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Lorendoc Apr 23, 2014 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 6550608)
A Six County Coordinated System: Freeways and Expressways (1958)

I'm not sure what those smaller areas within the counties (they're mostly in San Bernardino County) represent.
-there's also one on the north border of Los Angeles County and Kern County.

....and look at tiny Orange County. i thought it was much larger than that.

Those areas in Kern and San Bernardino counties are today, clockwise from left, Edwards Air Force base, Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake, NAWS China Lake Range B, Fort Irwin National Training Center, and Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center - Twentynine Palms.

ethereal_reality Apr 23, 2014 11:48 PM

:previous: Thanks for the information Lorendoc. -much appreciated

GaylordWilshire Apr 24, 2014 12:24 AM

In researching the history of 4032 Wilshire Boulevard—an old friend here first brought to our attention by ER on Oct 12, 2011, and later identified by BRR—I made an interesting discovery.


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 5442666)
This is a long shot, but does anyone recognize this small streamline building?
It's unidentified in the lapl archive.
Herman Schultheis at

Besides the photographer's name, the biggest clue is clearly the address 4032 (minus the name of the street).
LAT Sept 13, 1936

The finished remodeling differs from the Times rendering, but in any case it never occurred to me that the Streamlined medical office wasn't new construction.

Full story of 4032 Wilshire Boulevard: http://wilshireboulevardhouses.blogs...e-see-our.html

unihikid Apr 24, 2014 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by HossC (Post 6550775)
Picworth Market, located at Pico Boulevard and Hayworth Avenue, ca.1940. The neon sign on the right is for Ahrens Bros. Pies.
USC Digital Library

Despite the front being filled in, the building (and its neighbor on the left) seems to have changed very little in just over 70 years.

wow i never knew that was a market,it was always a studio of some sort,the brownish building to the right was where the Pickfair Theatre was,my mom use to go to a shoe store to get her shoes repaired.the Pickfair/Picfair was damaged during the riots,it last served as a used appliance store (dad bought a 30s wedgewood stove there in 85)...i posted in cinema treasures a while back about breaking into the pickfair when it was a glad i did,but there was a drug deal that was going down at the same time and me and a friend saw a guy holding a machine gun.... either way soon after that(1995) they tore it down and replaced it with this brick building.

Now the building to the left for the longest was a light build/electrical store,and i use to get a kick out of the huge yellow light build that was in the parking lot(think randys donuts)...i was really into old movie projectors and got all of my replacement lamps from there...i guess they went out of business around 03 or so....sorry for the long winded post but its fun to see things that you saw everyday while growing up that are now long gone.

GaylordWilshire Apr 24, 2014 12:53 AM

Family noir
LAPD/Fototeka/Daily Mail
LAT Dec 16, 1950
LAT Dec 20, 1950
LAT Dec 30, 1950/The house at 4973 Neoline Avenue today...the same one where Bennett died in the "Brat Wagon"?

rbpjr Apr 24, 2014 1:12 AM

Your local Target can only be considered "elegant" if compared to a resale shop! One doesn't really see any elegance today even if walking along the fabled Rodeo Drive and it is for certain there is today no elegance to be found in building design, home design, and automobile styling.[/QUOTE]

About the only "elegant" places left are 4 & 5 star example are the "restrooms" at the Grand America Hotel in Salt Lake City...outstanding!

acorn8332 Apr 24, 2014 5:37 AM

Sorry about the double post--the photos didn't turn out as expected. And I couldn't delete this one--could only edit the text. "Correct" post appears below.

acorn8332 Apr 24, 2014 5:56 AM


Originally Posted by HossC (Post 6550728)
Here's a Herald Express pickup I found in a 1940 photo, although this one says Bakersfield underneath.
Detail of picture below.

The full picture shows the 1925 Petroleum Building at Olympic and Flower. In 1940 it housed the General Motors Acceptance Corporation and Security First National Bank on the first floor.
USC Digital Library

Behind the Petroleum Building was a another Associated gas station. It's now a parking lot.
Detail of picture above.

Today, the Petroleum Building and the Standard Oil Building (behind the camera) are probably the only surviving buildings that would have been visible from this intersection in 1940. From this angle, the Ritz-Carlton is just out of sight.

The last remaining twin version of the Olympic Special that's actually on Olympic Blvd can be seen in the GSV. Sadly, the streetlight has been disfigured with HPS Cobra Heads.

There are two more Olympic Special twins, but not on Olympic. One is on Los Angeles Street, between Temple & First. That one has big, ugly glass balls grafted onto it. The other is in the Vermonica exhibit, thankfully with its original decorative teardrops.
Today 6:12 PM

Martin Pal Apr 24, 2014 6:38 AM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 6550972)
Martin Pal, it's pretty cool 'The Kings' showed up on that 1945 fun map just a couple days after your postcard of the same venue.
(I thoroughly enjoyed your recent posts on Hollywood & Vine)

Thanks E_R!

Some more about "The Kings." I'm discovering this particular corner that I've walked by on numerous occasions has quite a history all its own!

Additional info about The Kings Restaurant (1945 - 1955) from Ron Kessler. The restaurant was opened and owned by his Grandfather, George Distel.

The King’s Restaurant opened in 1945 and was envisioned as THE place to go for great seafood, which is ironic considering the postcard I first posted only advertises steak, etc.

Here’s the menu:

It was open ‘til 4:00 a.m. The two-story restaurant included:
1st floor - restaurant building
Main dining room seats 125
Cocktail lounge seats 45

The main floor included two grand pianos and broadcast equipment. Late at night a disc jockey spun records and broadcast the show over the radio from the restaurant.

2nd floor
Two banquet rooms
Dining balcony
Owner's apartment

With television becoming ever more popular a large screen television was installed for viewing.

A 1948 advertisement.

A brochure:

To read the green “ad text” above, click HERE.
To read the celebrity quotes, click HERE.

A couple postcards:

For more about The King’s Restaurant and George Distel’s dealings before he opened it, some of which are on the noir side, click HERE.

This particular corner has had quite a history! Click on these other links for what was there prior to The Kings Restaurant and its numerous star-studded incarnations afterwards. And noirish stories, as well. (And, yes, a few elements about these locations have been mentioned in previous posts.)

1926-1931 Bank of West Hollywood
1945-1955 Kings Restaurant (see above links)
1961-1968 - P.J.'s for Cool Jazz
1961 - 1968 Sid & Marty Krofft/P.J.'s Theater
1968 -1972 P.J.'s
Starwood 1973- 1982

Presently, a Russian Restaurant called Traktir,, sits at this location.

ethereal_reality Apr 24, 2014 3:37 PM

:previous: I'm surprised it was open until 4:00 AM...and had broadcasting equipment.
It's interesting the owner had an apartment in the same building as his business.
(this type of arrangement seems to have been more common back in the 30s and 40s)
-good post MP.


Originally Posted by GaylordWilshire (Post 6551170)
I made an interesting discovery.
LAT Sept 13, 1936

It never occurred to me that the Streamlined medical office wasn't new construction.

This isn't just an interesting discovery, this is an amazing discovery! Good job GW.

sad sad story about the family in the woody.

ethereal_reality Apr 24, 2014 6:19 PM

1910 Los Angeles City Market



ethereal_reality Apr 24, 2014 7:13 PM

oldstuff Apr 24, 2014 8:32 PM

Hans Jevne

Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 6552049)

I like to find a name I can research and this one has H. Jevne as a grocer in the enlarged picture. Hans Jevne was born in Norway in 1848. Mr Jevne came to the US in 1865 and became a naturalized US citizen in Chicago in 1872. His name appears in the Voter Registrations in Los Angeles in 1884 and again in 1892 where he is listed as a retail grocer. The voter registrations of that day had a physical description of people and Mr Jevne is described as being 5' 71/2" with blue eyes and brown hair. His residence at that time was at 849 Burlington Avenue and his business was located at 136-138 N. Spring. His wife's name was Mina. By 1920 the census shows that they resided at 910 S. San Rafael Avenue, Pasadena. The assessor's office shows that the house at that address was built in 1913.

An ad in the 1897 directory for his business notes that it carried a " complete Stock of California and imported wines, Liquors, Cigars, Mineral waters, Teas, Coffees, Spices and All Lines that should be carried in a first class grocery house". that same directory notes that they were located in the "Wilcox building"

Here is a link to a picture and bio of Mr Jevne

unihikid Apr 24, 2014 9:37 PM


Originally Posted by unihikid (Post 6551184)
wow i never knew that was a market,it was always a studio of some sort,the brownish building to the right was where the Pickfair Theatre was,my mom use to go to a shoe store to get her shoes repaired.the Pickfair/Picfair was damaged during the riots,it last served as a used appliance store (dad bought a 30s wedgewood stove there in 85)...i posted in cinema treasures a while back about breaking into the pickfair when it was a glad i did,but there was a drug deal that was going down at the same time and me and a friend saw a guy holding a machine gun.... either way soon after that(1995) they tore it down and replaced it with this brick building.

Now the building to the left for the longest was a light build/electrical store,and i use to get a kick out of the huge yellow light build that was in the parking lot(think randys donuts)...i was really into old movie projectors and got all of my replacement lamps from there...i guess they went out of business around 03 or so....sorry for the long winded post but its fun to see things that you saw everyday while growing up that are now long gone.

Ok so this is gonna be a killing two birds with one stone post.. We talked about the LArwy work trucks,a few years ago(2009) i made a visit to Perris Ca, I had a blast,saw all types of trians and even rode on a few...but the highlight was finding a few trucks on the with my handy cellphone i shot a few pictures of the trucks.
I saw a early 50s 5 window gmc with PE livery..what made it stand out was that it had its original radio which if you know that truck they often came with delete plates...anyways like i said it was a great visit. We left OERM very hungry and headed towards the freeway and thats when we saw an older A-frame building that had a great deal on chili we got a few and headed back on the freeway, about a mile in we decided that they were damn we turned around and went back to Tastee Burger and got some more dogs for the road(they were almost as good as pinks).

So we make it back to Pasadena and I want to see Christmas Tree Lane...we try to follow the signs but its sorta hard in the daylight to find it. we get to the end of a street and find this huge fancy gate, I wish i knew weather we were in Altadena or Pasadena so i could pin point the former mansion.

from what we gathered,at one time it was a mansion,now its a park...anyways it was getting late and low and behold a few blocks away was Christmas Tree Lane....

That was a great day..maybe you can add more info on the trucks wig-wag and i know someone knows more about the mansion...and last but not least this is the Picfair!
Photo of Picfair by American Classic Images
all other photos by Me

ethereal_reality Apr 24, 2014 10:08 PM

:previous: Interesting little trip unihikid. Now you've made me hungry of Pink's.

The caption on this photograph was Wallace Beery at his Silver Lake retreat.

Is this Silver Lake in Los Angeles proper, or another Silver Lake up in the mountains somewhere?
He looks like he could be a hundred miles from downtown.

ethereal_reality Apr 24, 2014 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by oldstuff (Post 6552265)
Hans Jevne was born in Norway in 1848. Mr Jevne came to the US in 1865 and became a naturalized US citizen in Chicago in 1872. His name appears in the Voter Registrations in Los Angeles in 1884 and again in 1892 where he is listed as a retail grocer. The voter registrations of that day had a physical description of people and Mr Jevne is described as being 5' 71/2" with blue eyes and brown hair. His residence at that time was at 849 Burlington Avenue and his business was located at 136-138 N. Spring. His wife's name was Mina. By 1920 the census shows that they resided at 910 S. San Rafael Avenue, Pasadena. The assessor's office shows that the house at that address was built in 1913.

An ad in the 1897 directory for his business notes that it carried a " complete Stock of California and imported wines, Liquors, Cigars, Mineral waters, Teas, Coffees, Spices and All Lines that should be carried in a first class grocery house". that same directory notes that they were located in the "Wilcox building"

Thanks for the information on Hans Jevne oldstuff.

To see his wholesale grocery building go here: (it's impressive and still standing)


ethereal_reality Apr 24, 2014 10:29 PM

A haven for Deltiologists.

Interior of a postcard arcade at 412 S. Main Street, Los Angeles


GaylordWilshire Apr 24, 2014 10:38 PM

House ID

Have we seen this house here before? I might be thinking of another house. But can anyone ID this one? Seems to be the hills-- Hollywood? Los Feliz? Another one in Altadena/Pasadena? These are screenshots from "Standing Pat"--made in 1928 with three actors called "A Ton of Fun": Hilliard Karr, Frank Alexander and "Kewpie" Ross.

Graybeard Apr 24, 2014 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 6552417)
:previous: Interesting little trip unihikid. Now you've made me hungry of Pink's.

The caption on this photograph was Wallace Beery at his Silver Lake retreat.

Is this Silver Lake in Los Angeles proper, or another Silver Lake up in the mountains somewhere?
He looks like he could be a hundred miles from downtown.

He lived on an island on Silver Lake near Yosemite National Park.

ethereal_reality Apr 24, 2014 10:59 PM

:previous: Thanks Graybeard. So Mr. Beery is hundreds of miles away. -my bad.


This is 1015 S. Saint Andrews Place (cute, but not the same house)

and 1015 N. Saint Andrews is a modern apartment building.

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