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whatnext Mar 2, 2010 12:55 AM

[Richmond] Steveston Updates
It always surprises me Steveston doesn't get more play here. Its got a classic village form with a compact "downtown" of 3 blocks by 4, fairly dense and good transit access.

Too these photos of two new developments. Nice to see that they're trying to keep development in Steveston in character, and that they tucked the surface parking in behind the corner lots.

"Steveston Views" - 9 units (I think) above retail

"Mukai Living" - Something about the scale of this one seems off to me. Too tall?

bils Mar 2, 2010 5:52 AM

Zen Restaurant has also just re-opened at their new location, just beside Starbucks at the foot of No.1 Road. This is the restaurant that NY Times declared as the best Chinese restaurant in the world a few years ago.

SpongeG Mar 2, 2010 7:45 AM

i like steveston its improving

the scale is alright a little weird looking but like the fake fronts you see on old buildings

MolsonExport Mar 2, 2010 6:54 PM

I lived in Steveston for 4 years (1994-1998), and get back to visit every couple of years (have a brother still at the corner of 7th Avenue and Chatham).

Love the place. So much has changed. Back when I arrived, BC packers was still canning fish, and many of the old fishing/cannery piers were still intact, if somewhat dilapidated. Most are now gone.

whatnext Mar 3, 2010 12:39 AM

Forgot to add: Steveston Views is at No.1 Road & Chatham, Mukai Living at No.1 Road and Moncton.

dleung Mar 3, 2010 4:28 AM

I lived in Terra Nova for 12 years, and between frequent visits to steveston actually saw the place develop year after year... to, unfortunately, the point where white people are moving to the valley and it's asians buying up the waterfront townhouses and walking their poodles along the seawall. Currently this is probably the part of Richmond in best social health (great harmonious mix of different races/cultures and income brackets like you'd see in the inner city), but it's about to reach a tipping point.

Zassk Mar 3, 2010 6:37 PM

^A sensitive subject, but being a resident, I will comment on the matter. From what I have observed, having three kids under age 6 in the community centre and school in Steveston, what you state about Steveston is not occurring. 20 percent of the young kids in Richmond are of mixed races (usually white-asian), and anecdotally I will state that the number is higher in Steveston, and lower in Terra Nova which is predominantly asian. I'll predict that the proportion of mixed-race kids continues to rise in Steveston, rather than fall. The most recently built houses and townhouses on the old cannery lands have a blend of races; many white people have bought there, as have many asians, but most notably a huge amount of mixed couples.

bils Mar 3, 2010 9:15 PM

being an asian living in steveston, i would say that steveston is probably the 'whitest' part of richmond. ;)

vanman Mar 3, 2010 11:27 PM

I like the odd urban vibe you get from Steveston. I went there for the first time only a few years ago and was taken aback. I'm sure much has changed since then cause I remember seeing a ton of new construction.

SpongeG Mar 4, 2010 12:16 AM

not much has changed really well not in the town part where the shops are - its built up around there though

its still got a long way to go to be more interesting

whatnext Mar 4, 2010 2:44 AM


Originally Posted by Zassk (Post 4728127)
^A sensitive subject, but being a resident, I will comment on the matter. From what I have observed, having three kids under age 6 in the community centre and school in Steveston, what you state about Steveston is not occurring. 20 percent of the young kids in Richmond are of mixed races (usually white-asian), and anecdotally I will state that the number is higher in Steveston, and lower in Terra Nova which is predominantly asian. I'll predict that the proportion of mixed-race kids continues to rise in Steveston, rather than fall. The most recently built houses and townhouses on the old cannery lands have a blend of races; many white people have bought there, as have many asians, but most notably a huge amount of mixed couples.

Interesting, though is suspect most of the hapa are Japanese-European, rather than Chinese. Given that the Japanese families in Steveston have been in Canada far longer than many (most) of us have.

Zassk Mar 4, 2010 4:04 AM

The Japanese have been there the longest, but they only represent under 10% of the population. The area has a lot of Hong Kong Chinese who immigrated in the 70's and 80's, whereas in newer regions like Terra Nova the Chinese people are almost all more recently from the mainland.

MolsonExport Mar 4, 2010 2:29 PM

When I lived in Steveston in the mid 90s, the place was mainly caucasian with a large Japanese minority. Big changes since then.

whatnext May 5, 2010 5:48 AM

Meant to post these a while back.

The first is the back of the Mukai Living building I posted upthread, showing the heritage colour scheme. Also shows how shallow the building is, with the parking tucked in behind, I'm curious why the back of the retail seems so open.

This is a more typical infill building being competed on 2nd Avenue, doesn't even have a name. Not sure if its rental or condo.

whatnext Sep 26, 2010 7:23 PM

Here's some shots of the completed Mukai Living building. They did a nice job breaking up the facade so its fits nicely into the streetscape

No 1 Road facade:

trofirhen Sep 26, 2010 8:40 PM

For me, and I am sure for many, Steveston has always been a precious little gem in the Lower Mainland, with its ocean views, fish boats, seafood restaurants, quaint architecture, the mewing of seagulls ..... I am glad to see that awareness shared by others in the property development sector, and I hope Steveston will retain it's "fishing village atmosphere" for a long time to come. Sometimes, when feeling stressed up, just a visit out there is theraputic.

officedweller Nov 23, 2010 12:05 AM


City considering massive upgrade to Steveston harbour

NOVEMBER 22, 2010 2:54 PM

The City of Richmond is working on a plan to protect Steveston harbour and give it a massive shot in the arm at the same time.

The harbour has, for many years, been handicapped by a frequent build up of silt and wood debris from the fast-flowing Fraser River.

Now, the Steveston Harbour Cannery Channel Long Term Development Plan aims to change all that by creating a new navigational channel, causeway and intertidal habitat area at the east end of Steveston harbour.

Should the project go ahead as planned, the new causeway and habitat will be formed in front of city-owned properties on Dyke Road by 2017.


SpongeG Nov 23, 2010 1:58 AM


Originally Posted by trofirhen (Post 4994445)
For me, and I am sure for many, Steveston has always been a precious little gem in the Lower Mainland, with its ocean views, fish boats, seafood restaurants, quaint architecture, the mewing of seagulls ..... I am glad to see that awareness shared by others in the property development sector, and I hope Steveston will retain it's "fishing village atmosphere" for a long time to come. Sometimes, when feeling stressed up, just a visit out there is theraputic.

its nice on a blazing hot day cause there is always a nice cool breeze down there :yes:

bils Nov 23, 2010 4:10 AM

on another note, construction for the new ANAVETS residence (no.1 & chatham) is well underway. a crane has been erected for what appears to be a 12-15 storey building. funny that little to no fanfare was made about a highrise this tall in the area (compare to Onni's 12 storey highrise proposal near the boardwalk earlier this year). not sure if anyone's seen any renderings?

whatnext Nov 23, 2010 6:01 AM


Originally Posted by bils (Post 5066058)
on another note, construction for the new ANAVETS residence (no.1 & chatham) is well underway. a crane has been erected for what appears to be a 12-15 storey building. funny that little to no fanfare was made about a highrise this tall in the area (compare to Onni's 12 storey highrise proposal near the boardwalk earlier this year). not sure if anyone's seen any renderings?

Doesn't look anything like a highrise in the renders. More like a typical Richmond woodframe 4 stories:

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