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Nov 12, 2007, 4:40 PM
Little bit in today's Sun thrown in under a transit article about Barrhaven.

From http://www.ottawasun.com/News/OttawaAndRegion/2007/11/12/4649233-sun.html

With the population of the South Nepean community estimated to reach 172,000 by 2025 and Nortel poised to begin developing a 100-acre site in Barrhaven, Harder says it's time to expand the community's transit options.

I believe Nortel owns land near the 416 and Fallowfield, which is what I assume would be the property in question.

Nov 12, 2007, 5:17 PM
Yay, just what we need; more buses downtown... :rolleyes:

Nov 12, 2007, 6:42 PM
I believe Nortel owns land near the 416 and Fallowfield, which is what I assume would be the property in question.

My understanding is that they own land between the 416 and Strandherd south of Fallowfield. They have owned it since the late 1990's and were wanting to develop it back then, but things went south for them at that time.

Nov 14, 2007, 2:07 PM
The Ottawa Sun issued a retraction today that Nortel isn't presently looking to develop the site in question.

Dec 12, 2008, 3:22 AM
nice shot of the nortel campus by southfacing (http://www.flickr.com/photos/23575605@N08/3051697656/)


Dec 12, 2008, 4:51 AM
With their stock tanking, on the brink of being de-listed, and general financial woes Nortel may not make it to see 2015 nevermind 2025

Dec 12, 2008, 12:45 PM
nice shot of the nortel campus by southfacing (http://www.flickr.com/photos/23575605@N08/3051697656/)


Great photo by southfacing....again. Now I know why so many Nortel employees talk about all the deer near their offices.

Apr 30, 2010, 4:55 PM
"Nortel" has sold its land in Barrhaven to Regional (http://www.juteaujohnsoncomba.com/ms_february2010.htm)

One of the most interesting land sales this year is the sale of 174 acres of industrial land located on the west side of Strandherd Drive to the east of Highway 416, north of McKenna Casey Drive. It was sold by Ontario Superior Court of Justice - Commercial List (Nortel) to Strandherd Road Inc (Regional Realty) for a consideration of $8,850,000 or $50,862/acre. Phil Garratt and Kevin Beaudry from DTZ Barnikie Mississauga were the listing agents with respect to this transaction. This site was assembled by Nortel in 2000 and 2001 (when they had money and their shares were worth $100 each) at an overall cost of $26,010,244. It seems I would have been better off investing in their land purchase as oppose to their shares.

Dec 17, 2012, 11:49 PM
big proposal by Regional Group for this site, the Citi Gate 416 Corporate Campus... about 11,000-12,000 business park jobs, plus 600 retail and auto jobs.

The purpose of the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By‐law Amendment is to permit the development of the subject lands (those lands currently owned by Regional) with a prestige business park (Citi Gate 416 Corporate Campus), an autopark, and a large format retail shopping centre




OPA http://app01.ottawa.ca/postingplans/appDetails.jsf?lang=en&appId=__8EURIE

Developer page

There's another Regional proposal just to the north

May 28, 2013, 11:30 PM

May 29, 2013, 1:20 AM

Barrhaven business park hunting for world-class occupant

By David Reevely, Ottawa Citizen May 28, 2013 5:06 PM

OTTAWA — A new “prestige business park” city council’s planning committee approved for Barrhaven Tuesday will juice the southern suburb’s economy and complete it as a community, its councillor says.

Just as soon as somebody can find a marquee occupant.

“This is the most valuable employment land in the whole city of Ottawa, and we need to get it ready,” said Barrhaven Coun. Jan Harder of the property southeast of the interchange between Highway 416 and Strandherd Road, which is now mostly scrub. “It is, in my mind, THE game-changer for the area.”

The work of preserving a woodlot on the land and devising a drainage plan has taken years of research and negotiations. If city council approves it next week, the new plan includes 12-storey buildings overlooking the interchange and nine-storey ones running south along the highway, top-notch office space meant to attract top-notch employers. Ten thousand jobs in all, if everything goes according to plan.

Barrhaven has had disappointments with such efforts before. In the late 1990s, this piece of land was supposed to hold a regional headquarters for Nortel, augmenting or replacing its crystal palace on Corkstown Road.

“Within six months, they collapsed. They went from ‘We want to move from that mansion into this mansion’ to ‘We’re nowhere’,” Harder said.

The former JDS Uniphase complex at the south end of Merivale Road is becoming a new headquarters for the RCMP and that’s good news for south Nepean — but not as good as when JDS was going to be the region’s second-biggest employer, right before the tech bubble burst.

There’s no Nortel or JDS ready to move in, at least not yet. The first things to be built in the business park will be less prestigious: an auto mall and a retail plaza. The shops are meant to serve Barrhavenites and make the property more enticing to higher-end tenants, said David Kardish of the Regional Group, which owns most of the land.

“We hope to be in the ground with two major components of the first stage in 2015,” Kardish said.

Then comes the hard part: Finding a big, high-end company that wants a big, high-end space.

“It’s a tough sell,” Kardish said bluntly. “The office market in Ottawa has highs and lows. And right now, there’s not a lot going on.” Regional Group has had some interest from mid-sized companies and talked with high-tech company Ciena about a development of about 250,000 square feet a few years ago, he said, but that fell through.

“It was very difficult because we couldn’t give them a timeline,” Kardish said. Once city council’s approval is in hand, he can hit the market more confidently.

An unscientific survey the city is using to guide an overhaul of its official land-use plan found that only three per cent of more than 4,200 respondents would choose to work in a business park, given their druthers. But 47 per cent said they’d like to work “in (their) community,” and that’s what a big Barrhaven office park is supposed to offer.

Anyway, said Harder, the Strandherd property isn’t to be just any business park. “In this case, you’re going to have a nice product that’s going to be as nice as the nicest ones in Kanata,” she said. Most Ottawa business parks are defined by light industry, which is necessary but unglamorous and not what most world-class companies want to be next to.

Instead, the idea is to create a “campus” with that big-name occupant and numerous affiliated companies in the same industry, she said, possibly something related to green technology.

There’s the beginning of a “green-tech corridor” roughly following the 416, Harder pointed out, beginning with the agriculture college in Kemptville and including Plasco Energy Group, a methane operation at the city’s Trail Road landfill, a solar farm and a major new outpost Hydro Ottawa plans to build. On the west side of the highway, Harder said, the land is protected for agriculture but could include some related research facilities without running afoul of the law.

The word “protected” comes up a lot in these discussions: From Barrhaven to Orléans, the city is keen to “protect” land designated for offices or elite manufacturing from lesser uses. Harder calls them “easy pickings,” tenants or buyers that a developer like Regional Group would bring in because, well, they’re offering money and ready to go.

“First, it’s the Frito-Lay plant,” she said. “Then once that’s in place, PNG, Procter & Gamble comes in and they want a warehouse, and they say, well, we can put it here next to the Frito-Lay plant and doesn’t that make sense? And before you know it, you have the kind of regular business park that people don’t like.”

Kardish said Regional Group is as eager as anyone for a big-name occupant and will be working with the city’s economic-development agency Invest Ottawa to find one. But it owns a lot of property and, above all, wants to do something with it.

“The sooner we can develop it or sell it, the better we’ll be,” he said.


© Copyright (c) The Ottawa Citizen

Read more: http://www.ottawacitizen.com/news/Barrhaven+business+park+hunting+world+class+occupant/8445849/story.html#ixzz2UdkwOkWC


May 29, 2013, 11:29 AM
If you build it, Barfhaven, they will come. Do these people actually have a clue?

May 29, 2013, 2:06 PM
Maybe they should move VIA's Fallowfield station out here, near a new 416 exit at McKenna Casey, and build high density office buildings around it. A business park with direct passenger train connections to downtown Toronto several times a day might appeal to companies with head offices or affiliates in southern Ontario. It would also make the station slightly more convenient to access for the Kanata-based companies.

Jun 25, 2013, 3:11 PM
I am starting to see backhoe and excavators working in the field in this area. Wondering what's going on?

Mar 14, 2014, 5:01 PM
as posted in the Roads thread... there are a bunch of road improvements happening on Strandherd that will also allow access to this development

Notice of road improvements

Strandherd Drive from Fallowfield Road to Kennevale Drive
• New concrete sidewalks
• New cycle tracks
• New median on Strandherd Drive
• New traffic signals at Strandherd Drive and Maravista Drive
• New traffic signals at Strandherd Drive and Jockvale Road
• New southbound right-turn and left-turn lanes on Fallowfield Road
• New southbound right-turn lane on Strandherd Drive at Maravista Drive
• New southbound left-turn-turn lane on Strandherd Drive at Maravista Drive
• New northbound double left-turn lane on Strandherd Drive at Maravista Drive

May 15, 2014, 10:15 PM
I saw a sign for Myers Toyota and Barrhaven Toyota coming to this business park.

I have also heard rumour about Costco coming here (Jan Harder - Barrhaven city councillor - confirmed on her Twitter feed there has been interest)

This will definitely help property values for the homes in the area, there will be more traffic and noise but there will also be more people shopping/living/doing business here and that certainly beats the empty parcel of land it is currently right now.

May 16, 2014, 5:55 PM
^ that would be interesting... wonder if they would close Hunt Club/Merivale and/or move their head office here?

May 16, 2014, 9:25 PM
^ that would be interesting... wonder if they would close Hunt Club/Merivale and/or move their head office here?

They would definitely never close the Merivale store that place is a zoo at almost all times. If you're talking about their head office, I could see that maybe moving if they needed to upsize space. The rumours, as I have heard about them for a while too now, is that they want to open another Costco store there.

May 16, 2014, 9:48 PM
They would definitely never close the Merivale store that place is a zoo at almost all times. If you're talking about their head office, I could see that maybe moving if they needed to upsize space. The rumours, as I have heard about them for a while too now, is that they want to open another Costco store there.

It would be beneficial for them to move their office, since space is tight at their current location. Not sure if this is a good place for retail, other than small-scale retail tied to the business community (i.e. restaurants) though.

I think moving the VIA station is a good idea in theory, although it would mean it would no longer have convenient transit access. Perhaps cancel the rapid transit corridor south of the Jock River and redirect it westward instead?

May 16, 2014, 11:02 PM
I definitely think there is a business case for Costco to open a new store in Barrhaven. The community population is approaching 100,000 (if not already surpassed) and the location is ideal to serve folks in surrounding communities (Manotick, Richmond, Riverside South after the bridge is completed and even along the 416 corridor down to Kemptville).

Obviously not everybody shops at Costco and you can't compare WalMart against Costco but just look at how close the WalMart SuperCentres are in Kanata (one in the Centrum and another one 5 minute drive away in the new community of Blackstone). Same for WalMart at Lincoln Heights and Baseline/Clyde. When they open the latter, I thought they would close the Lincoln Heights location but no both are still going strong.

May 17, 2014, 2:57 AM
I think moving the VIA station is a good idea in theory, although it would mean it would no longer have convenient transit access. Perhaps cancel the rapid transit corridor south of the Jock River and redirect it westward instead?

Why do you think moving the station is a good idea in theory? Just wondering your logic. Barrhaven is spreading southward and the VIA station is conveniently located at Barrhaven's main transit station. I think it serves people from Kanata fine where it is (easy access straight down Fallowfield from the 416 or Eagleson). I personally don't see the logic to moving it. Unless it's to serve this new 'business centre'. But its years and years away from landing any significant tenants that would need this sort of direct VIA access.

May 17, 2014, 3:02 AM
Why do you think moving the station is a good idea in theory? Just wondering your logic. Barrhaven is spreading southward and the VIA station is conveniently located at Barrhaven's main transit station. I think it serves people from Kanata fine where it is (easy access straight down Fallowfield from the 416 or Eagleson). I personally don't see the logic to moving it. Unless it's to serve this new 'business centre'. But its years and years away from landing any significant tenants that would need this sort of direct VIA access.

In theory because Fallowfield is an isolated location with nothing really around it but a Park and Ride, while serving a new business centre would be beneficial. But the lack of transit access reduces that thought...

May 17, 2014, 8:41 PM
I definitely think there is a business case for Costco to open a new store in Barrhaven. The community population is approaching 100,000 (if not already surpassed) and the location is ideal to serve folks in surrounding communities (Manotick, Richmond, Riverside South after the bridge is completed and even along the 416 corridor down to Kemptville).

Obviously not everybody shops at Costco and you can't compare WalMart against Costco but just look at how close the WalMart SuperCentres are in Kanata (one in the Centrum and another one 5 minute drive away in the new community of Blackstone). Same for WalMart at Lincoln Heights and Baseline/Clyde. When they open the latter, I thought they would close the Lincoln Heights location but no both are still going strong.

Costco generally goes for 100k-200k people per store (depending on factors like wealth, presence/absence of corporate spenders, etc.) so a Barrhaven store in the near future is definitely something that could work.

May 29, 2014, 4:03 AM
Per Jan Harder's Twitter feed, Barrhaven will also get a Honda dealership as well as a major retailer.

The Strandherd-Armstrong bridge and the new Minto Sports Complex will be completed shortly. Things are starting to fall into places in the 'Haven!

May 29, 2014, 4:08 AM
Not to mention the approval of Tega's new condo tower at the town centre. Barrhaven's really come a long way.

Jul 21, 2014, 10:03 PM
According to the map in the link below, there is supposed to be a hotel and commercial retail to complement the auto park


Jul 21, 2014, 10:24 PM
I hadn't actually seen that road network proposal before or I didn't look into. They want to close McKenna Casey and have the road through the office park use the existing road under the 416 to link up to Moodie. Interesting idea.

Also a hotel is needed in Barrhaven! Also right beside the 416 is an ideal location.

Jul 21, 2014, 11:06 PM
I hadn't actually seen that road network proposal before or I didn't look into. They want to close McKenna Casey and have the road through the office park use the existing road under the 416 to link up to Moodie. Interesting idea.

Also a hotel is needed in Barrhaven! Also right beside the 416 is an ideal location.

I agree about the 'Haven and the need for a hotel. There is currently none in the immediate vicinity!

It will do well in this location as it's only minutes away from the hi-tech corridor in Kanata and the big employers (RCMP at the Merivale Business Park and DND at the former Nortel building).

Also convenient location for folks coming up from the GTA/Kingston/Brockville/New York State. I'd like to see a well-established joint here, something along the line of a Hilton Garden Inn or Holiday Inn would be A-OK.

Aug 12, 2014, 12:25 AM
The excavators have started clearing the land for the car dealerships. Planned opening date is summer/fall 2015.

Aug 14, 2014, 11:48 PM
This one may needs its own thread later on but for now...

From Jan Harder's e-blast

Big Retail News for Barrhaven
The City has received a site plan control application for 4337 and 4433 Strandherd Drive. The site is located to the west of Strandherd Drive and east of Highway 416.

The applicant is proposing a total of ten free-standing buildings, providing approximately 32,000 square metres of retail, restaurant, bank, and community services uses.

To obtain further information relating to this proposal, e.g., plans, studies and assessments, go to Ottawa.ca/devapps, access the City’s Development Application Search Tool, and input the File Number (D07-12-14-0120) in the “Search” criteria. And of course keep an eye on my e-newsletters, Twitter and for more information soon.

Aug 15, 2014, 2:26 AM

Aug 15, 2014, 9:58 AM
Phew... that was close!!! :eek:

Finally... another strip mall in the area. I was worried they were going to plunk down a hotel or something imaginative there.

Aug 15, 2014, 11:25 AM
I quickly checked the Site Summary and the anchor store will have an associated gas bar.

Hmm, let's see. There is already a Canadian Tire with a gas bar on Greenbank. There is a Loblaws with no gas bar in the same vicinity as well.

That leaves Costco?

Proof Sheet
Aug 15, 2014, 12:01 PM
I quickly checked the Site Summary and the anchor store will have an associated gas bar.

Hmm, let's see. There is already a Canadian Tire with a gas bar on Greenbank. There is a Loblaws with no gas bar in the same vicinity as well.

That leaves Costco?

Looking at the site plan online, building A1 certainly has that Costco look and the gas bar is a one way system..which is what Costco uses.

Oct 23, 2014, 4:06 AM
People on other boards have said Farm Boy and Target will also go into this business park.

Excavation is fully under way.

Oct 23, 2014, 7:24 PM
People on other boards have said Farm Boy and Target will also go into this business park.

Excavation is fully under way.

I would have thought that a Barrhaven Target would have gone in a proposed Trinity development behind Barrhaven Towne Centre at Strandherd and Jockvale.
Also, there is already a Farm Boy on Woodroffe. Does Barrhaven need two Farm Boys?

Oct 23, 2014, 11:12 PM
I would have thought that a Barrhaven Target would have gone in a proposed Trinity development behind Barrhaven Towne Centre at Strandherd and Jockvale.
Also, there is already a Farm Boy on Woodroffe. Does Barrhaven need two Farm Boys?

The current Barrhaven Farm Boy is located pretty far from this site, it takes about 10 minutes of driving on Woodroffe then down Strandherd to get to the location of the (potential) Farm Boy.

Also keep in mind there are tons of residences around this area and the closest grocery store right now is Ross' Independent and Loblaws at the corner of Strandherd and Greenbank. Having another grocery store in this (new) subdivision together with Costco will certainly be welcoming for the local residents. They are also good for Richmond residents and Bridlewood/Monahan Landing residents in Kanata going up Moodie then Strandherd.

Oct 24, 2014, 2:55 AM
The 25 acre commercial area was purchased by Trinity from the Regional Group.. hopefully we'll see an update confirming some of the retailers on their site.

They seemed to have dropped out of a development application for the Strandherd/Jockvale site

Oct 31, 2014, 3:25 AM
Poster on another board indicates Costco Barrhaven should open in Fall 2015.

Marcus CLS
Nov 1, 2014, 12:56 AM
I drove by the site today. The whole site is underconstruction for services. Not just the Trinity site at the north end but right down to the south end. All roads and infrastructure is going in and Standerd drive is being widened as well. South of the Trinity site a sign was posted indicating future sites for two auto dealerships. One was Toyota. I was driving so did have enough time to make out the second dealership.

Intrerestingly before I got to the citi gate site I saw a sign marketing a Barrhaven Automart at the NW location of 416 and Fallowfield. So there are two competing sites for auto dealorships. 1 site maybe but 2 so close to each other? Personally I would hope for new office commercial, warehousing, manufacturing, not just not new retail. Obviously the Trinity site is retail but I hope the south portion will be different.

Feb 9, 2015, 10:49 PM

Trinity now has their site opening Fall 2016

Feb 9, 2015, 11:47 PM
I would love to have a Real Canadian Superstore in Barrhaven (outside of the rumoured Costco). Big, clean grocery store with lots of selections and best of all, they price-match!

I know there's already one in Kanata but the population in Barrhaven and surrounding areas is more than enough to support this :)

Feb 10, 2015, 2:40 PM
I would love to have a Real Canadian Superstore in Barrhaven (outside of the rumoured Costco). Big, clean grocery store with lots of selections and best of all, they price-match!

I know there's already one in Kanata but the population in Barrhaven and surrounding areas is more than enough to support this :)

A grocery store at this end of Barrhaven would definitely work. There are 4 grocery stores alone at or near Greenbank and Strandherd (Sobeys, Independent, Loblaws, Walmart). Food Basics is further north on Greenbank and the only other two are Farm Boy on Woodroffe and Metro at Strandherd and Woodroffe. Albeit, there is an existing Independent and opening soon Metro in Riverside South. Nevertheless, I agree a grocery store could fill the '2' spot on the Trinity development map.

I could also see a Homesense and Value Village type stores go in that plaza as well in the '1' row of box stores.

Feb 10, 2015, 3:44 PM
So basically (un)confirmed: Costco with Gas Bar (Which is really needed to take pressure off of the Hunt Club location), Goodlife (Probably a good idea because the current one on Fallowfield is busy all the time), likely a Holiday Inn (But hopefully something more... dignified like a Hilton to entice higher end tennants to the busniess park), and probably a Superstore (Based on the square footage (35000)).

What could/should be added: The Costco HQ, BMW IDealership/Audi/Porche, a green technology manufacturing or R&D center, Maybe move DEW, but other than that I cannot think of too much.

Feb 11, 2015, 1:06 AM
A grocery store at this end of Barrhaven would definitely work. There are 4 grocery stores alone at or near Greenbank and Strandherd (Sobeys, Independent, Loblaws, Walmart). Food Basics is further north on Greenbank and the only other two are Farm Boy on Woodroffe and Metro at Strandherd and Woodroffe. Albeit, there is an existing Independent and opening soon Metro in Riverside South. Nevertheless, I agree a grocery store could fill the '2' spot on the Trinity development map.

I could also see a Homesense and Value Village type stores go in that plaza as well in the '1' row of box stores.

I believe there will at least be 1 more grocery store opening in the next few years in the Greenbank/Cambrian area, serving Half Moon Bay, Half Moon Bay South and Stonebridge residents

I agree about HomeSense, not too keen on Value Village, rather I'd like to see an outdoor gear company like MEC or Bushtukah setting up shop here. There is none in the immediate vicinity (There is a Bushtukah in Stittsville but that's a solid 10+ driving)

Feb 11, 2015, 3:21 AM
Costco is a done deal according my family and friends that work there.

How about an LCBO? Barrhaven has ONE, Kanata has three (+Stittsville+Bell's Corners nearby), Orleans has three...

Feb 11, 2015, 2:55 PM
Costco is a done deal according my family and friends that work there.

How about an LCBO? Barrhaven has ONE, Kanata has three (+Stittsville+Bell's Corners nearby), Orleans has three...

I believe Barrhaven is more of a Wine Rack type of place, nice and lively. Compared to the LCBO served Kanata that is, quite dead.

Mar 3, 2015, 4:46 AM
Costco is a done deal according my family and friends that work there.

How about an LCBO? Barrhaven has ONE, Kanata has three (+Stittsville+Bell's Corners nearby), Orleans has three...

Any ETA when it will be open? I have heard anywhere between Fall 2015 (this year) to 3 years from now.

I could definitely see a LCBO in this part of Barrhaven. Maybe a Beer Store as well. Almost certain to see another bank, National Bank doesn't have a presence yet in Barrhaven and this would be a great spot for them.

Going back to grocery stores, I wouldn't mind seeing another T&T here, the one on Hunt Club is always packed and there's enough people here + nearby Kanata to support this.

Mar 3, 2015, 2:35 PM
Any ETA when it will be open? I have heard anywhere between Fall 2015 (this year) to 3 years from now.

I could definitely see a LCBO in this part of Barrhaven. Maybe a Beer Store as well. Almost certain to see another bank, National Bank doesn't have a presence yet in Barrhaven and this would be a great spot for them.

Going back to grocery stores, I wouldn't mind seeing another T&T here, the one on Hunt Club is always packed and there's enough people here + nearby Kanata to support this.

No ETA, but I believe first developments are supposed to start the fall.

T&T would be amazing here, never thought about that... Perhaps a T&T and Costco, then there would be no more space for anything here with all the parking spaces needed and all. lol

Mar 3, 2015, 3:37 PM
18 months. Targeting fall/Christmas 2016.

Mar 3, 2015, 4:23 PM
No ETA, but I believe first developments are supposed to start the fall.

T&T would be amazing here, never thought about that... Perhaps a T&T and Costco, then there would be no more space for anything here with all the parking spaces needed and all. lol

T&T is a fantastic idea that I didn't even think of. It would work great in this location. Although, on Trinity's website they list the store at a proposed 35,000sq/ft. This is basically the size of a Metro. The T&T at Hunt Club/Riverside is around 45,000sq/ft. I'm sure there is room to make it larger than what is proposed. Further, definitely banks (2) and some drive thru places. I could see Panera Bread going here and another Tim Horton's. Not sure if they would put full scale restaurants here but maybe a Jack Astor's or Montana's could work. Then I'm sticking with my Home Sense idea and maybe a Value Village / Michael's / Marshall's or similar.

Mar 9, 2015, 7:54 PM
I did reach out T&T Corporate customer service with a feeler email and they were nice enough to reply saying this is not currently under their consideration but they will keep me posted with future developments :)

Now that Loblaws has announced plans to build 50 new stores across the country, I am hoping we will see RCSS here in Barrhaven

Mar 10, 2015, 2:24 PM
I did reach out T&T Corporate customer service with a feeler email and they were nice enough to reply saying this is not currently under their consideration but they will keep me posted with future developments :)

Now that Loblaws has announced plans to build 50 new stores across the country, I am hoping we will see RCSS here in Barrhaven

I dont think that the Superstore brand will be expanding in Ottawa. To the best of my knowledge is is the 'cheaper' version of Loblaws. Since Ottawa has such high median incomes it is more likely that only Loblaws will open and not Superstores...

Mar 10, 2015, 2:29 PM
I dont think that the Superstore brand will be expanding in Ottawa. To the best of my knowledge is is the 'cheaper' version of Loblaws. Since Ottawa has such high median incomes it is more likely that only Loblaws will open and not Superstores...

No Frills is Loblaws' discount label. I think Superstore is intended to more of a department store-ish type thing with a lot more non-grocery sections but I might be wrong, I've never set foot in one before.

Mar 10, 2015, 2:43 PM
No Frills is Loblaws' discount label. I think Superstore is intended to more of a department store-ish type thing with a lot more non-grocery sections but I might be wrong, I've never set foot in one before.

Looking at the website, it looks like a cross between No Frills and Loblaws... in a massive footprint. Think Walmart sized, but selling almost only PC products.

Mar 10, 2015, 3:09 PM
Looking at the website, it looks like a cross between No Frills and Loblaws... in a massive footprint. Think Walmart sized, but selling almost only PC products.

I used to live very close to the Superstore on Richmond Road and frequented it regularly. It's basically a Loblaws minus the Joe Fresh. Same flyers, similar layout, similar building foot prints. If I were to drop you in the Loblaws at College Square or the Superstore in Westboro/Kanata you might not be able to tell the difference. At least that's my opinion. Main difference is Superstore price matches, Loblaws does not.

Mar 10, 2015, 11:28 PM
I used to live very close to the Superstore on Richmond Road and frequented it regularly. It's basically a Loblaws minus the Joe Fresh. Same flyers, similar layout, similar building foot prints. If I were to drop you in the Loblaws at College Square or the Superstore in Westboro/Kanata you might not be able to tell the difference. At least that's my opinion. Main difference is Superstore price matches, Loblaws does not.

and this is a reason why I really want to see them here in Barrhaven. I go to the RCSS Westboro one all the time (my mom lives in Chinatown and I drive her to get her grocery while I get mine, killing 2 birds with 1 stone if you will).

Clean, big grocery store with lots of choices (not just PC products) and attractive prices and best of all they price-match. The PCPlus is another bonus. I've saved a bunch since I started doing PMing and would not have it any other way now.

Here's hoping...we know there will be at least 1 grocery store in this business park, let the guessing game begins!

Mar 11, 2015, 1:07 AM
I've actually worked at both a NoFrills and Superstore.

NoFrills is LCL's "hard discount" brand. Superstore is positioned to go up against Walmart, but also up market over Walmart, and was originally a western Canada brand that was brought into Ontario and the east when Walmart entered the Canada in '94 or so.

LCL also just announced a billion dollar plus expansion and renovation plan.

Please don't go to a Superstore and act as if it's the same as a Loblaws and get pissy we we don't carry the one random thing that you once found in a Loblaws and then argue about this being a Loblaws.

I could def. see a RCSS going in here.

Mar 11, 2015, 1:53 AM
I've always wondered the difference between RCSS and Loblaws!

Mar 27, 2015, 1:45 AM
A number of business have set up shop in the shopping plaza across the soon-to-be-built 2 car dealerships on Strandherd

- A dental office
- A hair salon
- A spa
- A coffee/bakery shop
- Gabriel Pizza
- Burgers and Shakes (apparently there is already a location in Manotick and I was told this place has the best burgers in town and the Urbanspoon reviews seem to back it up so I'll have to try it when they open next month)

Mar 27, 2015, 3:34 AM
A number of business have set up shop in the shopping plaza across the soon-to-be-built 2 car dealerships on Strandherd

- A dental office
- A hair salon
- A spa
- A coffee/bakery shop
- Gabriel Pizza
- Burgers and Shakes (apparently there is already a location in Manotick and I was told this place has the best burgers in town and the Urbanspoon reviews seem to back it up so I'll have to try it when they open next month)

I must try this 'Burgers and Shakes' immediately. Vera's and Absinthe still have my favourite burgers in town.

Mar 27, 2015, 1:19 PM
A number of business have set up shop in the shopping plaza across the soon-to-be-built 2 car dealerships on Strandherd

- A dental office
- A hair salon
- A spa
- A coffee/bakery shop
- Gabriel Pizza
- Burgers and Shakes (apparently there is already a location in Manotick and I was told this place has the best burgers in town and the Urbanspoon reviews seem to back it up so I'll have to try it when they open next month)

Canabiz, is this the plaza at Strandherd and Kennevale? I haven't been out that way in a while so just trying to figure out where they're putting all this. Thanks!

Mar 27, 2015, 1:35 PM
I must try this 'Burgers and Shakes' immediately. Vera's and Absinthe still have my favourite burgers in town.

Vera's are so damn good! Burgers and Shakes is pretty comparable (at least last time I went there).

Mar 27, 2015, 2:37 PM
Canabiz, is this the plaza at Strandherd and Kennevale? I haven't been out that way in a while so just trying to figure out where they're putting all this. Thanks!

Yes that's the plaza. I believe Caylbrooke manages this property. There should be plenty of exposure seeing how busy Strandherd is/will be so I hope that translates into good business for these folks.

Mar 27, 2015, 7:50 PM
Given the location, I agree Costco should move their HQ from Hunt Club over to Barrhaven in one of the new buildings.

May 1, 2015, 11:34 PM
@BarrhavenJan 12h12 hours ago https://twitter.com/BarrhavenJan/status/594099850855190528
#barrhaven Bad news. Previous hopes 4 @Costco on Strandherd won't see doors open 2015. #disappointed @Costco_Members

May 2, 2015, 1:19 AM
URGH - no relief for the Kanata or Merivale Costco!

May 25, 2015, 8:13 PM
Burgers and shakes was open this weekend when I was in the area.

May 26, 2015, 3:19 AM
Transit and road work will be coming to this and surrounding areas


May 26, 2015, 1:40 PM
Transit and road work will be coming to this and surrounding areas


Oh gee, great. Barrhaven gets more Bus lanes while the rest of the real city gets, if properly situated, nothing.

May 26, 2015, 2:08 PM
Oh gee, great. Barrhaven gets more Bus lanes while the rest of the real city gets, if properly situated, nothing.

That Transitway extension is unfunded through to 2031. That puts it in the same boat as a huge number of other projects all throughout the city, including the Trillium Line electrification/double tracking.

Median transitways are extraordinarily cheap to construct if the road in question is already being built anyway, so I think the city should just build it at the same time as the road.

Aug 2, 2015, 6:09 PM
Myers Toyota building is up. Expected opening date is January 2016.

Crew is expanding Strandherd to 2 lanes each side from Kennevale to the 416. Can't wait to see how this area would look like in a couple of years!

Oct 7, 2015, 3:54 AM
Unfortunately this is the best shot I can get a Google Street View of the general area as of May 2015


There was some work done at Strandherd and Fallowfield in this September 2014 shot


Oct 10, 2015, 1:55 PM
Jan Harder (Barrhaven councillor) confirmed on Twitter that Costco is indeed coming to the area!

This is great news for Barrhaven residents, no more fighting traffic on Merivale, maybe fighting traffic on Strandherd instead but it's better :) It will help bring jobs to the local area and should help boost property values.

I saw a post on a Barrhaven Community Group on Facebook and Marshall's, Montana's and Value Village are confirmed tenants for this business park, with more to come.

Bring them on!

Oct 11, 2015, 6:12 PM
Jan Harder (Barrhaven councillor) confirmed on Twitter that Costco is indeed coming to the area!

This is great news for Barrhaven residents, no more fighting traffic on Merivale, maybe fighting traffic on Strandherd instead but it's better :) It will help bring jobs to the local area and should help boost property values.

I saw a post on a Barrhaven Community Group on Facebook and Marshall's, Montana's and Value Village are confirmed tenants for this business park, with more to come.

Bring them on!

I am surprised there isn't a Value Village already. I can see a HomeSense going there or anywhere in Barrhaven as well.

Oct 11, 2015, 6:23 PM
Apparently according to a Barrhaven Blog (http://www.barrhavenblog.com/more-retail-stores-announced-for-barrhaven-costco-site/) Marshall's, Moore's, Value Village, Dollarama, LCBO, Tim Horton's, and Montana's will be coming too. With 8 spots still for lease.



Oct 12, 2015, 11:12 PM
I am surprised there isn't a Value Village already. I can see a HomeSense going there or anywhere in Barrhaven as well.

I think a Value Village is very welcome in Barrhaven. I believe the closest one is the one in Stittsville near Lowe's and of course there's always the one on Merivale.

I think all of the stores that you listed are all welcome here and yes I'd love to see a Home Sense and/or a RCSS.

Guess I'll be bumping into a lot of acquaintances, friends and colleagues while out shopping :)

Oct 22, 2015, 2:31 AM
I would like to see a National Bank branch here.

I have a mortgage and other services with them and have been frequenting the Bells Corners and Stittsville branches at lunch so it's not too bad but they are the only *Big 6* bank without a presence in Barrhaven and they can do better than that.

Apr 15, 2016, 1:46 AM
Myers Barrhaven Toyota will have the grand opening on Monday I believe. Workers have been putting the finishing touches on the outside/landscaping.

Costco Canada replied to Jan Harder's tweet today and anticipates the opening of Costco Barrhaven in November 2016, just in time for the holiday. I imagine the other retailers (Marshalls, LCBO, Dollarama, Montana, Tim Horton's, Value Village) won't be far behind...

Apr 15, 2016, 3:54 AM
They built an awesome cycle track along Strandherd stretch there, that any inside-the-greenbelt street can only dream of.
Too bad it doesn't lead anywhere. But at least the effort is there. :shrug:


Apr 15, 2016, 4:38 AM
I remember the 416 being built while I was in high school at Bell. The entire school would shake constantly for over a year as they blasted the Leda Clay between the school and bruce pit for the trench leading to the 416/417 interchange. At the time the justification for the highway being so far West was that it would be the catalyst for growth in Barrhaven. Almost 20 years later it's happening haha...

Proof Sheet
Apr 15, 2016, 11:36 AM
They built an awesome cycle track along Strandherd stretch there, that any inside-the-greenbelt street can only dream of.
Too bad it doesn't lead anywhere. But at least the effort is there. :shrug:


The City do this all the time. Little stretches of sidewalk or landscaping along frontages as individual properties develop. In some ways it would be better if the City took the money from the developers for their proportional costs and then did the work once all in a co-ordinated fashion once there is a critical mass of development. Honestly, the # of people walking along the side of that road whose cars hasn't broken down is very low...but then when did practicality make sense at City Hall (where checklist planning is an artform).

Capital Shaun
Apr 15, 2016, 4:40 PM
They built an awesome cycle track along Strandherd stretch there, that any inside-the-greenbelt street can only dream of.
Too bad it doesn't lead anywhere. But at least the effort is there. :shrug:


Wait? Is that a bike lane and a cycletrack? Yes, as an inside-the-greenbelt resident I'm envious.

Apr 15, 2016, 5:09 PM
Wait? Is that a bike lane and a cycletrack? Yes, as an inside-the-greenbelt resident I'm envious.

No I think it will be a turn lane. But because the road to turn right onto does not yet exist, it has been painted with a solid white line.

Capital Shaun
Apr 15, 2016, 9:20 PM
No I think it will be a turn lane. But because the road to turn right onto does not yet exist, it has been painted with a solid white line.

Ah OK. Still impressed. There's even a cobblestone service strip (ie. snow bank storage) between the road & cycletrack. In my 'hood bike lanes become snowbanks in winter.

Apr 16, 2016, 4:01 PM
I remember the 416 being built while I was in high school at Bell. The entire school would shake constantly for over a year as they blasted the Leda Clay between the school and bruce pit for the trench leading to the 416/417 interchange. At the time the justification for the highway being so far West was that it would be the catalyst for growth in Barrhaven. Almost 20 years later it's happening haha...

Hard to believe the incredible growth the 'Haven has gone through in the past 10 years, Harley. I have been proud to call this neck o' the woods home for about the same time and I see no slow down, just yet. There is still quite a bit of undeveloped land around here and in the immediate vicinity...

The latest population count is 72K+ (from 2011) and I recall reading somewhere the number is closer to 100K now. We should have a more accurate figure from the census this year...getting close to Kingston # (123K from 2011), almost a city within a city, if you will.

May 4, 2016, 2:43 AM
It looks like Myers Hyundai will be the next auto dealership coming to Barrhaven. I believe they will relocate the (small) Bells Corners location here.


May 6, 2016, 3:30 AM
According to this website, the Honda dealership is scheduled to open towards the end of this year. IIRC, the Toyota dealership took about 8 months or so to build.


It also looks like the Dilawri Group will soon have a presence in Barrhaven as well, just not sure what makes they will sell


May 6, 2016, 6:03 PM
More sprawl... gotta love it! :tup:

May 22, 2016, 1:38 AM
This may not be part of the CitiGate complex but I saw a sign near the Fallowfield exit today for Nissan and Madza dealerships. Construction is actually under way.

Jun 19, 2016, 6:17 PM
Costco Barrhaven has broken ground


Jun 22, 2016, 11:40 AM
More sprawl... gotta love it! :tup:

Sign for Myers Hyundai Barrhaven is up. It is on the lot right besides the existing Myers Toyota dealership.

Jun 22, 2016, 3:14 PM
So what exactly is happening with this site? It was supposed to be a high-tech park like Kanata North but it seems all that's going in is warehouses, construction offices, and retail.

I've always been skeptical of this spot's viability as a tech park. Tech likes to be near itself, and this spot is nowhere near either Kanata North (the hub of the industry) or the downtown core; furthermore, it's not really in a great location to attract commuters. It's next to the 416, sure, but there's not much on the 416.

That said, this site does have great potential as a more industrial/semi-industrial site.

Jun 22, 2016, 4:30 PM
I think the hi-tech park idea died with Nortel who used to own this parcel of land I believe. This area is turning into a business park with car dealerships, Costco, other retailers and possibly a hotel down the road, which isn't necessarily a bad thing as it provides employment in the local area and amenities for nearby residents.

Jul 6, 2016, 2:49 AM
proposal to rename Nortel Drive to CitiGate Drive

Jul 7, 2016, 11:19 PM
proposal to rename Nortel Drive to CitiGate Drive

I was wondering how long until they asked for a name change!

On a somewhat related note I noticed the other day that they renamed nearby Cedarview Drive (south) to Borrisokane Road. Not sure the meaning behind it. This is the section south of the VIA tracks from Strandherd to Barnsdale.

Jul 8, 2016, 12:01 AM
I was wondering how long until they asked for a name change!

On a somewhat related note I noticed the other day that they renamed nearby Cedarview Drive (south) to Borrisokane Road. Not sure the meaning behind it. This is the section south of the VIA tracks from Strandherd to Barnsdale.


"Many of the early Irish settlers who came to Barrhaven were from Borrisokane in Tipperary Ireland."

Jul 8, 2016, 3:09 AM

"Many of the early Irish settlers who came to Barrhaven were from Borrisokane in Tipperary Ireland."

Thank you for that information and link!

Jul 11, 2016, 11:16 AM
Speaking of Borrisokane, I have seen a fair bit of activities (trucks carrying loads of soil and excavators) for the new Minto community here.

I imagine this road will eventually be expanded to 4-lane to accommodate the growth.

Jul 12, 2016, 1:24 PM
I think the hi-tech park idea died with Nortel who used to own this parcel of land I believe. This area is turning into a business park with car dealerships, Costco, other retailers and possibly a hotel down the road, which isn't necessarily a bad thing as it provides employment in the local area and amenities for nearby residents.

Nope. The plan is still a high-tech campus. They probably won't find one though for a variety of reasons. The location is better served for industrial/distribution purposes. Someone tell that to the Ward Councillor who has visions of an office park though.

Car dealerships and a Costco are hardly amenities for nearby residents. Amenities are located at the Town Centre. This spot being next to the only interchange in urban south should be reserved for more appropriate uses.