View Full Version : Ottawa won't back Canadian-built [European] Mars rover

Dec 27, 2006, 8:01 PM
Ottawa won't back Canadian-built Mars rover


The federal government has turned down a request by Canada's space industry to support a contract that would have allowed the companies to build the European Space Agency's Mars surface rover, CBC News has learned.

The decision stunned the companies and has left the ESA scrambling to find a new partner, as no European firm is adequately prepared to match the technical abilities of Canadian firms to build its ExoMars rover.

The ESA wanted Canadian space companies — considered world leaders in robotics — to build the rover for its planned exploration of Mars by 2015. The rover would have a far more sophisticated robotics package than the current U.S. platforms in use.

In July, the companies made an impassioned presentation to federal Industry Ministry officials for a clearer mandate for the Canadian Space Agency, which included making the Mars rover project its top priority, the CBC's Henry Champ reported on Thursday.

The project required no additional funding from Ottawa, but was contingent upon $100 million over 10 years from the existing CSA budget being redirected to the program by restructuring priorities and cancelling or postponing other projects, according to documents obtained by the CBC.

But just a few short weeks after the presentation, Industry Minister Maxime Bernier told the companies the government hadn't made up its mind about the future of Canada's space role and didn't want to go forward with the project.

The project had the approval of the United States, which also wanted Canada to continue its robotics role and had signed off on Canadian firms to design at least the robotics component on equipment and vehicles used on its planned mission to the moon in 2020.

Canada has never failed with any project it has handled for NASA, which has earned it the trust of the U.S. as it gathers international support for its space programs.

Firms fear brain drain

As with the ESA rover offer, which expired in September, Canada's role in the U.S. moon colonization program remains uncertain.

In the July presentation, the companies pleaded with the government to appoint a new president of the CSA to give leadership to the agency that they say is needed to defend Canada's future in space.

The position has been left vacant for more than a year after Marc Garneau resigned to run for the Liberals in the last federal election.

The rover decision has the companies threatening to take their operations south of the border, which observers fear could lead to a brain drain of Canadian designers and scientists similar to the one suffered in the wake of the abrupt cancellation of the Avro Arrow fighter-interceptor program in 1959.

Dec 27, 2006, 9:42 PM
Another smart decision by the Conservatives! :rolleyes:

Dec 28, 2006, 12:18 AM
Stupid. stupid. stupid. stupid. stupid.

Dec 28, 2006, 1:29 AM
Oh Jesus, this is pathetic!
What a missed opporitunity.

MTL Lucas
Dec 28, 2006, 2:39 PM
Why don´t we have a free vote on this in Parliament?

Dec 28, 2006, 3:18 PM
First he proves that he hates women and natives, now Harper proves that he hates outer space!!


There aren't many details on the nature of this deal and how it stacks up with similar projects done for NASA. They want $100M in government funding, but what is the total value of the project? What is the ESA contributing? Why should Canadian taxpayers be paying for free stuff for foreign space agencies, which is what this seems to be?

Dec 28, 2006, 5:00 PM
No suprises there.
The current federal government is worse than that of Paul Martin's.

Dec 29, 2006, 1:46 AM
"$100M in government funding"

That's, like, 25 Pot Research things and they cut THAT!!


Harper hates everything that isn't willing to suck his bloody cock.

Dec 31, 2006, 2:47 AM
At first look it would appear that the Canadian Government has really dropped the ball. This is a chance to boost it's fading reputation as well as it's R&D sector; which appears to be the way of the future. Though without all of the details, it would be unfair to draw any premature conclusions, but it probably won't matter... And what's up with all this hate for Harper? At least he made a decision, if it was up to the Liberals this decision would have been delayed until God know's when!

Dec 31, 2006, 3:22 AM
The Conservatives made the right move if this article is telling the entire story.
1. European Space Agency wants a Mars Rover
2. A Canadian company was going to make it
3. $100 million dollars of Canadian Space Agency money needs to be redirected for it to happen.

My questions: Why does $100 million of Canadian money need to be spent on a clearly European project? Why is the Canadian Space Agency really concerned unless these companies are owned by it? Unless there is some sort of guaranteed information sharing with the Canadian Space Agency/room on the rover for Canadian test to be run, it doesn't make any sense.

Dec 31, 2006, 10:11 PM

Jan 1, 2007, 3:10 AM
Sigh :breakcomp:

Let me guess. That $100 million now goes to pay off the debt. :koko:

Canadian Mind
Jan 2, 2007, 3:24 AM
Avro Arrow anyone?

Always leave it up to freshly elected Cons to destroy what has the potential to be a national treasure.

Jan 2, 2007, 3:38 AM
When I saw this article I suddenly remembered the reason why I vote Green and not Conservative. This totally pisses me off.

Jan 2, 2007, 3:58 PM
So we are being hostile to our friends?
Wasn't the PM preaching how we should always agree with our allies regardless of what is at question?

Jan 3, 2007, 11:52 PM
Er.. I think alot of people are jumping to conclusions here. The title is sensationalism at it's best and shame on you for feeding off of it.

"The project required no additional funding from Ottawa, but was contingent upon $100 million over 10 years from the existing CSA budget being redirected to the program by restructuring priorities and cancelling or postponing other projects,according to documents obtained by the CBC."

So, tell me naysayers, do you know what the sacrifice is? Perhaps we should find out before we make it a bold headline!!

If this were to go ahead - would the anti-conservatives scream murder about them not funding social programs if they went ahead with this?? You know the answer to that one ;p - plus $100 million dollars is peanuts in comparison to other projects the CSA could/should/will be doing in the future. This isn't significant enough to degrade Canada's role in the international space exploration community.

One only needs to look http://www.space.gc.ca/asc/index.html to discover what the CSA is up to these days.

Update: Julie Simard, Communications Advisor, Media Relations, Canadian Space Agency - response was the Exomars program is not canceled. The Canadian Space Agency is following the original plan, spending $10 million