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View Full Version : Ways to Revitalize Downtown Orlando

Dec 11, 2003, 5:08 AM
Looks like this is a hot topic lately among central Florida forumers, so I create this thread for everybody to put in his/her suggestions.

Here are some of mine,

Ways to revitalize Downtown Orlando,

1) Put a huge mall in the center of downtown - this is a proven formula in Asia and Europe. The philosophy here is "if you built it, they will come". We need a multi stories huge mall with at least 200 stores, it can also include bowling alley. It needs to be larger than JAcksonville Ladning and MArketplace in Miami. Jax Landing is too small that's why it failed. Miami downtown marketplace is a ok scale but it is isolated from other part of downtown. That's why when you get out of there, there is nothing in downtown Miami. A good example is Pentagon City in Virginia. If you been there, you know what I mean.

2) Put a light rail between international drive and downtown.

3) We need to bring tourists back in downtown no matter how much you dislike it. Do you think Boardway in NYC will be so successed without tourists? How often can you go to theatre?
A tourist trap can be placed downtown. EX, Madam Tussay Wax Museum.

4) We need an icon to define Orlando, something like Space Needle. Tacoma can build one for 20 millions, we can do that too given the fact that we have more money.

5) we need fags....joking
That's all for now. I need to go to bed. Dont bite me if you dont like my ideas. Give me yours ideas!

Dec 11, 2003, 6:10 AM
I don't necessarily think a mall would be great, as it would take away from streetside retail. I would much prefer every new development to be required to incorporate a retail component into its project.

And sunshineboy, your right, tourist attractions are a must, but I would much prefer cultural, urban attractions such as museums, theaters, botanical gardens, concerts, conventions, restaurants, even a signature skyscraper.

I think the World Trade Center should be built downtown. I also think the highspeed rail should connect to downtown, and a lightrail should connect to the attractions and airport.

I also think the city should take a proactive approach to get as many businesses as possible into the downtown core. Business that are in the office parks around the Orlando/Lake Mary/Heathrow area should be offered incentives/tax breaks much like the developers as an appealing factor to get them into downtown.