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Beaudry Mar 16, 2011 9:42 PM

I posted a bit about Shockproof a while back re: this image

...and now, the beneficent eBay has brought me this:

whereby Cornel Wilde is on that scrubby promontory near the Hill tunnel, and we look down at the Central Police Division on First St.

In the top image they're shooting down toward the Koster House
on W 2nd -- but truth is I haven't seen the picture. (The DVD is part of a $60 Sam Fuller collection and my computer is pre-pentium so it can't stream Netflix...but I'm searching it out...)

Beaudry Mar 16, 2011 9:50 PM


Originally Posted by Ninja55 (Post 5202563)

All of your photos have been jaw-dropping! And this place is in fact a mystery. Haven't found mention of it in the City Directories, phone books, the historic LA Times online, image archives...hmm. I wager though one of us'll turn it up.

Beaudry Mar 16, 2011 10:14 PM

The history of racial restrictive covenants is fascinating, especially since Shelley v. Kraemer, which struck them down in the Supreme Court, was coargued by Loren Miller, an Angeleno who published the California Eagle and also argued the "Sugar Hill" case in 1945 wherein Hattie McDaniel, Louise Beavers, Ethel Walters et al. were allowed to keep their homes.

I read on one site that these covenants really came into being in 1917. Los Angeles, always on the forefront,'s something from my files...makes for some chilling reading.

GaylordWilshire Mar 16, 2011 10:31 PM Movie Title Stills Collection

Beaudry Mar 17, 2011 2:53 AM


Originally Posted by GaylordWilshire (Post 5203842)

Holy cats. At first I thought we were looking at the Antlers on Bunker Hill but then it struck me as too flat to be 4th.

Then after a bit of poking about I came to find it was the Antlers on E St between 2nd and 3rd in San Bernardino:

Friend of mine has Netflixed Shockproof; should be here in a coupla days...

GaylordWilshire Mar 17, 2011 3:04 AM

But what did it start out as? A downtown remnant
The NE corner of 3rd and Main: It looks like it was once covered with large panels over the original upper facade. At
first glance I took this to be a photo from maybe the '40s, but it's from 1991. As surprised as I was that it was still
standing as recently as that, I never expected that it would still be with us--the facade, at least: Street View
The brick building at right is the St. George Hotel, originally the Bisbee.
Paging ethereal, post 1624:

Not sure what the plan is here vis-a-vis the new construction--it appears as though the intention might
be to preserve it as an entrance to the new PAB (one can hope): Street View

GaylordWilshire Mar 17, 2011 3:11 AM

Beaudry: I just assumed that it was the Antlers on Bunker Hill--you're right, it's too flat... great find of the San Berdoo Antlers.... And that letter from the Taxpayers' Protective Association of 100 years and 5 days ago is fascinating. (Thank you, ladies of Sugar Hill for finally putting an end to that.)

Ninja55 Mar 17, 2011 4:43 AM

These pics were taken at Victory House?? downtown during the war. My uncle Bert Rovere in charge as usual. Does anybody know of the exact location?

Ninja55 Mar 17, 2011 4:44 AM

Ninja55 Mar 17, 2011 4:44 AM

Los Angeles Past Mar 17, 2011 5:26 AM

Temple Square, 1888

LA_ArchStu213 Mar 17, 2011 6:29 AM

@gaylordwilshire: wow! thanks alot..i saw the censuses and it was pretty interesting and exciting....the apt i resided was $18/month in alot

gsjansen Mar 17, 2011 5:06 PM


Originally Posted by Ninja55 (Post 5204289)

These pics were taken at Victory House?? downtown during the war. My uncle Bert Rovere in charge as usual. Does anybody know of the exact location?

Still trying to track down the galileo hotel....however, Victory House is easy.

this was a bandstand and booth structure that was built in Pershing Square during world war II as a location to hold war bond drives.

Jitterbuggin' at Victory House
Source: LAPL

B25 on display at Victory House in Pershing Square
Source: LAPL

Beauty contest at Victory House

Eva Gabor signing autographs at the Victory House booth
Source: LAPL

Victory House Booth at night.....(notice the glass block)
Source: LAPL

selling war bonds at the Victory House booth by questionable methods.......(notice the chevron glass block on the selves, this is the same glass block used on the building)
Source: LAPL

Howitzer on display at Victory house
Source: LAPL

Sister Aimee raising for war bonds at victory house
Source: Corbis Images

GaylordWilshire Mar 18, 2011 1:43 AM

Keep these murals in L.A. State Mutual Golden State Mutual
These murals in the lobby of the landmark Golden State Mutual Life Insurance Building at 1999 W. Adams are in danger of being spirited away from the
City of Angels. Stories here: and here: and here: The building is by none other than Paul R. Williams. With the Golden State's demise, what will be
the fate of its building? I don't think the Smithsonian is going to buy it. (Note the sign in the lower-right corner of the second mural above.) R. Williams Project

Ninja55 Mar 18, 2011 3:08 AM

Do you see Bozzani's at the bottom and a few blocks away the Paris Inn??
Read on...............

Ninja55 Mar 18, 2011 3:09 AM

Ninja55 Mar 18, 2011 3:10 AM

Ninja55 Mar 18, 2011 3:11 AM

gsjansen Mar 18, 2011 10:52 AM


bozzani motors at sunset and broadway 1930
Source: LAPL

originally this was the site, (and building), of the Los Angeles and Redondo Railroad station. image below is circa 1900

when you compare the two photos, you can see they retained some elements of the original railroad station structure

GaylordWilshire Mar 18, 2011 5:40 PM

The people of Modena were right--the Bozzanis actually were auto manufacturers...or at least assemblers--as the rooftop sign in this picture indicates. It seems to be advertising some sort of demonstration of what car dealers on the West Coast were often required to do in the days before Eastern manufacturers set up their own branch plants west of the Rockies, i.e., vehicles were often shipped "knocked down" in crates to be assembled locally by them. The Whippet, the car for which the prize of a down payment is apparently being offered attendees on Oct. 24th, was Willys's smaller line, built from 1926 to '31. Willys opened an assembly plant in Maywood in the Central Manufacturing District in 1929, shifting assembly from dealers to manufacturer, so the picture is most likely before that, despite the LAPL's labeling of the photo "1936".... (People, please--cloche hats were way gone by 1936!) (The parade car, of course, was an antique even by the 'teens.)

I was intrigued by the figure at the right side of your picture, gs. The shot below clears that up. While I'd place the pic above between 1926 and '29, this one is dated 1922--Bozzani was handling Durant at that time, a make produced from 1921 to '26 (and later, from '28 to '32), as well as Willys's stablemate, the Overland, which also ended production in '26 and was replaced by the Whippet. I think the building actually looks better in this earlier shot--notice the revisions to the Sunset end of the building.

ninja55: I absolutely love the tale of the Rovere's Bozzani Dodge tour through Europe. And gs, it's great that you made the connection between the old LA&R station and the Bozzani dealership building. Such an interesting corner of L.A. history, with the old adobe on the other side of the big building that we've seen here before, and the RR station giving way to automobiles....

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