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tovangar2 Nov 12, 2015 6:26 PM


Originally Posted by oldstuff (Post 7232809)
Meet Mr. William Petzold, his wife Eva and daughters Florence,on right, and Nellie, on left. Mr Petzold was born in New York of German immigrant parents, in February of 1866. His wife was also born in New York as were both his daughters. The younger daughter, Nellie, was born in 1897 so that would mean that the family came to California between that time and 1900 when they appear in the Census in Los Angeles. They lived at 506 E. 1st street in 1900 and then later moved to 842 Beaudry where they lived until the mid-1940's. They must have lived in the De Long house for only a very short time.

Thank you oldstuff. We've already met the Petzold family ("Petzold" is a hard name to forget):


Originally Posted by GaylordWilshire (Post 7072923)

Here's a house on Bartlett Street, just northeast of the "Stack"--

William Petzold, a janitor in an office building, was at 824 Bartlett St in the '09CD; then, in subsequent CDs through 1921, at 825 Bartlett (perhaps the '09 CD is in error, or the renumberings of many streets around 1910 had something to do with the change). The Petzolds appear to have moved to Beaudry Street by 1922.

825 Bartlett is still a pretty house:


Originally Posted by tovangar2 (Post 7073425)

ethereal_reality Nov 12, 2015 6:37 PM

Thanks for everyone's help in finding the vanished De Long Street.
-as well as the information on the Petzolds.

ethereal_reality Nov 12, 2015 7:04 PM

It appears our jack-of-all-trades R.H. Rood made friends with a couple of Fanchon & Marco showgirls. (the photographs are all dated 1928)

:previous: I'm having trouble reading the left margin.

:previous: He seems a bit distant with this one.

below: Definitely more chummy with Ms. Gaily.

We've seen the Fanchon & Marco girls a few times on NLA.

Here's my favorite:

Fanchon & Marco girls posing at the Midwick View Estates, Monterey Park 1930.
old file

:previous: Does anyone recognize Berneice[sic] Ann Gaily or her brunette friend?

The "cascades" the girls are posing on are still there in Monterey Park!
go here:

Here's the link to my Midwick View Estates post if anyone's curious. (I am working on replacing the missing photos)

HossC Nov 12, 2015 7:07 PM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 7232122)

reverse / Wm Petgold, De Long St., L.A.

but I can't find De Long Street anywhere near 13th Street.


Originally Posted by Flyingwedge (Post 7232242)

1906 Sanborn Map; that's Pico running vertically on the right side. You can see 1321 De Long one house to the south of the alley south of Pico.

The house was still there in 1950.

I think the house may have survived until at least 1980. The plots either side became apartments, but it looks like there still a small building at 1321 De Long Street in this view.
Historic Aerials

The apartments are visible in an oblique view I posted regarding the Georgia Street carbarn in post #21064. Unfortunately, they hide the house.

ethereal_reality Nov 12, 2015 7:29 PM

:previous: Good eye Hoss! -very cool.

HossC Nov 12, 2015 7:42 PM

By chance, today's Julius Shulman post is a similar business to yesterday's. This is Lytton Savings and Loan on Topanga Canyon Boulevard in Canoga Park. It's "Job 4012: Kurt Meyer, Lytton Savings and Loan Association (Los Angeles, Calif.), 1966, 1967". This set is also a mixture of color and black & white pictures. I've omitted some of the exterior shots and some duplicates.

Here are the ends of the building.

I'm not sure how accurate the interior colors are. I've left them as I found them.

This is the area beyond the stairs in the photo above. That red looks very dark to me.

The upper level only occupied the rear of the building, and was open at the front.

Here is that open area.

I'm assuming this is the back of the building.

They sure liked their big pieces of art.

The corner office had a slightly angled desk.

All from Getty Research Institute

The clipping below is from the February 25, 1965 edition of Valley News. The last paragraph mentions the art pieces seen above.
NB. I've rearranged the original layout to be more screen-friendly.

The building is now a branch of Chase. Other than the blue panel housing ATMs on the left, the exterior looks intact. I wish the Googlemobile had made a recent pass on the far side of the street so I could get a better wide view. End views are also tricky due to trees - no doubt part of the "richly-landscaped, park-like plaza".

tovangar2 Nov 12, 2015 8:08 PM

More Rood photos

Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 7232929)

:previous: I'm having trouble reading the left margin.

Huh. Me too.

Best dancing - girl - of the diz/dig (?) Baby & etc

Her partner - Fanchon Marco girl


MichaelRyerson Nov 12, 2015 8:23 PM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 7223618)
'mystery' monument.

I noticed this rocket-like "pillar" on a triangular piece of land off the northeast corner of Evergreen Cemetery.

Does anyone know what it represents? (there are several plaques, but they're too small to read from the google-mobile)

But that's not all.

A few feet away from the pillar is this odd vent-like thingy (there's an opening at the top)
detail / gsv

For the life of me I can't figure out what is it.

When I viewed it from this angle (below) I thought it might be an emergency vent related to the large tanks across the street. (but I admit that's a wild guess)
detail / gsv

Here's one last look at both the thingy and the pillar.

Called Los 5 Puntos and talked to 'Javier' (perfect English) asked him if he knew what the white rocket-looking monument was and he said it was a monument to Mexican veterans and I asked if it was for any specific war and he called out to a buddy nearby who said he didn't think it was any particular war, just 'Mexican veterans'. How appropriate.

ethereal_reality Nov 12, 2015 8:55 PM

:previous: Thanks for the additional information M_R. Did he know anything about the other 'thingy' that looks like a vent-

This appears to be the same photo in my earlier post, but it has different writing in the borders.

although it pretty much says the same thing.

ethereal_reality Nov 12, 2015 8:57 PM


Originally Posted by tovangar2 (Post 7233011)
Huh. Me too.

Best dancing - girl - & the diz/dig (?) Baby & etc

Her partner - Fanchon Marco girl

thanks for your help t2. Mr. Rood certainly got around didn't he.

Earl Boebert Nov 12, 2015 9:03 PM


Originally Posted by MichaelRyerson (Post 7233046)
Called Los 5 Puntos and talked to 'Javier' (perfect English) asked him if he knew what the white rocket-looking monument was and he said it was a monument to Mexican veterans and I asked if it was for any specific war and he called out to a buddy nearby who said he didn't think it was any particular war, just 'Mexican veterans'. How appropriate.

It is generally known as the "Mexican-American All Wars Memorial." There is some controversy about the name:

It was put up in 1947.



tovangar2 Nov 12, 2015 9:23 PM

"...East Los Angeles already has an All Wars Memorial: it’s at Atlantic Park." (per Earl Boebert's linked article :previous:)

The other All Wars Memorial,
Atlantic Park
566 S Atlantic Blvd. East LA

tovangar2 Nov 12, 2015 9:57 PM


Originally Posted by MichaelRyerson (Post 6717935)
We share a particular interest in the 4th Street stub.

The 1876 Glover birdseye (looking SE) shows 3rd and 4th running down to Flower off Bunker Hill. Did this ever actually happen IRL?
uscdl (detail)


Originally Posted by HossC (Post 6717939)
For a reminder - here's how the hillside looked in 1916.
Detail of picture in USC Digital Library

tovangar2 Nov 12, 2015 10:49 PM

Fanchon and Marco
A great site with plenty of pix on the brother and sister team of Fanchon and Marco, put together by a son, is here

A good single page on F&M is here

They gave a start to Cyd Charisse (age 12) Joan Crawford, Martha Raye, Johnny Downs, Janet Gaynor, Dorothy LaMour, Judy Garland (Gumm Sisters), Doris Day, Bing Crosby, etc

Fanny (Franchon) and Mike (Marco)

Fanchon's husband, Wm Simon, Sr, founded Simon's Drive-ins.

ethereal_reality Nov 12, 2015 11:50 PM

'mystery' rooftops.

I found the following four photographs in a very old file of mine.
They show gymnasts performing stunts on a rooftop(s) in Los Angeles [c.1930s]

There are two big hints:

#1 I had them filed under "Poly" / so they could be gymnasts from L.A. Polytechnic High School (or they could just be training there) -perhaps for the 1932 L.A. Olympics?

#2 I recognize the tall building in the distance in the first photograph (below) as the Mode O Day building on W. Washington Blvd.
eBay / detail

below: This appears to be a different rooftop.
ebay / detail

I am especially intrigued by the building behind the gymnast; it has some excellent architectural detailing.

In this similar photo, it's clear there is a sign on the building, F O R E something.
eBay / detail

:previous: Does anyone recognize the building in the distance?

Here are the whole photographs as they appeared on eBay.

The fourth photograph shows a gymnast in an interior setting.


rbpjr Nov 13, 2015 12:00 AM

Here's a view of Dickens Street where the original school once stood.

Thanks...I only attended sixth grade there then onto Van Nuys High School, which I think contained the Jr. High on campus...was only there for seventh grade before moving back to south-central L.A. I can't remember if we had those so called "portables" at the Dickens Street school then or whether my classroom was in the old building...I just remember the old building with lots of trees around the playground...

3940dxer Nov 13, 2015 12:59 AM

My Mother Was the Mistress of the Owner of Clifton's Cafeteria
After their recent re-opening, Clifton's Cafeteria has really been in the news lately. I've visited a few times and was really impressed by the amazing restoration job (though I fully agree with popular refrain that the cafeteria line and menu need more work).

Anyway, I came across this article the other day, which was quite a fun read:

Also, FWIW, the founder's grandson will be giving a talk at the Los Feliz library Nov. 19. I plan on going, it sounds interesting!

C. King Nov 13, 2015 1:12 AM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 7233353)
'mystery' rooftops.

I found the following four photographs in a very old file of mine.
They show gymnasts performing stunts on a rooftop(s) in Los Angeles [c.1930s]

There are two big hints:

#1 I had them filed under "Poly" / so they could be gymnasts from L.A. Polytechnic High School (or they could just be training there) -perhaps for the 1932 L.A. Olympics?

#2 I recognize the tall building in the distance in the first photograph (below) as the Mode O Day building on W. Washington Blvd.
eBay / detail

below: This appears to be a different rooftop.
ebay / detail

I am especially intrigued by the building behind the gymnast; it has some excellent architectural detailing.

In this similar photo, it's clear there is a sign on the building, F O R E something.
eBay / detail

:previous: Does anyone recognize the building in the distance?

Here are the whole photographs as they appeared on eBay.

The fourth photograph shows a gymnast in an interior setting.



By the looks of the your second pic, it looks like the Foreman Building. Found this link,


ethereal_reality Nov 13, 2015 1:56 AM


Thanks for your help Casey. Here's the building.

To be honest, I wasn't expecting the building to be downtown.

What do you guys this the building? Did it ever have writing along the roof-line? (as shown below)
ebay / detail

ethereal_reality Nov 13, 2015 2:18 AM

Excellent post on Canoga Park's Lytton Savings and Loan Hoss. Thanks for posting all the photographs in that series.

originally posted by HossC
:previous: this was my favorite. (I so loved my tricycle when I was a kid)

That said, I couldn't help but notice all the "modern" art in the interior (some worse than others)

In all honesty, I rather like this severe looking sculpture. (it reminds me of a prop from the movie "Alien")

I wonder if it's still inside?


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