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Chuckaluck Mar 14, 2014 3:11 PM


Originally Posted by GaylordWilshire (Post 6493999)
Stillmore on the Gilmore...

It looks to me like after it was at the southeast corner of Beverly & Fairfax that it may have been moved south on Fairfax, with Herbert's Drive-In replacing it at the Beverly corner. Notice also what appear to be Beverly/Fairfax street signs...

The building at right is the one indicated by the red arrow below...

You can see the stadium behind the station...

If the station was picked up and moved down Fairfax (and not a new one), it was turned 90 degrees.

In city directories, V. L. Anderson, whose name appears on the station at 7870 Beverly, becomes merely a "gas sta atdt" by indication if he may have moved with the building.

The subject station's history, especially in its well lit configuration, was likely very fleeting. The biggest problem probably being placement of the underground storage tanks. Inexpensive labor was plentiful in the '30s. As we have seen particularly with this area, Gilmore was no stranger to erecting and striking venues as needed, similar to film sets. Probably very few codes by which to abide. According to the LA Times, parts of Gilmore Stadium's grandstand eventually made their way to build or augment the Saugus venue. So, for all we know, the same station exists . . . far far away or was partially re-erected on the Gilmore property. :rolleyes:

To my amateur sensibilities, the gas pumps and the station footprint were from the '20s while the lighting was the avant garde of the '30s. The style pumps depicted provided proof both of fuel quantity and quality (blu-green gas in case of Gilmore). Although the pumps continued to be used, they were probably seen as old and cumbersome (not modern).

Look closely for the name "(D?) or V. L. Anderson.";)

Surprised we haven't seen any aerials of the recently discussed self-serve station. Maybe not 100, but it looks as though there close to 30 working pumps which means the station and its attendants expected far more volume/sales than the solitary station. Have to wonder how long this lasted.

In looking for images related to this station, I was reminded of what I thought was a popular image from the early '50s featuring the Standard Oil Station on the NE corner of Beverly and Fairfax. Bus with tourists? It may have even been part of a LIFE series. Anyone familiar with it?

oldstuff Mar 14, 2014 3:14 PM


Originally Posted by Albany NY (Post 6493237)
Could there have been more than one of these monuments produced? A close comparison of the older and newer photos shows that virtually every detail of the logs is different, as well as the placement and background of the text. In fact, even the text style is subtly different (look at the "S"). I'm wondering if Glendale commissioned a replacement monument as opposed to a restoration. Thoughts?

I seem to recall that, in the 60's, the bottom part with the logs was pretty much in disrepair, probably due to whoever took her was made of rebar and there were large holes where parts of the logs were missing. The city probably could not save it due to rust on the rebar and disintegration of the cement and would have gotten a new base made, placing the repaired statue on top.

ethereal_reality Mar 14, 2014 3:15 PM

Excellent find Flyingwedge! I don't remember seeing the Excelsior Laundry building before.

Your 1907 photograph shows a gigantic flagpole attached to the corner of the building. By 1933 it's been replaced by a blade sign (it's rather hard to see), & at the corner on the roof you can see the old attachment that secured the flagpole. Also, in your 1933 close-up, you can see where the building has been seismic retrofitted (that was fast...since the earthquake occurred in 1933).

Here's FW's original post if you want to see what I'm blabbing about.

Anyway, good job FW.

GaylordWilshire Mar 14, 2014 3:47 PM


Originally Posted by Chuckaluck (Post 6494164)
To my amateur sensibilities, the gas pumps and the station footprint were from the '20s while the lighting was the avant garde of the '30s. The style pumps depicted provided proof both of fuel quantity and quality (blu-green gas in case of Gilmore). Although the pumps continued to be used, they were probably seen as old and cumbersome (not modern).

Look closely for the name "(D?) or V. L. Anderson.";)

It's V. L. Anderson, V as in Victor.

Just found looks like you're on to something, Chuckaluck. It looks like Anderson's station may have been a Deco remodeling of an earlier Gilmore....

And someone mentioned the Gilmore history display at the Farmers Market...

ethereal_reality Mar 14, 2014 3:51 PM

I've never heard of Dead's Man Island before.


ethereal_reality Mar 14, 2014 3:52 PM

A 32 foot,7 ton Shark!

I can't quite make this out to be a shark. -looks more like a whale.

ethereal_reality Mar 14, 2014 3:58 PM

Is this the Pioneer Memorial waterfall?

ethereal_reality Mar 14, 2014 3:58 PM

HossC Mar 14, 2014 4:45 PM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 6494247)
I've never heard of Dead's Man Island before.


Dead Man's Island was dredged away in 1928 as part of a harbor development effort. Rattlesnake Island, the other islet in the area, became Terminal Island. This photo dates from 1973:

A previous mention:


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 5533487)

In this map of Los Angeles County created by George W. Kirkland you can spot a N*gger Slough in the San Pedro/Long Beach area.

There are other interesting names in this map. It looks as if Terminal Island used to be Rattlesnake Island
(and a Dead Man's Island is thrown in for good measure).

Chuckaluck Mar 14, 2014 5:36 PM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 6494256)
A 32 foot,7 ton Shark!

I can't quite make this out to be a shark. -looks more like a whale.

Most likely a harmless whale shark.

Martin Pal Mar 14, 2014 6:22 PM

In this photo, the building on the right--I first thought that read "Open Loins." :haha:

Tourmaline Mar 14, 2014 8:34 PM


Originally Posted by Chuckaluck (Post 6493424)

Another Beverly-Fairfax puzzlement? Do any of the aerial photos depict this expansive enterprise? No reason for the recently discussed solitary Gilmore Station to coexist with this.

Several prior posts also included photos of Gilmore's self-serve station. See e.g., and

Per DWP:

Although an aerial photo may exist, one reason why it may not have received much coverage is because this area was away from most of the Farmer's Market action on Fairfax. Instead, it seems that this was on the less-improved south side of Beverly Boulevard toward Gilmore Field, the Pan Pacific Auditorium and its unpaved parking area. In some of the shots, the background buildings would be on the north side of Beverly Blvd.

Although the pieces do not exactly fit, in this instance, the fluted building (below) may be at the corner of Stanley and Beverly. It could also be that the building in the '48 shot no longer exists or has been remodeled. Looks like the large advertising sign across from the Bevonshire Lounge at 7605 Beverly is in one shot.;) See

Martin Pal Mar 14, 2014 9:07 PM


Originally Posted by GaylordWilshire (Post 6494237)
And someone mentioned the Gilmore history display at the Farmers Market...

Yes, there are also standing display cases with memorabilia inside them, including things from the Pan-Pacific Auditorium.

GILMORE Mar 14, 2014 9:21 PM

Hello, found this thread while doing a Google search for something Gilmore. Think I can answer a few of your Q's...


Originally Posted by GaylordWilshire (Post 6494237)
Just found looks like you're on to something, Chuckaluck. It looks like Anderson's station may have been a Deco remodeling of an earlier Gilmore....

Yes, same location. I do not know if Vic Anderson operated it then/originally. Do not know when it was originally built. Earliest mention I have seen of it (the Beverly-Fairfax station) is late 1930.

Same station...

Another shot of it on the USC site...

You'll notice in one of the photos, a shed-like structure on the right that says "GILMORE THE FLYING LION". The lion in reference is aviator Roscoe Turner's African lion flying partner/pet/mascot- Gilmore! After Gilmore's flying days were over, this is where Gilmore stayed for a brief period. Until, neighbors complained and city officials made Turner and the Gilmore Co. relocate him.

Martin Pal Mar 14, 2014 9:23 PM

GW, loved your pictures of Zamboanga and Chuckaluck, yours of the Singapore Spa!


Originally Posted by Chuckaluck (Post 6494164)
Surprised we haven't seen any aerials of the recently discussed self-serve station. Maybe not 100, but it looks as though there close to 30 working pumps which means the station and its attendants expected far more volume/sales than the solitary station. Have to wonder how long this lasted.

It's my belief that the self-service station can be found in this aerial if you look under the word “Beverly.” In the close-up photos you can see 8 rows of gas pumps in each photo. In the aerial you can see what look to be those same eight rows of pumps. It’s set off the street which would also coincide with the street-level photos and the large “serve yourself” sign seen in the pictures, along with the pay station booth. From that location looking west (the night photo) you would also see the “Herbert’s” tower in the background and the Fairfax Theatre sign off to the right.

As for expecting “far more volume/sales than the solitary station,” that location with Gilmore Field, Gilmore Stadium, the Farmer’s Market, Fairfax Theater, Gilmore Drive-In and the Pan-Pacific Auditorium, surely would have provided that more than any other location I could think of in the city at the time!

GILMORE Mar 14, 2014 9:30 PM

Can't find the post at the moment, but there was a question as to what the track was that was behind the stadium, and at the site of where Gilmore Field was... the structure was a dog track that was built in 1933(?) but never came to operation, due to trouble getting permits. In 1934, when the Farmer's Market was proposed, lumber was taken from the track to built the market stalls, then buildings.

I believe in 1936, maybe '37, due to the success of the market, it was decided to move the Vic Anderson station closer to the market. After which, the address of the station became 3rd & Fairfax.

The Serve-Yourself Gilmore Gas-A-Teria was built in 1948. The Gilmore Oil Co. was not around at this time, having been bought out/merged with Mobil in 1945. The station did not sell the Gilmore gas brands.

HossC Mar 14, 2014 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by Martin Pal (Post 6494897)

It's my belief that the self-service station can be found in this aerial if you look under the word “Beverly.” In the close-up photos you can see 8 rows of gas pumps in each photo. In the aerial you can see what look to be those same eight rows of pumps. It’s set off the street which would also coincide with the street-level photos and the large “serve yourself” sign seen in the pictures, along with the pay station booth.


Originally Posted by GILMORE (Post 6494912)

The Serve-Yourself Gilmore Gas-A-Teria was built in 1948.

Here's a larger version of the area near the word "Beverly" in my earlier aerial. It's dated at 1948, which ties in nicely with GILMORE's build date. I think it's also visible in the 1952 aerial, but the image is considerably more blurry.
Historic Aerials

GaylordWilshire Mar 14, 2014 11:02 PM


Hello Gilmore--thanks for the great new info.

In a couple of the USC pictures you mention is the actress Dorothy Burgess in a Packard at the Gilmore station. (The pics are dated 1932, so it seems that the new Deco canopies came after that.) As for Miss Burgess--seems she had a respectable career; it probably helped that her aunt was Fay Bainter, who had a great caeer and won an Oscar for in 1938.

After the Gilmore shoot, that December, a little noir for Miss Burgess...

"Burgess was charged with manslaughter following an auto accident in which she was driving. 17-year-old Louise Manfredi died in the wreck, in San Francisco, on the night of December 23, 1932. Burgess, driving alone, collided with a car driven by 18-year-old, Andrew Salz, a student at the University of California-Berkeley. Burgess' hearing was postponed and her bail was fixed at $50. She suffered from shock and was placed in a San Francisco sanitorium. Salz and Burgess each accused the other of responsibility for the accident. Burgess was sued by Italo Manfredi and his wife, Marie, in January 1933. They sought $25,000 in damages. A compromise payment of $6,150 was approved by the San Francisco Superior Court in August 1933. Earlier a compromise amounting to $6,000 was agreed upon for damages claimed by 18-year-old swimmer, Betty Lou Davis, who was injured in the same accident." (Wikipedia)

She died of TB in 1961.

Tourmaline Mar 15, 2014 1:22 AM


Originally Posted by GILMORE (Post 6494889)
Hello, found this thread while doing a Google search for something Gilmore. Think I can answer a few of your Q's...

Welcome and thank you for your posts. Thanks also to MartinP and HossC for aerial finds.

Another view of the Gilmore Gas-A-Teria

Gilmore No. 7. Olympic Gas?

Per Wiki, Gilmore the Flying Lion died in '52 and currently resides with the Smithsonian.

rlrdrken Mar 15, 2014 4:27 AM

She looks like the Black Dahlia as a middle aged Women.

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