavilland and Joan Fontaine Anne Shirley. Images

Notice their official arm bands.

Rita Hayworth serving in 1944. (Mmmm...Vitor Concentrated Beef!) Photographs

Martin Pal May 13, 2016 7:33 PM

A great related photo: Here's Carmen Miranda dancing on a car at Hollywood & Vine during the VJ Day celebration in 1945.

(Melody Lane in the background.)

This was on gsjansen's Flickr account, a frequent poster on NLA at one time, but he had never posted it here before.

P.S.: If the police want to arrest you in West Hollywood, they don't read you your Miranda rights...they read you your Carmen Miranda rights. :cop:

GaylordWilshire May 13, 2016 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 7439980)
This was going to be a 'mystery' location....

That is, until I happened upon two additional photos that clearly show the address as 640 S. Wall St.

I was curious about Downtown Ford-- apparently it had been Hull-Dobbs Ford, the change coming in 1955-- looks like the rooftop sign went up that year. ER's pictures could be anywhere from the fall of 1960 (there's a '61 Chevrolet in one shot) to summer of '62. The new cars on the roof in the second shot are Falcons, '60, '61, or '62s. Although the remodeling might have only been interior, the pictures could be before this article appeared in the Times...

Wig-Wag May 13, 2016 10:54 PM

Blade Runner and Bradbury Building
[QUOTE=HossC;7439663]The dust still seems to be settling at Photobucket, so I've got another short Julius Shulman post today. This is "Job 4558: Bradbury Building, Southern California American Institute of Architects offices (Los Angeles, Calif.), 1969". There's a color version of the first image, but it's very dark. The name on the desk is Sherry Bell.

For lovers of monochrome, the set contains a black & white version of this shot with someone sat at the desk in the background.

This shot reminds me of when we had water pouring off the top floor gallery on to the entry floor below during the filming of Blade Runner!


John Maddox Roberts May 13, 2016 10:59 PM

Hostesses Olivia DeHavilland and Joan Fontaine. Images

Notice their official arm bands.

Joan and Olivia look like they'd like to stick knives in each other.
The sisters were famously estranged, but the studios made them be cordial in public.

CityBoyDoug May 13, 2016 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by Martin Pal (Post 7440891)
CBD, I don't know for sure, but perhaps that "Service Men" designation was intentional. Female service members were not really welcomed at the Canteen, at least not like the men were. They did provide a very small viewing area upstairs where they could go and have something to eat and watch what was happening, but were not invited to be in the main room to dance etc. Although those rules were relaxed on occasion. There's some stories about women who were quite upset about this treatment and, indeed, later on they opened a section for them to sit downstairs, but the Canteen was basically for the enlisted men.

Very good point Martin. I had not thought of that angle. Yes, the Canteen could well have been a stags-only venue. That would make sense to me.
It was not really designed as a place for "Service Men" to look for female dates.

The WACS, the WAVES and the Lady Marines were on their own to find entertainment... elsewhere.

It was a different culture in those days...more respectful and innocent.
CD file - Hollywood

A popular song of that era. It still link:

Lwize May 13, 2016 11:51 PM

RIP LA Sports Arena

odinthor May 14, 2016 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by odinthor (Post 7440390)
We're at the corner of Ocean Blvd. and Pine St., looking east on Ocean...

(I'd get an angle more like the earlier shot, but the street trees get in the way!)

Huh? Sailors interested in something other than dancing? What could you be thinking?

And here's Ocean east from Pine in an earlier era . . .
odinthor collection

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