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CityBoyDoug Dec 18, 2018 2:57 AM


Originally Posted by HossC (Post 8411742)
My guess for the tower would be the Wilshire United Methodist Church at 4350 Wilshire Boulevard.

The lights may be from the Ebell of Los Angeles/Wilshire Ebell Theatre, but there's only a small neon sign for the theater there today.

The two palms at the right side are displaying their sex life. On each tree we see the female at the lower portion and the male is at or near the top. I won't go into the intimate details as this is a family thread. :runaway:

Bristolian Dec 18, 2018 4:56 AM

Under Construction
I've been messing around with Instagram lately and came across this photo of Griffith Observatory under construction in 1933. I did a search of NLA and do not believe this shot has been seen here.

ethereal_reality Dec 18, 2018 6:21 AM


Originally Posted by HossC (Post 8411781)
Were you thinking of the house I've arrowed at the right?
Hollywood Photographs

Yep! That's the one Hoss.

ethereal_reality Dec 18, 2018 6:55 AM

Do you think this old photograph was taken inside the Pacific Electric Bldg. at 6th and Main?

Originally Posted by Ed Workman (Post 8411432)
I say no
The wood ceiling appears to be too old and flammable for 6th and main
The windows do not appear to be correct.
My guess
Los Angeles Pacific depot between 4th and 5th on Hill.

Good deductions Ed.

Larger view

ethereal_reality Dec 18, 2018 7:22 AM

Just saw this on ebay.

"1913 Los Angeles, California RPPC Photo Postcard House at 3643 S. GRAND AVENUE"

Address written on reverse.

Joe Gillis Dec 18, 2018 7:41 AM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 8412425)
Yep! That's the one Hoss.

Its still there!!3m1!1e3

ethereal_reality Dec 18, 2018 3:34 PM

:previous: Hi Joe have you been buddy?
..ummm...which post are you referring to?


As for 3643 S. Grand Ave.

I didn't notice the little boy on the balcony.

Is that a construction paper snowman in the window?

That; and the three dormant plants make me think this photograph might have been taken in the winter.

1. and 2. look like sagebrush [odinthor?]. (another couple of months and a strong gust of wind might send them tumbling down Grand Ave.)

Number 3. looks like it might be yucca.

also too...
I've been staring at the curb situation. The more I look at it the more surreal it becomes.

OK...I see what's going on. It's mostly reflection...and the freshly painted curb appears to be almost double in height. (compared to normal curbs)

But still...the thin strip of grass(?) between the curb and it's reflection seems like it shouldn't be there.

...or are my eyes deceiving me


GaylordWilshire Dec 18, 2018 3:39 PM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 8406623)
mystery gas station.

"Opening of Santa Claus display at station, Shell Oil Co., Southern California, 1930." (but it says 1929 on one of the giant books in the display)
USC didn't list Van Fleet, Durkee or Belmont...but they did list a ton of other details.

Meanwhile, over at The Homestead Blog, Paul R. Spitzzeri's truly great site that carries the subtitle "Creating advocates for history through the stories of greater Los Angeles,"
a new post describes Christmas the year before at another Shell station up Wilshire at Harvard--which must have been Wilshire Super Service at 3618. AND...Mr. Spitzzeri—
the director of the fantastic Workman and Temple Family Homestead Museum, by the way—has uncovered some great NOIR having to do with the photographer of the 1928
Shell Xmas scene, a different one than of Xmas 1929 at the Shell station at Catalina.... This photographer was up to other things, like leaping from a train....
The full story is HERE.

PS Anyone else curious about the balloons used in both Xmas scenes? Hmmm
The Homestead Blog
LAT Dec 12, 1928

ethereal_reality Dec 18, 2018 4:06 PM


Originally Posted by GaylordWilshire (Post 8412681)

Anyone else curious about the balloons used in the Xmas scenes?


They look like cartoon acorns.

What were balloons made out of back then? Whatever the material made for some really cool lookin' balloons.

Joe Gillis Dec 18, 2018 5:13 PM

Doh! sorry I meant the little thatched cottage on the Fox lot. its the one just off centre shot with the large tree and white chimney

odinthor Dec 18, 2018 7:51 PM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 8412675)
[…] the three dormant plants make me think this photograph might have been taken in the winter.

1. and 2. look like sagebrush [odinthor?]. (another couple of months and a strong gust of wind might send them tumbling down Grand Ave.)

Number 3. looks like it might be yucca.


[still blushing from the shameless palm trees in CBD's post]

Yes, e_r, I concur: Winter. These numbered plants very much caught my eye. The yucca or maybe aloe looks as if it has been run over a few times. The other two . . . have a weedy look . . . but by their placement seem to have been intentionally sited there . . . rather oddly for parkway planting, especially in those days . . . I think I see some flower-heads on them and am wondering if they're somewhat stunted and subsequently dead wild Fennel, Fœniculum vulgare, a non-native and most obnoxious plant in my humble estimation, growing in tree basins in which the (dead) street trees have been taken out . . . and while they (the Fennels) were alive, someone thought they were pretty enough to leave there (well, they do have, when alive, pretty feathery foliage and nice yellow flowers).

GaylordWilshire Dec 18, 2018 8:42 PM


Looks like 3643 S Grand lasted until demo'ed in 1975...
but it has a little juvenile noir attached to it--early gang activity in South LA--"The boys were organized in real dime novel style...."

Maybe the kid on the balcony is little Ernie Kurrie-- a.k.a. Steel Arm, or the Regulator, or Lightning Harry, or the Sure Shot, or Daredevil Dick. Or the King of the Road, or Little Swiftfoot or the Silent Messenger....
LA Herald Sept 24, 1908

GaylordWilshire Dec 18, 2018 8:58 PM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 8412712)

They look like cartoon acorns.

What were balloons made out of back then? Whatever the material made for some really cool lookin' balloons.

Acorns? Well, now I see that...but, well, I guess I have a dirty mind and was thinking along the lines of, let's say, Dagmars on the bumpers of '50s cars...i.e., something to entice the dads into buying Shell gas ... no no no I guess not.

Anyway, here is a clipping from The Homestead Blog...a little enticement to check out that blog but especially the '20s noir of the photog...

ethereal_reality Dec 19, 2018 2:51 AM

Originally Posted by GaylordWilshire (Post 8413159)

Acorns? Well, now I see that...but, well, I guess I have a dirty mind and was thinking along the lines of, let's say, Dagmars on the bumpers of '50s cars.

I've never seen nipples that I said acorns. ;)

ethereal_reality Dec 19, 2018 4:20 AM

File this post under: Extremely Noirish

Jules Dassin's Brute Force (1947)

:previous: See the mysterious woman on the calendar.

Here's the original painting by John Decker.

"Decker enjoyed visiting Los Angeles morgues and painting pictures of female cadavers."

It's all explained here....and it's quite fascinating!

for search purposes: Brute Force...1947...John Decker....Producer Mark Hellinger...morgue....cadaver....curse.

ethereal_reality Dec 19, 2018 4:35 AM


Mark Hellinger's name [the owner of the painting] is featured prominently on many of the Brute Force posters and lobby cards.

nealberke Dec 19, 2018 5:10 AM

RE: Balloons

Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 8412712)

They look like cartoon acorns.

What were balloons made out of back then? Whatever the material made for some really cool lookin' balloons.

According to a MENTAL FLOSS article by Monica Granados, toy balloons in the early 20th century were made of rubber but apparently not latex rubber. Latex balloons were invented in 1931. Here's the link to the article.

Handsome Stranger Dec 19, 2018 8:16 AM

Wow...what an amazing noirish tale about artist John Decker. Great post, ER!

"Take it easy, lady!"

CityBoyDoug Dec 19, 2018 2:31 PM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 8413614)

Mark Hellinger's name [the owner of the painting] is featured prominently on many of the Brute Force posters and lobby cards.

All from IMDB[/CENTER]

I would say that this movie is much too low on the moral ambiguity scale to be ''noirish".

Congratulations ER, absolute bottom may finally have been found.

:runaway: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :tup:

Snix Dec 19, 2018 8:55 PM

The "Belmont" neon sign is from the Belmont theater at 126 S. Vermont Ave. It would not be visible from Wilshire and Catalina.
Photo from Cinema Treasures


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 8406623)
mystery gas station.

"Opening of Santa Claus display at station, Shell Oil Co., Southern California, 1930." (but it says 1929 on one of the giant books in the display)

If you look closely, along the left edge, you can see the name of the owners of the station.
DETAIL: Van Fleet & Durkee #176

I also spotted *pats self on back* ;) a clue in the far distance.

Drum roll please.

USC didn't list Van Fleet, Durkee or Belmont...but they did list a ton of other details.


It looks like someone from Paramount designed the fantastic Christmas backdrop. (it's not really a backdrop...but you know what I mean)

I'm curious...what does [ilg] mean? (it's used numerous times in the 2nd paragraph)

To see the other two photographs of the Christmas decorations go HERE.

GaylordWilshire Dec 19, 2018 9:22 PM


In this case I think the Belmont sign was indeed visible from Wilshire & Catalina, given the raised position of the camera, and its distorting lens. The Du Barry Apartments were/are at 458 S Catalina--even though it was due north of the Shell station, it appears here to be to the northeast of the station. And the Belmont sign was huge.

HossC Dec 19, 2018 9:44 PM


You beat me to it, GW.

We've seen camera lenses foreshorten distances before - I especially remember how close the Hollywood sign seems in some old pictures, even though it's virtually invisible from GSV.
Google Maps

GaylordWilshire Dec 20, 2018 1:01 PM


Van Fleet-Durkee bought up a lot of gas stations in LA and all over California--I saw figure of 700 stations mentioned in one article...
LAT June 25, 1929

Someone innocent seems came up with this logo...which may or may not have had something to do with Van Fleet–Durkee being renamed Shell Service Inc. in 1931....

CityBoyDoug Dec 20, 2018 2:19 PM


Originally Posted by GaylordWilshire (Post 8414883)

Van Fleet-Durkee bought up a lot of gas stations in LA and all over California--I saw figure of 700 stations mentioned in one article...
LAT June 25, 1929

Someone innocent seems came up with this logo...which may or may not have had something to do with Van Fleet–Durkee being renamed Shell Service Inc. in 1931....

Dry gas is a very helpful fuel additive that is used to remove water from gasoline and prevent water-contaminated gasoline from freezing. While the solution itself is actually called dry gas, there is one brand of this fluid named Drygas

ethereal_reality Dec 20, 2018 2:53 PM

I don't believe we have seen this particular Van Fleet-Durkee station.

"Van Fleet and Durkee station, West 7th Street and South Park View Street, Los Angeles, CA, 1929."
USC digital archive

As you can's station No. 137.

The area looks down-right pastoral.

ethereal_reality Dec 20, 2018 3:02 PM

And here's a mystery location.

"Elks caravan information cars at Shell station, Southern California, 1931"
USC digital archive

I wondered why this image showed up in my Van Fleet-Durkee search... then I noticed the V & D System triangular logo on the towncar [at right].

Does anyone recognize the apartment building in the background?


also too

Van Fleet and Durkee hired the photographer. [Joe]
USC digital archive

See...I told ya it was Joe. :)

ethereal_reality Dec 20, 2018 3:11 PM


I just realized there was a second photograph taken that day [at the mystery Shell station].
USC digital archive

Clearly the positions of the cars have been switched.

We got us a mystery reflection too. ;)


HossC Dec 20, 2018 3:52 PM


Van Fleet-Durkee/Shell Station No 176 is the same one that was in the Christmas scene at 3325 Wilshire Boulevard.


Originally Posted by GaylordWilshire (Post 8414883)

Someone innocent seems came up with this logo...which may or may not have had something to do with Van Fleet–Durkee being renamed Shell Service Inc. in 1931....

Well, if they'd made the logo spell out VFD it could get confused with the Volunteer Fire Department. At least this way there's no confusion or ambiguity ;).

HossC Dec 20, 2018 3:58 PM

I decided to redecorate Tally's to celebrate reaching 2500 pages (that's 50,000 posts by the bottom of this page!). Well done to everyone for keeping it fresh and interesting.
Original image from LAPL

ethereal_reality Dec 20, 2018 4:49 PM

:previous: Well done Hoss!

Hollywood Graham Dec 20, 2018 5:38 PM

I have to start my morning with Noirish Los Angeles the first thing right after breakfast. Then and only then can I face the 21st Century.

Martin Pal Dec 20, 2018 6:31 PM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 8415123)
:previous: Well done Hoss!

I second the e-motion!

Martin Pal Dec 20, 2018 6:40 PM

December 20, 1971, 47 years ago today: Varie / L.A. Times

Caption: Youth on bicycle drops some change into Salvation Army kettle.

The Salvation Army kettle above was located at the corner of Hollywood Boulevard and Vine Street in Hollywood. A brass band played a selection of Christmas carols.

This photo by staff photographer Bill Varie was published as standalone art on page three of the Dec. 21, 1971, Los Angeles Times.

Martin Pal Dec 20, 2018 6:42 PM

One year ago: A photo captured on Hollywood Blvd. 8:38 p.m., December 16, 2017.
(I believe, maybe, they are next to the lot by the Scientology Building, formerly the Hotel Christie.) Zucman

Martin Pal Dec 20, 2018 6:57 PM

Until April of 2017, I hadn't found any photos that pictured Hollywood Blvd. decorated in anything other than the famous Christmas trees that lined the light poles for many years.
The Santa Claus motif was used in the Spielberg film "1941" (Santa's arms were by his side) but I'd never seen any photos of Santa Claus's lining the street until I found this
snapshot of a soldier in front of one on someone's pinterest account.


Originally Posted by Martin Pal (Post 7775784)

:previous: Because of the movie marquee this photo was likely taken in December of 1943 or early January of 1944.

I found another Santa Claus photo recently! :) It's at approximately 6330 Hollywood Blvd. a bit east of Ivar. Do the cars indicate it was probably
the same 1943 holiday season? I wonder if these Santa Claus decorations were only up that one particular year? cat/Flickr

Pictured: Hollywood Citizen, Mimi's, Thrifty Cut Rate Drug Store, partial blade signs for Warners Theatre and Security Bank.

ethereal_reality Dec 20, 2018 7:14 PM

Earlier today I came across this rather mysterious image in an old file of mine.

"Curtis Studios, Sunset Trails, Los Angeles" -blue-tone Silver Gelatin Print.
old file

I really love this's utterly noirish. I can't tell if it's a double exposure (maybe a triple exposure?)...or a photo-collage.
I'd love to know the back-story.

After several google searches...I was led to this Curtis Studios portrait of Anna May Wong.
Heritage Auctions

"Vintage gelatin silver, double weight, glossy still. An early and exceptional full-length portrait of star Anna May Wong,
by pioneer photographer Edward S. Curtis, best known for his famous photographs of the American West and the Native American Indian.
Curtis moved to Los Angeles around 1921 after a bitter divorce with his wife. and began working as a still photographer on Hollywood films
around this time. He also set up a studio in the Biltmore Hotel to work as a portrait photographer, where assumably this photo was made.
Recto: Curtis signature in the negative. Verso: Black rubber stamp on the verso, Curtis Studio, Biltmore Hotel, L.A. Fine/Very Fine."

Hmmm...I'm not sure that I agree the Ms. Wong photograph was taken at the Biltmore.

I don't think the studio shop in the Biltmore Arcade would have an exposed brick wall like this one behind Ms. Wong.

:shrug: unless it's a backdrop. (a really well done backdrop)

The seller is correct about the shop location.

Hollywood Graham Dec 20, 2018 7:15 PM

Plates On Cars

Originally Posted by Martin Pal (Post 8415298)
Until April of 2017, I hadn't found any photos that pictured Hollywood Blvd. decorated in anything other than the famous Christmas trees that lined the light poles for many years.
The Santa Claus motif was used in the Spielberg film "1941" (Santa's arms were by his side) but I'd never seen any photos of Santa Claus's lining the street until I found this
snapshot of a soldier in front of one on someone's pinterest account.

:previous: Because of the movie marquee this photo was likely taken in December of 1943 or early January of 1944.

I found another Santa Claus photo recently! :) It's at approximately 6330 Hollywood Blvd. a bit west of Ivar. Do the cars indicate it was probably
the same 1943 holiday season? I wonder if these Santa Claus decorations were only up that one particular year? cat/Flickr

Pictured: Hollywood Citizen, Mimi's, Thrifty Cut Rate Drug Store, partial blade signs for Warners Theatre and Security Bank.

Plates on the two cars parked by Santa are 1942 plates, too hard to see if they had the 1943 tab or not. Jones Decorating was the company that decorated Hollywood Blvd. they were headquartered on Sunset by Silverlake Bl. right accross from the P.E. power station.

GaylordWilshire Dec 20, 2018 7:41 PM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 8414985)
And here's a mystery location.

"Elks caravan information cars at Shell station, Southern California, 1931"
USC digital archive

I wondered why this image showed up in my Van Fleet-Durkee search... then I noticed the V & D System triangular logo on the towncar [at right].

Does anyone recognize the apartment building in the background?

That would be the Tremont, which was at 641 S Berendo. Built 1923, demo'ed 1969. I didn't find a photo, not that I dug all that deep--maybe Hoss will unearth one--but here's an illustration from the Times:
LAT Sept 9, 1923


Originally Posted by Martin Pal (Post 8415271)
Youth on bicycle drops some change into Salvation Army kettle.

The Salvation Army kettle above was located at the corner of Hollywood Boulevard and Vine Street in Hollywood. A brass band played a selection of Christmas carols.[/I]

This photo by staff photographer Bill Varie was published as standalone art on page three of the Dec. 21, 1971, Los Angeles Times.

Frankly, eff the Salvation Army

From ER's recent posts on VD V&D Shell Service Inc. (was the ampersand added to avoid associations with clap?)--

Always have loved Woodlites--here on another Chrysler:

GaylordWilshire Dec 20, 2018 10:02 PM


I thought there was a strange mystery to ER's images in the previous post...I began to wonder--where is the Post Building?
UCSB aerial from Dec 15, 1931.

Then I looked closer at ER's pics--I was taking the apparently blank west wall of the Post Bldg for an empty lot....
More here

Lwize Dec 20, 2018 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by HossC (Post 8415051)
I decided to redecorate Tally's to celebrate reaching 2500 pages (that's 50,000 posts by the bottom of this page!). Well done to everyone for keeping it fresh and interesting.
Original image from LAPL

For some of us, this is the 2,000th Page! :cheers:

Martin Pal Dec 20, 2018 10:42 PM


And for me it's 5,000!
(I like ten posts per page.)

HossC Dec 20, 2018 10:55 PM


Just for Lwize and Martin Pal (I'm not doing this again!)

At least we can agree on the number of posts.

Martin Pal Dec 20, 2018 11:21 PM


:haha: LOL! Thanks, HossC, heh!


Originally Posted by Hollywood Graham (Post 8415313)
Plates on the two cars parked by Santa are 1942 plates, too hard to see if they had the 1943 tab or not. Jones Decorating was the company that decorated Hollywood Blvd. they were headquartered on Sunset by Silverlake Bl. right accross from the P.E. power station.

I didn't know who was responsible for the decorations, but had wondered.

I located this photo c. 1980's of the Jones Decorating Company at 2807 Sunset Blvd. Wilson World/Flickr

Info says it was founded in 1926. Is it still there?
(Next door to the Olive Motel!)

Thanks for the info.

Hollywood Blvd. Christmas Decorations
Santa Claus Lane

Beaudry Dec 21, 2018 12:09 AM

Wow! 2500 pages (for me, or however many for y'all)...all I know is there's been 49,995 posts, so we'll see if I end up being #50,000 by the time I finish writing this.

Here's something I found—a piece of unbuilt Bunker Hill from the Times, 11 Feb 1905.

This would plop right on top the old Bixby house. And note that it would play havoc with the views had by the tenants of the Bradbury Mansion!

That this great seven-story caravansary should look a bit like the then three-year-old Fremont down the street at Fourth & Olive shouldn't surprise anyone, as it was also designed by John C. Austin. Fremont, Fourth Street and Olive, ca.1908 by Michael Ryerson, on Flickr

Hollywood Graham Dec 21, 2018 12:59 AM

Jones Decorating

Originally Posted by Martin Pal (Post 8415640)

:haha: LOL! Thanks, HossC, heh!

I didn't know who was responsible for the decorations, but had wondered.

I located this photo c. 1980's of the Jones Decorating Company at 2807 Sunset Blvd. Wilson World/Flickr

Info says it was founded in 1926. Is it still there?
(Next door to the Olive Motel!)

Thanks for the info.

I passed by several days ago but was looking more at the power station and did not notice Jones. Olive Motel is an interesting subject and Noir to say the least once owned by a 40's 50's Vice squad Sgt..

Barstowboy Dec 21, 2018 1:33 AM

I'm not sure how post GSV, but the building is red and it has 'available' and 'creative space for rent' signs.

Interesting about the Olive Motel...I feel a James Ellroy riff coming on...

GaylordWilshire Dec 21, 2018 12:58 PM


A Jones sampler
LAT Nov 30, 1958 and Sept 1, 1931
LAT July 1, 1990--nothing comes up for "Jones Decorating" in the Times after this

Jones moved around a of its locations was at 752 S San Pedro across Agatha Street from the great turreted store building we've seen on NLA before....

ethereal_reality Dec 22, 2018 2:31 AM

I just saw this on Ebay [$49.99] one bid.


Does anyone recognize this street?

Here's a

Anything look familiar?


Beaudry Dec 22, 2018 3:37 AM

As long as we're on the subject (well, I am anyway, see my post above) of unbuilt Bunker Hill, here's the Collins Hotel, designed by Arthur L. Haley, who did design the Astoria apartments that would eventually go in that spot in 1905. Times, June 21, 1903

One wonders if as many folk would slink down/be thrown down/be murdered on those utility stairs next to the Collins in alla those noir pictures as were next to the Astoria. And note what a wide lovely avenue Clay St appears to be!

The rooftop had a dining room and roof-garden. Note the tower with chimes..."this feature has been recently introduced in some of the family hotels of the East, and has proved as attractive as it is novel."

Somewhere there has to be a drawing of the Olive Street façade, would I love to see that. There's even some description of it just to get my blood going all the more—

By December they realized it would be much cooler to tear down the houses next door (where the Hill Crest and Sunshine Apts would be built in a couple years) and put in a park, and just make the Collins much larger. Times, December 3, 1903

Of course the City Council got involved, and attorneys, and they brought in outside counsel, like Parkinson and John C Austin, who cast a dubious eye at the stability of the giant towers and the fireproofability of the whole affair. It's never said what happened to the project but perhaps City Superintendent Julius Krause just didn't give Haley and his client W. S. Collins a permit.

EDIT: Times, 15 Feb 1905

ethereal_reality Dec 22, 2018 4:56 AM

:previous: Very interesting post Beaudry.

What is meant by "bent glass windows"? (curved like a bay window?)

Here are a few more mentions of the Collins Hotel.

Los Angeles Herald / Agitates the city council?
Oct. 9, 1903

This is why.

Los Angeles Herald

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