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Feb 25, 2013, 5:56 PM
Edmonton's proposed new massive 'arts campus'.




EDMONTON - Key Edmonton philanthropists and businessmen are preparing to unveil plans for a new downtown arts campus and public plaza on Monday.

The plans call for a large, glass open-air atrium with a theatre and university arts campus just north of city hall, behind and beside the new Royal Alberta Museum.


Feb 25, 2013, 10:44 PM
EDACC update - Edmonton Downtown Arts and Cultural Campus


Feb 26, 2013, 1:22 AM
Good news for Edmonton, I am looking forward to further evocations in the future. This looks like a preliminary assessment of needs and potential development. Nice.

Feb 26, 2013, 3:54 AM

Feb 27, 2013, 4:57 PM
Purely for comparison sake.

Original Plan


Feb 27, 2013, 11:59 PM
cant wait to see this stuff built

what about the new arena??

also does the new train stop nearby ?

alot going on here for a city this size......

Feb 28, 2013, 8:09 PM
New arena and district would be 1 block left (west) and there is a new LRT line running underneath EPCOR tower with a stop 3 blocks west.

Long Term, they hope to have a high speed rail station on the NEC of this.

Apr 11, 2013, 6:47 PM
New Video and screen shots










Apr 26, 2013, 2:29 AM
$850,000,000.... Wow


Apr 30, 2013, 2:04 AM
U of A supportive, would lease 50%


Jun 24, 2013, 10:18 PM
$900 million Cultural and Academic Centre inching forward in Edmonton... they want to actually start NEXT YEAR!!!


EDMONTON - Edmonton city councillors Monday approved in principle the city’s contribution to a $900-million downtown arts project.

The plan to build four theatres, an office tower and an open air galleria is being driven by local philanthropists and developers who have set up a board. The board will take out a $700-million loan to cover the bulk of the construction. The loan would be paid with lease dollars from the University of Alberta and office tenants.

The city will be responsible for about 10 per cent of the project costs, including two pieces of land downtown, a $35-million contribution to the galleria roof and an $11-million underground pedestrian connection to the Churchill Square LRT station.


Jun 24, 2013, 10:58 PM
Reverse and better image.


Jun 27, 2013, 8:02 PM

Framework For The Galleria Project

The philanthropically led Edmonton Downtown Academic and Cultural Centre
Foundation is spearheading the development of the Galleria Project which
provides a transformational opportunities to the City of Edmonton through:
• The City gaining four new state of the art theatres that are financially self
sustaining and would not require operating or maintenance subsidies
• Cultural program expansion to offer additional context for the community
• Complementing the flagship arts and cultural facilities along 99th Street
from the Shaw Conference Centre and CKUA to the Citadel Theatre,
Winspear and Stanley Milner Library to the Galleria and Royal
Alberta Museum, creating a cultural core
• Market-making through growing, broadening and diversifying audiences
and visitors to the City of Edmonton
• Proposed relocation of the School of Music and Department of Art and
Design and one additional Department or Faculty into the Centre which
brings up to 5,000 staff and students into the district
• Facilitating an additional potential 3 million sq.ft. of development that
would bring up to an additional 15,000 people to the district
• Realistic operating economics achieved through the Cultural Trust and the
EDACC Foundation managing operating and maintenance costs; and
• Formation of the Cultural Trust that insures all excess revenue is
reinvested in the Downtown Arts District and the arts community
Project Components:

The Edmonton Downtown Academic and Cultural Centre would consist of the
following components:
• University of Alberta, School of Music 150,000 sq.ft.
• University of Alberta, Dept. of Art & Design 200,000 sq.ft.
• University of Alberta, other academic Dept. 300,000 sq.ft.
• Commercial Office Space 300,000 sq.ft.
• Edmonton Performing Arts Theatres 300,000 sq.ft.
(Large Theatre, Mid-Size Theatre, Recital Hall, and Small Theatre)
• Galleria (covered and open)
• Parking underground 600 stalls

Total institutional, commercial, and public space up to 1,250,000 sq.ft.

Jun 27, 2013, 8:06 PM
Part 1 – Key Elements
1. Edmonton Downtown Academic and Cultural Centre Foundation is a
Charitable Not-For-Profit Foundation and would remain so under this
Attachment 1
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2. Economically, the sustainability of the Edmonton Downtown Academic
and Cultural Centre Foundation (The Galleria Project) is to own,
manage, and operate the facilities with no expectation for ongoing
funding being provided by the City of Edmonton.
3. Preliminary cost estimations of the project are expected to be in the order
of magnitude of $850M with funding comprised of:
a. Support from: +/- $200M
City, Province, Federal, and
Charitable Donations
b. Arranged Financing +/- $650M - $750M
Part 2 – City of Edmonton Contribution
1. The amount of financial support from the City of Edmonton and from the
other orders of Government is being determined. The non commercially
viable elements that are expected to be funded with assistance from the
City include:
a. Up to $10 million in value of City owned land which includes roads
closures. The initial City contribution would be the surplus City
owned land (Lots 100-102, Plan 1919NY) and closed portion of 104
Avenue (valued at $8.3 million) to enable the Foundation to
consolidate the lands with those already purchased by the
Foundation in order for the Galleria Project to commence.
b. Up to $11 million to extend the Churchill Station LRT pedway under
103A Avenue to the forecourt of the Royal Alberta Museum and
Galleria. This is a condition precedent to University of Alberta
advancing with the development.
c. Up to $35 million in additional land purchases (including the School
Board property).
d. A future contribution towards an estimated $35 million for the
development of the roof over the Galleria which is not deemed for
commercial purposes; and
e. Public realm (area under the Galleria roof) to be secured for
ongoing public enjoyment by way of Public Easement.
2. The City of Edmonton would provide a full-time Liaison Manager for the
Edmonton Downtown Academic and Cultural Centre project. Candidate
selection would be at the discretion of the City of Edmonton.
3. The City of Edmonton would provide two Board Members from members
of City Council for the Edmonton Downtown Academic and Cultural
Centre Foundation.
Attachment 1
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Part 3 – EDACC Contribution
1. The Edmonton Downtown Academic and Cultural Centre Foundation have
acquired a key piece of property between 101 Street and 103 Avenue, at a
cost of $17.5 million.
2. The Edmonton Downtown Academic and Cultural Centre Foundation are
to secure an agreement with Station Lands (Qualico) for the land where
the University of Alberta School of Music will be located and the land for
the Galleria.
3. The Edmonton Downtown Academic and Cultural Centre Foundation
would be the project lead and would be responsible for the following:
a. Raising or arranging the balance of the finances to develop the
b. Obtaining philanthropic donations of $50 million of which $37.5
million has been committed to date and has invested
greater than $1.5 million in front end costs plus $17.5 million in
acquired land
c. Managing the project
d. Creating a Cultural Trust to manage and maintain the cultural
facilities over the long-term
e. Arrange long-term leases of academic space with the University of
Alberta and the commercial office space
f. Develop the cultural facilities
g. Arrange for the project financing
h. Raise charitable dollars required for the project
I. Responsible for pursuing Provincial and Federal funding
j. Responsible for any additional funding methods such as fundraising
and sale of naming rights
k. Engage professional management as required for the development
and operation of the stages at the venues
l. Maintain, and operate the open space under the Galleria roof in
cooperation with Station Lands (Qualico). Programming of the
space will fall to the Foundation on which the City of Edmonton has
two members to provide a City of Edmonton perspective
3. Edmonton Downtown Academic and Cultural Centre Foundation will liaise
and work with cultural and other downtown stakeholders in the
development of the Cultural Trust and Galleria Project.
4. Edmonton Downtown Academic and Cultural Centre Foundation will
explore establishing a Community Benefits Agreement (CBA) with
residents and stakeholders in the areas surrounding the Galleria. This will
endeavor to build relationships and engage key stakeholders during this
Attachment 1
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5. The Edmonton Downtown Academic and Cultural Centre Foundation as
the Project Lead and Principle Borrower, would use the University of
Alberta lease, the commercial leases and facilities as security for
financing. No guarantees or funding from the City of Edmonton are
required or requested to secure any financing for the Galleria Project.
6. Edmonton Downtown Academic and Cultural Centre Foundation are to
operate the Centre and are to pay all operating expenses, capital
maintenance and repair.
7. The Edmonton Downtown Academic and Cultural Centre Foundation are
responsible for obtaining any necessary memorandums of understandings
a. Qualico Developments
b. University of Alberta
c. Provincial Government
d. Federal Government
Part 4 – University of Alberta Contribution
To Be Determined
Part 5 – Provincial/Federal Government Contribution
To Be Determined


july 24 exec comm

Feb 21, 2014, 8:09 PM
Edmonton Downtown Arts and Cultural Centre....

New Tallest?


Aug 20, 2014, 4:58 AM

Galleria street conversations


Dec 9, 2014, 3:20 PM
UofA and Galleria

http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x164/coldrsx/new%20misc/development/Arialshotcropped_zps7f624fc9.jpg (http://s184.photobucket.com/user/coldrsx/media/new%20misc/development/Arialshotcropped_zps7f624fc9.jpg.html)

http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x164/coldrsx/new%20misc/development/PhaseOneConceptshot-frontwebsize_zps923776d7.jpg (http://s184.photobucket.com/user/coldrsx/media/new%20misc/development/PhaseOneConceptshot-frontwebsize_zps923776d7.jpg.html)

http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x164/coldrsx/new%20misc/development/PhaseOneUofAviewfromGalleria-websize_zps74992b8f.jpg (http://s184.photobucket.com/user/coldrsx/media/new%20misc/development/PhaseOneUofAviewfromGalleria-websize_zps74992b8f.jpg.html)


Jun 26, 2015, 4:02 PM
RFP and RFQ are out for Phase 1!!!

Feb 4, 2016, 2:41 AM
Updates on this ?