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Tourmaline Mar 29, 2014 1:42 AM


Originally Posted by MartinTurnbull (Post 6515901)
Do we know when "Googies" became "Pippys"?

Sorry, I do not know the answer to your question. Checking the '56 CD, the 8100 Sunset address and H0 2-3411 are both shared by Googie's and Sherry's Cocktail Bar. I haven't seen any later listing for Pippy's, but there is some evidence it was there in the mid-late '70s. (Is that a '70s Cadillac Seville?) Access to earlier listings or paper archives might be helpful. For some reasons I recall reading another name may have graced that location but I can't presently verify.

Googies presentation seemed to be well thought out. Pippy's seems to have been a mishmash of competing signage.

A better image that JD would recognize. Probably from the '50s. Notice second sign: "Googies Coffee Shop."

Those Who Squirm! Mar 29, 2014 5:17 AM

Beverly Gardens Pond

Originally Posted by Those Who Squirm (Post 6394022)
Well, now, this is good news! I'll have to take a drive over there when it's done.

I made it over there today and here are a couple of photos:

General view of the pond
(Own Work)

A shot of just those soothing ripples--now the wallpaper for all my devices!
(Own work)

CityBoyDoug Mar 29, 2014 1:50 PM


Originally Posted by CityBoyDoug (Post 6513118)
This is one of Walt Disney's several offices....There was one on display at Disneyland a few years ago. Many of the really wonderful displays that were at Disneyland are long gone.

Below is the office of MGM Studio boss.......Louis B. Mayer
Born Lazar Meir, possibly on July 12, 1884, to a Jewish family in Minsk, Russia.

Mayer lived on Saint Cloud Road in the East Gate Bel Air section of Los Angeles, California.

The desk was made in the studio prop department.

GaylordWilshire Mar 29, 2014 2:02 PM

UPDATE: A history of the houses is here

A great house rediscovered... posts of Tourmaline and BifRayRock (see post #20498) led me to an interesting place once at 317 S. Vermont:

Zooming in on the center right of the panorama above of Vermont Avenue near 4th revealed the house below...

Seems it was built between 1911 and 1914 by John N. Kirkland, secretary-treasurer of the American Drug Co., at a time when Vermont in this vicinity was a narrower residential street not yet slated to become a major north-south arterial road. (A lot of builders of big houses in the Wilshire District suffered from this kind of bad timing.) While the Kirkland family seems to have owned the house as late as 1928, they appear to have leased it for a few years beginning in 1924 to the Russian Arts Club. I found the pictures below also at the USCDL--the caption info indicates that they were commissioned by Mrs. Kirkland in 1928, perhaps to record the house for posterity (which it now seems she has). I haven't yet looked into how long the house actually stood.

Perhaps that is Mrs. Kirkland on the stoop in the top picture...

All from USCDL

Tourmaline Mar 29, 2014 3:21 PM


Originally Posted by GaylordWilshire (Post 6517506)
A great house rediscovered... posts of Tourmaline and BifRayRock (see post #20498) led me to an interesting place once at 317 S. Vermont:

Zooming in on the center right of the panorama above of Vermont Avenue near 4th revealed the house below...

Seems it was built between 1911 and 1914 by John N. Kirkland, secretary-treasurer of the American Drug Co., at a time when Vermont in this vicinity was a narrower residential street not yet slated to become a major north-south arterial road. (A lot of builders of big houses in the Wilshire District suffered from this kind of bad timing.) While the Kirkland family seems to have owned the house as late as 1928, they appear to have leased it for a few years beginning in 1924 to the Russian Arts Club. I found the pictures below also at the USCDL--the caption info indicates that they were commissioned by Mrs. Kirkland in 1928, perhaps to record the house for posterity (which it now seems she has). I haven't yet looked into how long the house actually stood.

Perhaps that is Mrs. Kirkland on the stoop in the top picture...

All from USCDL

A welcome find. There is much going on in the panoramic photo. My first reaction to the house was the designer clearly liked pigeons or the their cooing sounds outside of the upper story windows. Is roof covered in heavy tar paper or could it be sheet metal?

Have noticed garden pictures from a Russian Art Center, circa '15, but doubt they have any relations to this property.

Curious about the large structures behind the house, including what seems to be a mansard roof.

Roofing work.

Wondered about the object to the right of the realty sign. Was it a shrub, an animate object or possibly a well head?

Tourmaline Mar 29, 2014 3:30 PM


Originally Posted by Godzilla (Post 6465135)
Resisted posting these in attempt to avoid reposts. Search does not provide an immediate answer. :shrug:

Strange street markings, that were probably short lived. Effectiveness of middle of the road traffic warnings (potential cross traffic) seems questionable. :no: Arrow points to . . . ? [Bang*]

1929 Wilshire and Ardmore.



1970 - Wilshire Corridor

Opposing view - late '40s early '50s (?)

Add to the list

Mid to late '80s. Concrete jungle.

GaylordWilshire Mar 29, 2014 6:02 PM


Originally Posted by Tourmaline (Post 6517551)
A welcome find. There is much going on in the panoramic photo. My first reaction to the house was the designer clearly liked pigeons or the their cooing sounds outside of the upper story windows. Is roof covered in heavy tar paper or could it be sheet metal?

Have noticed garden pictures from a Russian Art Center, circa '15, but doubt they have any relations to this property.

Curious about the large structures behind the house, including what seems to be a mansard roof.

I don't know about the pigeons or the lawn item or the roofing material, but the mansard-roofed building is 275 S New Hampshire:

In the aerial, 275 SNH is at top left; 317 S Vt was about where the McDonald's parking lot is at lower right.

A little noir: April 3, 1935

HossC Mar 29, 2014 6:56 PM


Originally Posted by Tourmaline (Post 6288194)
If those pics pique anyone's interest, could someone find a way of posting a complete enlarged high resolution version of the related panorama (below)? Previous effort did not do it justice! (post 13540)

Incomplete low resolution version:

I'm not sure if anyone ever posted a larger version of the panorama. Obviously the one below doesn't come close to the zoom levels of the recent detail posts by GaylordWilshire and Tourmaline, but it's already over 4000 pixels wide.

NB. I've spent a while trying to reduce the differences in lightness between panels and also made a few other tweaks.
USC Digital Library

I was interested to know what the roof sign near the top right corner of the bulding on left said. Zooming in, it was easy to see that it was the still extant sign atop the Du Barry apartments at the corner of Catalina and 5th.
Detail of picture above.

More pictures of the Du Barry apartments can be found in e_r's post here.

Tourmaline Mar 29, 2014 7:40 PM


Originally Posted by Tourmaline (Post 6481505)

Aug. '74 Starkist Terminal Island had 1000 female employees. (Shut down by '85)
Read more here:


Tourmaline Mar 29, 2014 7:44 PM

:previous: BRAVO! HossC


Originally Posted by Martin Pal (Post 6480978)

The Monkey Island stop?

Tourmaline Mar 29, 2014 8:00 PM


Originally Posted by HossC (Post 6517742)

Wondering what was to the east of Vermont i.e., toward the far right of the photo. The area has a chain link demarcating something. Ground looks like it was torn up and far from natural state. There is a large lamp mounted on a post. I took this to serve as billboard illumination, but maybe it was for something much bigger. Doesn't resemble typical landfill. Another golf course or an amusement park? Thinking it may have been some enterprise that the Kirklands would not have considered a nuisance.

WCArch Mar 29, 2014 8:29 PM

Here is Part III

HossC Mar 29, 2014 9:56 PM

With reference to the Vermont panorama above, one of the few survivors on that section of Vermont Avenue is the building on the corner of 3rd.
Detail of panorama above.

The modern signage does little to accentuate the building, but otherwise it looks intact.

The current view looking west on 4th Street shows that the Park Lane Apartments (3333 W 4th St) and the church on the west side of New Hampshire are still standing. The church still looks beautiful, although I'll wager that it wasn't the Korean Philadelphia Presbyterian Church when the panorama was taken!

On the left of the view above is another roof sign. By chance, I found a postcard of the Brynmoor Apartments on Ebay a few weeks ago, and didn't even know it had a roof sign.

The roof sign is at the back, so was obviously meant to be seen from Vermont and 4th.
Google Maps

Other than the windows being changed, the wall and arched sign at the entrance seem to be the only alterations from the postcard.

GaylordWilshire Mar 30, 2014 12:24 AM


Another Green Lantern Fountain...


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 6382992)
originally posted by HossC

I can't let this amazing detail of 5000 S. Central Ave. pass without pointing out the Green Lantern Fountain sign at upper right.
It immediately brought back memories of having 'Green Rivers' at the one and only drug store in my hometown.
After all these years looking at vintage photographs I've never noticed a sign such as this.

See also post #18453.

Flyingwedge Mar 30, 2014 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by HossC (Post 6517742)


Originally Posted by Tourmaline (Post 6517800)
Wondering what was to the east of Vermont i.e., toward the far right of the photo. The area has a chain link demarcating something. Ground looks like it was torn up and far from natural state. There is a large lamp mounted on a post. I took this to serve as billboard illumination, but maybe it was for something much bigger. Doesn't resemble typical landfill. Another golf course or an amusement park? Thinking it may have been some enterprise that the Kirklands would not have considered a nuisance.

The right side of the photo may show the aftermath of the undergrounding of Sacatela Creek. The light may be left over from that work. Perhaps it was used to illuminate
the area under Vermont at 4th, as it seems to be pointing in that direction.

I touched on Sacatela's undergrounding in this post on nearby Diana Street:

Tourmaline Mar 30, 2014 1:34 AM


Originally Posted by Flyingwedge (Post 6518096)
The right side of the photo may show the aftermath of the undergrounding of Sacatela Creek. The light may be left over from that work. Perhaps it was used to illuminate
the area under Vermont at 4th, as it seems to be pointing in that direction.

Should have connected the dots and the sloughs. :redface:

With this information I would now presume that when the Kirkland home was built, it essentially fronted a marsh or wetland. Curious if the creek was used as a water source for the home and nearby businesses. I recall some mention that the Fire station on Western was said to have tapped nearby springs and I haven't noticed any hydrants in the photo. It was one of the first choices regarding the lawn object next door to the Kirkland house.

Could this area have ever been improved? I don't recall any prior improvements, but the chain and posts seems somewhat more then a temporary barrier during construction. Could the chain have cordoned off an area being used as some sort of public facility? Another Bimini Slough? Or perhaps it was just a means of controlling access to the neighborhood quicksand.

It occurs to me that the Kirkland house and general vicinity has been seen before - but at night.

More of those mysterious posts and chain:

HossC Mar 30, 2014 1:42 AM

I found this "then and now" montage of 4th and Vermont at urban diachrony. It looks like there was a large pile of dirt where the golf course is in the panorama. The upper picture is available for zooming at the USC Digital Library.

HossC Mar 30, 2014 12:11 PM

I think this picture may have been posted on NLA before. It's taken from 4th, looking south on Vermont, and possibly shows the aftermath of the undergrounding of Sacatela Creek mentioned above by Flyingwedge. USC date it at 1931.
USC Digital Library

Off in the distance are The Talmadge and the Presbyterian church on Wilshire.
Detail of picture above.

GaylordWilshire Mar 30, 2014 1:18 PM

The Kirklands' piece of paradise, once at 317 S. Vermont--is now a McDonald's parking lot. But it lasted longer than you might think, apparently well beyond Mrs. Kirkland's death in 1955. Here's a little more:
LAPL/Historic Aerials

1929 and 1954 aerials with 317 S. Vermont circled in red; in 1929, a year before the slough was covered, West 3rd had yet to be cut through to the east.

Night shots, Vermont between 4th and 3rd, 1931:

West 3rd St. looking west from Westmoreland, 1938; the Kirkland house is at far left:

A few more pics of Vermont and 3rd-- note 275 S. New Hampshire in the top shot and Artie Shaw at the Palomar in the second.


HossC Mar 30, 2014 2:05 PM


Originally Posted by Tourmaline (Post 6517789)

I found this shot taken from Barham Boulevard. It's also looking north, and appears to show the same streetcar. The caption says "Pacific Electric Railway streetcar no.5179 on the Van Nuys Line heading south at Barham Boulevard. November 15, 1952". Whatever was left of Monkey Island would have been on the left near the billboards.
Metro Library and Archive

Before the freeway: the junction of Barham and Cahuenga.
NB. This is a small section of a 1939 aerial originally posted by MichaelRyerson. I've rotated it to match the other aerials below.
Detail of image in USC Digital Library

In 1948, the streetcar tracks and stairs are visible under Barham Boulevard. The freeway is still under construction and curves onto Cahuenga just south of Monkey Island.

Obviously the streetcar tracks went long before this 1980 aerial, but the views from the '70s were blurrier.

This 2004 aerial shows roughly how the area looks today.
The last three images are from Historic Aerials.

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