View Full Version : MOSCOW | Federation Tower | 373 M - Pinnacle | 360 M - 93 FLOORS | 242 M - 55 FLOORS

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Aug 19, 2004, 10:54 AM
The mighty hole goes deeper.

Sep 2, 2004, 12:52 PM
they made a new entry to pit and began digging east of pit.
well over half of pit already done.

Sep 3, 2004, 12:26 PM
Cool, this pit is MASSIVE! I know the building should start to rise some time in the beginnig of the new year, but do you know when they will finish digging and start the next phase? I can't wait to see it.

Sep 3, 2004, 1:40 PM
no, i don't.

whole complex planed to finish on september of 2007.

Sep 16, 2004, 1:15 PM
updated. 15.09.2004.

Oct 5, 2004, 11:35 AM
updated. 01.10.2004.

Oct 5, 2004, 11:39 AM
I like the progress.

Oct 9, 2004, 6:11 PM
wall of construction site says I love Moscow :)
this man is logo of Stroymontage

Oct 14, 2004, 1:13 PM
First pile were sunk yesterday. For a week earlier than planned.

To first pile puted message for future, which contain such next words "For XXI century this is big project, but we understand, that after a hundred of years 340 meters will be typical height. Children must going further than parents and apprentice must surpass their teachers. This is meaning of progress and meaning of life. We trust that we make a valuable contribution to developing of our country. We know that you will make more. Today we doing it. Tommorow it will be you."

Russian version.

Компания «Mirax-Сити» произвела забивку первой сваи уникального небоскреба «Федерация».

11 октября 2004 г. на территории Московского Международного Делового Центра «Москва-Сити» была забита первая свая самого высокого небоскреба Европы - башни «Федерация». На церемонии президент корпорации «Mirax Group» Сергей Полонский зачитал 'обращение к потомкам', которое потом было заложено в капсуле в фундамент здания.

'Дорогие друзья - жители будущего! Сегодня, 11 октября 2004 года в день начала строительства башни «Федерация» мы хотим обратиться к грядущим поколениям, считая, что являемся счастливыми свидетелями очень важного исторического события для Москвы, России, мира в целом.Мы гордимся тем, что не пройдет и 3 лет, как самое высокое здание Европы - башня «Федерация» станет украшением столицы. Для начала 21 века - это грандиозный проект, но мы, конечно, понимаем, что уже столетие спустя строительство здания высотой 340 метров будет обычным делом.Ведь дети должны идти дальше родителей, а ученики - превосходить учителей. Именно в этом смысл прогресса, смысл жизни.Мы верим, что внесли свою лепту в развитие нашей родины. Мы знаем, вы сделаете больше. Сегодня мы строим будущее, завтра его будете строить Вы!'

По традиции о каркас сваи была разбита бутылка шампанского - 'на прочность!', и ещё одна бутылка шампанского с автографом Президента МИРАКС Групп г-на Полонского была передана на хранения до 2007 года - даты окончания строительства объекта Федерация.

«Федерация» - центральный объект бизнес-центра «Москва-сити». Ее высота достигнет 340 метров. Завершение строительства запланировано на конец 2007 года.

Head of Stroymontage Sergey Polonsky

Nov 4, 2004, 11:06 AM

Nov 14, 2004, 9:23 AM
small greyscale video

Nov 17, 2004, 11:00 AM
here is article by ABC. from 20 october 2004.

"Federation" skyscraper is seen in this undated computer image of Moscow, Tuesday, Oct. 19, 2004. The first beam was put in place last week for the "Federation," a mixed residential and office project that will consist of two soaring glass-clad buildings linked to an even taller stiletto-like tower, due for completion in 2007. The taller of the two buildings is to top out at 340 meters (1,115 feet). (AP Photo/Mirax Group, HO)

Construction Begins on Moscow Skyscraper
Construction Begins on Moscow's Newest Attempt at Europe's Tallest Building

MOSCOW Oct 20, 2004 — Although still only in its infancy, construction has begun on the building that is to be Europe's tallest, a shiny younger brother to the dour Stalinist "Seven Sisters" skyscrapers that dominated Moscow's skyline for a half-century.

The first beam was put in place last week for the building called the "Federation," a mixed residential and office project that will consist of two soaring glass-clad buildings linked to an even taller stiletto-like tower, due for completion in 2007. From an observation deck there, visitors will be able to view a city being transformed by a booming economy and a taste for gigantism.

The taller of the two buildings is to top out at 1,115 feet, 249 feet higher than the continent's current champion Moscow's Triumph Palace apartment high-rise. In western Europe, the tallest building is Frankfurt's 850-foot Commerzbank.

With the two curved-wall buildings sloping away from the central tower, the $315 million complex will "call to mind the sails of a brigantine" ship its developer Mirax-City claims.

The popular weekly magazine Vsyo Yasno came up with a different, though equally gushing analogy: Don Quixote and Sancho Panza jointly holding a spear.

The comparison may reflect Moscow's long penchant for hugely ambitious projects that often go awry, a run of bad luck dating back to at least 1737 when the Tsar's Bell, the world's largest, cracked before it could ever be rung.

In the 1930s, dictator Josef Stalin conceived of what would have been the world's tallest building at the time, a Palace of the Soviets topped by a gargantuan statue of Vladimir Lenin that would have outstripped the Empire State Building by 112 feet.

Moscow's main cathedral was dynamited to make way for this pinnacle of official atheism, but the ground proved to be unstable and the grandiose project was abandoned in favor of a swimming pool which itself was destroyed after the fall of the Soviet Union and the cathedral was rebuilt.

In the 1960s, an entire neighborhood was razed to build the Rossiya Hotel, Europe's largest. It became notorious to visitors for its nightmarishly endless corridors and a seemingly limitless supply of vermin and prostitutes. It is now being prepared for destruction.

The 1,762-foot Ostankino television tower in northern Moscow, the world's tallest free-standing structure when it was built in 1967, was a popular tourist attraction until its image was literally blackened by a 26-hour inferno in 2000.

The city's arguably most successful soaring structures are the famed "Seven Sisters," the Gothic-influenced skyscrapers built in the 1940s and 50s. Although many outsiders find their pointy stone spires and turrets uncomfortably reminiscent of a wicked witch's castle, the look struck a chord with Russians. The Triumph Palace and several other residential high-rises that have sprouted in recent years follow the style closely.

"Federation" will be a comparative shrimp to the world's current tallest building: Taipei 101, at 1,670 feet, is nearly 50 percent higher. But Russians appear to be in the mood to play serious catch-up.

The Moscow building is "our late answer to New York's Twin Towers," Vsyo Yasno commented.

Nov 17, 2004, 11:04 AM

Nov 17, 2004, 1:58 PM
The Moscow building is "our late answer to New York's Twin Towers," Vsyo Yasno commented.

What does that mean ?
Does he imply that skyscrapers are built all around the world because of the fall of the twin towers ?

Nov 17, 2004, 3:11 PM
it's just a words... you know - for half of world skyscrapers means new york...

Nov 17, 2004, 11:31 PM
Aha, finally the real stuff begins!

Dec 2, 2004, 11:45 AM

there was interesting news on a days. developer of Jin Mao will invest to CF.

Dec 15, 2004, 4:25 PM
Looks like steel is on site...

Dec 16, 2004, 9:29 PM

slab will begin on 20 december

Dec 17, 2004, 10:06 PM
podium rendering

Jan 14, 2005, 9:26 PM


Jan 14, 2005, 10:56 PM
Good stuff. I anxiously await completion of this project.

Jan 20, 2005, 11:40 AM
Я слышал, что НИКОйл отказался финансировать проект. Как же они теперь без основного инвестора строить-то будут? Или нового нашли?

Еще слыхал, что какой-то еврейский диамантер (Лев Леваев, кажется) задумал небоскреб в Сити построить. Об этом проекте уже известно что-нибудь?

Jan 20, 2005, 12:14 PM
Да НИКойл больше не будет учавствовать как главный инвестор. Однко останется инвестором. Они купили какую то компанию - не помню какую, так что теперь не имеют бабок для инвестирования.
Миракс выпустит облигации на млрд баксов из которых большая часть пойдет на КФ. Кто является новым главным инвестором я не знаю. Но были какие то сообщения о Самсунге и КСК...

Что касательно Леваева, то он планирует вложить в небоскрёб на 14 участке МДЦ.

Jan 21, 2005, 1:40 PM
yes Dell. here is I found.

Shanghai Construction General Corporation, developer of SWFC, will invest to Federation. They also will spend 300 their workers.

Jan 21, 2005, 2:12 PM
Looks like it is finally ready to rise :)

Jan 21, 2005, 5:39 PM
yes Dell. here is I found.

Shanghai Construction General Corporation, developer of SWFC, will invest to Federation. They also will spend 300 their workers.

Thanks a lot for the information Coth!

Let’s hope they’ll finish on time and on budget.

And as for this skyscraper which is going to be constructed on location 14… What will it look like?

Like this one? (http://skyscraperpage.com/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=48570&papass=&sort=1)

Feb 1, 2005, 3:34 PM
Корпорация "Mirax Group" проводит торжественную церемонию, посвященную заливке первого куба бетона делового комплекса "Федерация"

Корпорация "Mirax Group" проводит торжественную церемонию, посвященную заливке первого куба бетона многофункционального делового комплекса "Федерация". Мероприятие состоится 9 февраля на территории МДЦ "Москва-Сити".

"Это событие, важное для столицы и страны, ознаменует начало строительства комплекса "Федерация", призванного стать самым высоким зданием Европы", - говорится в пресс-релизе компании.

На торжественной церемонии, посвященной началу строительства "Федерации", ожидается присутствие мэра Москвы Ю.М. Лужкова, Первого заместителя Мэра Москвы В.И. Ресина, Вице-мэра Москвы В.П. Шанцева, генерального директора НО "Фонд "Олимпийская Москва" С.Ю. Амбарнова, руководителя федерального агентства по культуре и спорту В.Фетисова, олимпийского Чемпиона по пятиборью 2000 года Сватковского Дмитрия, послов стран Германии, Турции, Франции, США

"Многофункциональный офисно-рекреационный комплекс "Федерация" станет одним из самых престижных и впечатляющих офисных зданий Москвы и самым высоким зданием Европы, - отмечено в пресс-релизе, - Его высота достигнет 340 м (со шпилем - 440 м). Строение будет представлять собой многоуровневый подиум с двумя разновысотными башнями (87 и 57 этажей), объединенными общей стилобатной частью".

Данный проект является международным, объединяющим интересы российского частного бизнеса и мирового опыта высотного строительства. Строительство комплекса инициировано российской компанией ЗАО "Миракс-Сити", специально созданной для управления строительством комплекса. Главными архитекторами проекта выступают Питер Швегер и Сергей Чобан (Германия), проектирование осуществляет российское архитектурное бюро "СК Строймонтаж" во главе с архитектором Виктором Штеллером. Управляющей компанией в проекте выступит Turner Construction (США). "Thornton-Tomasetti"(США), одна из крупнейших мировых инженерно-строительных фирм, ведет конструктивный раздел проекта. Устройство фундаментной плиты и возведение каркаса башни "Б" с подземной частью осуществит турецкая компания "Ант Япы". Великолепная гостиница, которая разместится в Башне "Федерация", станет результатом сотрудничества c корпорацией Hyatt International Corporation. Выполнение работ сопровождает Мастерская N6 организации "Моспроект-2".

При возведении небоскреба будут применены самые последние достижения инженерных технологий, высококачественные материалы, методы и стили управления. Планируемые сроки завершения строительства - 2007 год.


raw translation by PROMT with few corrections

The "Mirax Group" corporation will hold the solemn ceremony for priming of first cube of the concrete for a business complex "Federation".

The "Mirax Group" corporation will hold the solemn ceremony for priming of first cube of the concrete for a mixed-use business complex "Federation". Action will take a place on 9th February on territory of IBC "Moscow-City".

"This event, important for capital and the country, will mark the beginning of construction of a complex "Federation", called to become the tallest building of Europe", - is spoken in the press release of the company.

On the solemn ceremony for the beginning of construction of "Federation", expected to presence of mayor of Moscow Yu.M.Luzhkov, the first assistant to Mayor of Moscow V.I.Resin, Vice-mayor of Moscow V.P.Shantsev, the general director NO "Fund" Olympic Moscow" S.Yu.Ambarnov, the head of Federal Agency on Culture and Sport V.Fetisov, the Olympic Champion in pentathlon of 2000 Svatkovsky Dmitry, the ambassadors of Germany, Turkey, France and the USA.

"The mixed-use office-recreational complex "Federation" becomes one of the most prestigious and impressing office buildings of Moscow and the tallest building of Europe, - is marked in the press release, - its height will reach 340 meters (440 meters with a spire). The structure will represent a multilevel podium with two various height towers (87 and 57 floors).

The given project is international, uniting interests of the Russian private business and world experience of tall construction. Construction of a complex is initiated by the Russian company "Mirax-City" specially founded for management of construction of a complex. The main architects of the project are Peter Shveger and Sergey Choban (Germany), designing by Russian Architectural Bureau "SK Stroymontage" led by architect Victor Shteller. The managing company in the project is Turner Construction (USA). "Thornton-Tomasetti " (USA), one of the largest world engineering-development companies, conducts constructive section of the project. Construction of basement plate and tower B core with a underground part will completed by the turkish company "Ant Yapi". The magnificent hotel which will placed in the tower of "Federation", becomes result of co-operation with Hyatt International Corporation. Performance of works is accompanied with Workshop 6 of "Mosproject - 2" organization.

On construction of skyscraper the latest achievements of engineering technologies, high-quality materials, methods and styles of management will be applied. Construction planned to completed in 2007.

Feb 1, 2005, 3:42 PM
updated 01.02.2005

Feb 2, 2005, 1:26 AM
Nice to see that they're finally going up instead of down.

Feb 4, 2005, 9:03 PM
few more renderings and video clip



Feb 5, 2005, 5:02 PM
What's with the flame?

Feb 5, 2005, 8:35 PM
This complex will be very iconic. The symbol of the new Moscow?

Feb 5, 2005, 11:56 PM
I love that building.

Feb 6, 2005, 12:49 AM
Those renderings look awesome.

Feb 9, 2005, 4:40 PM
What's with the flame?
that's will be in time of olympic games if moscow will get it, i suppose

Feb 9, 2005, 4:44 PM
This complex will be very iconic. The symbol of the new Moscow?

will see:)

depend on russia tower and some other very tall projects

Feb 9, 2005, 6:26 PM
Russia Tower scaled down because of... terrorism right? Or is that just a rumor?

Either way CF is an excellent design, and would make a great tallest for Russia... if Russia Tower has been scaled down.

Feb 9, 2005, 8:59 PM
Russia Tower could be scalled down with 50% of possibility. But anyway it will be taller than CF. 398m vs 340m.

Feb 9, 2005, 10:54 PM
The Federation will rise over Europe

Video: mms://video.rfn.ru/rtr-vesti/37100.asf

The first concretes were flooded today to the foundation of a complex "Federation". The huge multilevel building promises to become the tallest building in Europe. The whole height of complex will reach 440 meters.

To the foundation of typical building is pawn a symbolical first stone, while to the foundation of a skyscraper which should rise on territory of the International Business Centre "Moscow-City", have been flooded first whole cubic metre of concrete.

The mixed-use office-recreation complex Federation should become the tallest building not only in Russia, but also in Europe. It will consist of two tower 87 and 57 storeys.

"The best minds of humanity, architects who is projected the tallest buildings over all world including Dubai, - the main architect of Moscow Alexander Kuzmin said. Is a mixed-use complex. At the beginning it was supposed to be simply office buildings. But owners have suggested to make the hotel on the top of tallest tower".

Special capsule with a message has been thrown, before powerful pumps have started flooding concrete to a timbering of the base of a skyscraper. It says that a complex "Federation" - the first grandiose project of XXI century, and expressing a hope, that for descendants there will be nothing unusual as they can surpass the predecessors in all.

The whole area of a complex will have 347 thousand square meters, the whole budget - 500 million us dollars. In the towers there will be offices, apartments, hotel, banks, supermarkets, restaurants and trading galleries. The building, according to builders, will have the highest degree of protection from cataclysm.

"We have cleaned undergound places of parking, therefore any variants with the machines filled by an explosive, basically are impossible. Our buildings are made of a monolith, instead of from metal. A limit of fire resistance of a monolith in 4-5 times more, than have metal. Therefore that accident which has taken place in New York, here is impossible", - the head of the construction company Sergey Polonsky asserts.

The complex "Federation" is already the fourth building of a business centre "Moscow-City". Completely it should be constructed by 2010. The height of the largest building of Russia and Europe will reach 440 m. It will built by Russian, Turkish and American companies. The opening of complex "Federation" is planned for 2007.

http://www.vesti.ru/p/b_88795.jpg http://www.vesti.ru/p/b_88801.jpg
http://www.vesti.ru/p/b_88802.jpg http://www.vesti.ru/p/b_88803.jpg
http://www.vesti.ru/p/b_88805.jpg http://www.vesti.ru/p/b_88804.jpg
http://www.vesti.ru/p/b_88806.jpg http://www.vesti.ru/p/b_88807.jpg

Feb 10, 2005, 2:56 AM
I cannot wait to see the new CBD of Moscow in another 5-10 years. It will be very impressive!

Feb 15, 2005, 11:18 AM
interesting futuristic pic. miraxcity site header.


other pics

Feb 18, 2005, 1:11 PM

Feb 24, 2005, 9:49 AM
updated 14.02.2005

Feb 24, 2005, 9:10 PM
Placement of the piles looks almost random.

Mar 1, 2005, 2:49 PM
1 march 2005 (all photos on first page)


Mar 1, 2005, 10:21 PM
The towers seem fatter then I remember. Hm.....

Mar 4, 2005, 12:52 AM
Sharp looking set of towers. Moscow seems to be making up for lost time.

Mar 15, 2005, 1:41 PM
14 march 2005.


Mar 15, 2005, 3:17 PM
Does Pentium know that Moscow stole the "Blue Man Group" to build a skyscraper??? :D

Mar 15, 2005, 6:19 PM
Nice! That's some pretty good progress since the last update. It should start to rise pretty quickly now. As for those "Blue Man Group" construction guys, I'd imagine they'd have to be pretty tough to work in that snow. Much tougher than their stage version;)

Mar 17, 2005, 2:16 AM
Yea, remember the last time you shoveled snow? Now imagine if you had to build a skyscraper while shoveling it.

Mar 31, 2005, 4:19 PM
28 march 2005 (foundation slab for tower B will flooded on 2 april)

Mar 31, 2005, 6:20 PM
Starting to take shape! And a tower crane to boot! Coth, do you know if this will be a steal tower or concrete tower once they get above ground?

Apr 1, 2005, 7:28 PM
I bet it'll be a concrete tower. Concrete has been more and more widespread since 9.11.

Apr 1, 2005, 8:44 PM
I've noticed that too. I wonder if it's due to the rising cost of steel or improvements in concrete and the pumping technology. In any case, concrete is quickly becoming the new black:D

Apr 4, 2005, 4:47 PM
i think concrete.

well. 39 hours operation of flooding of foundation slab for tower B completed yesterday.

here is some official photos









Apr 18, 2005, 9:36 AM
some known plans.

The core of tower B begin to rise on 20 april and will reach 5th floor to the end of june (8 floors - from -4 to +4).
Works on pile's field of tower A (340m) begin in may.

Apr 18, 2005, 10:30 AM
Good to know.
The construction pictures are about to be very interesting.

Apr 18, 2005, 3:39 PM
things are built out of concrete more than steel because it is more fire proof, if the WTC had a concrete core, they would not have collapsed on 9/11.

Apr 18, 2005, 7:22 PM
Many more skyscrapers are being built with concrete than steel. A lot of it is due to safety concerns but the cost of steel is probably helping designers look at concrete as their choice for their structures.

Apr 19, 2005, 5:18 PM
i think it will be concrete core.

11 april 2005

May 6, 2005, 7:00 AM
here is the photo taken by Russos about week ago

it seems by now one u/g floor has been completed


May 6, 2005, 9:53 AM
I find it intresting that they continue to work at night on the buildings in Moscow. Is that because of the cold winter, that they need to get as much done as possible when it is warm out?

May 6, 2005, 9:56 AM
The construction looks very similar to that of US7 and SWFC.

May 6, 2005, 12:29 PM
Well, I don't know about Tower B, but Tower A will be built by developer of SWFC.

May 6, 2005, 12:44 PM
It's a japanese firm, isn't it ?

May 7, 2005, 2:14 PM

May 7, 2005, 2:16 PM
China State Construction and Engineering Corporation or something like that. I don't know much abuot that. On emporis it is listed as construction company of SWFC. Not as developer, sorry.

May 7, 2005, 5:50 PM
Is Complex B the tallert one or the shorter one? if it's the shorter one, is the complex gonna rise like Nabereznaya Hotel - first ths shorter tower, then the taller one?

May 7, 2005, 10:31 PM
hehe. They called it Naberezhnaya in English because was beware of mixing those words up. There are Riverside Hotel in Red Hills and this Naberezhnaya Tower (Embankment Tower) in IBC. It is not hotel. It is office/residential complex.

The Tower B of Complex Federation is shorter.

May 11, 2005, 1:55 PM
25 april 2005
official photos

May 11, 2005, 1:57 PM
I find it intresting that they continue to work at night on the buildings in Moscow. Is that because of the cold winter, that they need to get as much done as possible when it is warm out?
just a tradition. works continue even at night in winter.

and the winter is not cold...

May 11, 2005, 3:23 PM
and the winter is not cold...

Probably not cold if you're russian! ;)

May 11, 2005, 3:37 PM
Looks like Complex Federation gets an hexagonial core

May 12, 2005, 12:34 AM
and the winter is not cold...

Probably not cold if you're russian! ;)
I'd get offended or something except that I peronally know that the stereotype is so widespread that those who say it actually believe it. Seriously, the winters are barely colder than in the NYC. Trust me, Toronto winters can kick Moscow's winters' ass by coldness and the amount of snow.

May 13, 2005, 9:32 AM
11 may 2005
official photos
yo, one u/g floor completed, second is on way

May 13, 2005, 3:48 PM
I like how you can make out the shape of the tower already.

May 14, 2005, 6:34 PM
Looking good

May 14, 2005, 8:59 PM
This is the exciting part. I've been watching that hole get bigger and bigger. Now it's time for the building to get taller and taller.

May 14, 2005, 9:32 PM
What's that large thing with all the air conditioning behind the construction site? Looks like a parking lot or something.

May 17, 2005, 10:42 PM
It is IBC mall. Underground part completed some years ago. Onground part will begin this or next year.

16 may 2005
official photos

May 18, 2005, 5:48 AM

May 20, 2005, 6:08 PM

WOW!!! that spear and towers really look awesome.
By the looks of all the shaded towers around the complex
that areas going to see a lot of cranes in the future.

High Pointer
May 22, 2005, 7:18 PM
That pic is of the older version. The newer has a taller Tower B, around 230m or so, is that right?

May 22, 2005, 8:34 PM
235 or 240 i don't know exactly. two sources says different figures.
57 floors.

May 24, 2005, 2:28 PM
23 may 2005

May 24, 2005, 4:23 PM
Lots of progress in the last week. Looks like they're almost at ground level. This one should go up quick. It'll be exciting to watch.

May 24, 2005, 6:12 PM
It should start rising about a floor a week now. I have noticed that with most concrete skyscrapers.

May 24, 2005, 11:43 PM
When I looked at LOOKnUP's pic the first thing I said was the second tower should be taller. I'm glad they made it so.

Jun 8, 2005, 10:01 PM
30 may 2005
official photos

5 june 2005
inside, by vlasvision
hotlinking is forbidden, so links

Jun 9, 2005, 4:14 PM
3 june 2005
official photo

7 june 2005
official photo

Jun 9, 2005, 5:07 PM
Wow. It's going up fast. Looks like it might even be above ground level. Coth, do you know if they've started the piles for the second tower?

Jun 11, 2005, 11:20 PM
I am wondering if the 'spear' between the towers will also have a core, or will it be supported by the towers themselves?

Jun 14, 2005, 4:37 PM
14 june 2005.
phase 0 of tower B completed

and few new renderings, based on model






Jun 14, 2005, 5:52 PM
So it is above ground! As for the renderings, are they going for the glassier look or the stonier look for the base? It looks like they have two different renders from the same angles.

Jun 14, 2005, 8:01 PM
Sweet!!!! That looks so awesome. Great renders they really show how much of a pressence this building will have at street level.

Jun 14, 2005, 8:49 PM
Does the "spear" between the towers have any purpose other than being a spire/antenna? Does it have elevators or mechanical equipment?

Jun 14, 2005, 10:53 PM
there are few panoramic elevators supposed to be in spire

Jun 15, 2005, 1:47 PM
When is the other tower supposed to start?