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BXFrank Oct 13, 2019 2:17 AM

I guess you have to live in New York and know the city to appreciate the skyline, I agree if you are a tourist that landed in JFK took a took a cab and ended in your hotel in midtown Manhattan you will only see buildings at street level and they will kinda look the same. As a Newyorker I never get tired of certain vantage points where these buildings look astonishing, like driving down the FDR or Westside highway from uptown, or certain places in Jersey and the outer boroughs.

Chas Potts Oct 13, 2019 2:44 AM

I lived in New York City for four years, but thanks for shitting all over my comment.

aquablue Oct 13, 2019 3:01 AM


Originally Posted by Chas Potts (Post 8715705)
I lived in New York City for four years, but thanks for shitting all over my comment.

Again, you got unlucky with the weather and your not looking at the facts. The charts show NY has plenty of sunlight, moderate rainfall, and moderate temperatures compared to most extreme climates or gloomy cities in Europe. Ny's weather isn't prefect, but it's hardly a "few nice weather days" place. You spouted a bunch of nonsense about NY's weather which can't be left unchallenged. NY's weather bad? That's nonsense, it's a temperate climate and check out some charts. For bad, go live in a place like Montreal where your nose will freeze off if you stick it out a door half the year or Phoenix where you can fry an egg on the street in summer. If you want to see bad, go there. How about the dark and grey days of Northern Europe in winter?

For someone who lived there for years, you should know that the city is dense as all hell and you can't see anything in the middle of the chaos of midtown. A former NY'er should know that to see the skyline you need to go high or go out to Brooklyn/Queens.

chris08876 Oct 13, 2019 10:02 PM
baronsonphoto-20191011-001.jpg by Brian Aronson, on Flickr

chris08876 Oct 13, 2019 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by aquablue (Post 8715718)
Again, you got unlucky with the weather and your not looking at the facts. The charts show NY has plenty of sunlight, moderate rainfall, and moderate temperatures compared to most extreme climates or gloomy cities in Europe. Ny's weather isn't prefect, but it's hardly a "few nice weather days" place. You spouted a bunch of nonsense about NY's weather which can't be left unchallenged. NY's weather bad? That's nonsense, it's a temperate climate and check out some charts. For bad, go live in a place like Montreal where your nose will freeze off if you stick it out a door half the year or Phoenix where you can fry an egg on the street in summer. If you want to see bad, go there. How about the dark and grey days of Northern Europe in winter?

I get what he's saying though living in NJ and being in NYC a lot. It really depends on what weather is preferred to "X" person. If one does not like heat and humidity, both NJ and NYC stink in the summer and up to September. If one does not like frigid cold, December through February can be damn cold.

IMO, I'm a cold guy, so perfect weather for me is generally Fall where its 50-70F with little humidity. Spring is nice too, until the humidity hits.

But I do get what he's saying though, but one that in general, is based on personal preference.

The nice thing is that NYC can offer a dynamic range of weather/temprature for everyone. Can offer humid, sauna like days, and holy shit this cold as a mothaf**** weather.

Those 70 F, low humidity days are somewhat rare though. I find myself thinking that in NJ as well. You know, those "just right" days that feel just perfect, where its sunny and NOT cloudy. Always hard to get that picturesque balance. But again, its very subjective. Definitely not a frying pan like Phoenix or doesn't have brutal summers like some Texan cities, thats for sure on a frequency level. But it can also have those days as well.

If one wants to fully enjoy NYC, Fall, around October or November, are the best times IMO. Or early spring before the humidity train comes by.

NYguy Oct 14, 2019 3:51 PM


Originally Posted by Chas Potts (Post 8715638)
I was just in NYC last week, and I'd totally forgotten how many bad weather days it has. So I tip my hat to those who can wander about on the rare good days and document skyscraper progress.
The other epiphany I had was that the skyscrapers look lovely in photos and from the distance in real life, but they are very hard to appreciate on the street level because one is constantly in a crowd in New York.

Well, none of that is true. I know this, because I'm constantly on the street, and I take enough photos to know you can appreciate the skyscrapers. Most people in New York don't stop and stare at skyscrapers because - surprise, surprise - most people are simply not into skyscrapers like that. But the more iconic skyscrapers - the Chryslers, the ESB's, yeah, people are constantly staring up at them - even on the crowded streets. As for your comment on the weather it's just laughable. The city doesn't exist in a bubble, where it has its own weather.


In production: the South Oval dome for @111west57st . Next up: wrapping in velvet.



mrnyc Oct 14, 2019 4:10 PM

^ yeah i see how the weather looks outright terrible in that pic. :rolleyes:

just like today.

Barney Greengrass Oct 14, 2019 4:33 PM


Originally Posted by mrnyc (Post 8716680)
^ yeah i see how the weather looks outright terrible in that pic. :rolleyes:

just like today.

I know, right? He definitely never lived in NYC if he thinks the weather is "rarely nice". It's actually a bit too sunny for me, especially in summer, and I've lived, still spend a lot of time in Northern California. I'm so glad for the shorter days of Autumn.

As for "never seeing the skyline", also he must never have lived here. I see it on the N, Q over the Manhattan Bridge, from Madison Square Park, Union Square, Bryant Park, Battery Park, Central Park, Brooklyn Bridge Park, my low floor windows in Park Slope! Christ, he must have stayed at some rathole in Times Square with a room facing a brick wall and never wandered very far. There are plenty of things to complain about in NYC, these are not them. :shrug:

NYguy Oct 14, 2019 8:23 PM

Standing tall among the giants...



NYguy Oct 15, 2019 2:25 AM


New buildings are ruining our beautiful Central Park views!




eXodius Oct 16, 2019 2:25 AM

Cannot WAIT to see this in person in 5 weeks! Hoping the cladding is nearly topped off by then! :D

NYguy Oct 16, 2019 3:01 AM


Originally Posted by eXodius (Post 8718240)
Cannot WAIT to see this in person in 5 weeks! Hoping the cladding is nearly topped off by then! :D

View it from all angles. It still blows my mind when I see it. It's impossibly tall, or so it looks.

NYguy Oct 17, 2019 1:39 AM


aaron38 Oct 17, 2019 4:16 AM

Interesting. At this stage in construction, I wish it would have topped off with the concrete. The steel is just a big wedge of a spire, and while it finishes the taper of the building to an edge, it feels more of a gimmick, and a flat roof would look better.

NYguy Oct 17, 2019 1:02 PM


Originally Posted by aaron38 (Post 8719594)
Interesting. At this stage in construction, I wish it would have topped off with the concrete. The steel is just a big wedge of a spire, and while it finishes the taper of the building to an edge, it feels more of a gimmick, and a flat roof would look better.

It's not a gimmick, it functions as a crown. The entire building is like a giant spire. They should have called it the Steinway Spire because the name actually fits. They could have stopped without it, but that's not in the spirit of the design or the town.

patriotizzy Oct 17, 2019 4:04 PM


Originally Posted by aaron38 (Post 8719594)
Interesting. At this stage in construction, I wish it would have topped off with the concrete. The steel is just a big wedge of a spire, and while it finishes the taper of the building to an edge, it feels more of a gimmick, and a flat roof would look better.

Feel like a gimmick? What about completing a building to its spec a gimmick? :shrug:

You know the structural steel top-off is meant for a beautiful crown right? It's not like it's a blank wall merely erected for height. It's an art piece.

TK2001 Oct 17, 2019 4:26 PM


Originally Posted by aaron38 (Post 8719594)
Interesting. At this stage in construction, I wish it would have topped off with the concrete. The steel is just a big wedge of a spire, and while it finishes the taper of the building to an edge, it feels more of a gimmick, and a flat roof would look better.

The steel crown continues the staircase effect and makes the tower taller and more impressive. A 58×80 foot building with terraces set back 5 feet is amazing for a modern skyscraper, there's no building like this one

BXFrank Oct 17, 2019 9:06 PM

We gotta wait until the building is done, I have seen renderings where the top does look hollow from front and back and is an abrupt transition from the cement top to the tip but we’ll see soon how it turns out.

Barney Greengrass Oct 17, 2019 10:19 PM

A little too impressionist to be clear...

Barney Greengrass Oct 17, 2019 10:23 PM

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