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Aug 1, 2007, 7:14 AM

www.correios.com.br (http://www.correios.com.br)

It is impossible this building is in Penha as it is in SP city center near Vale do Anhangabaú (Anhnangabaú valley) where the Anhangabaú bridge is, also close to Av. Nove de Julho with tunnel, next to new building of Prefeitura, SP city council and exact placed at Praca do Patriarca. Penha is too, but too far away from center and in Penha has no building with such dimension.

the neighborhood is for Rua Libero Badaró 293

is PATRIARCA with post code CEP 01009-000 :rolleyes:

Centro is also accepted.

I really do not know where you got this wrong info. :shrug:

Aug 1, 2007, 9:10 AM


Address: Av. Paulista, 901 upto Al. Santos - Jardim Paulista
Floors: 19 + Ground floor + 2 retail shops floors = 22 , see please drawing at Arcoweb, source below.

Basement: 4
Use: Office
Built: 2003, all complete see below.
Style: Modern
Materials: Concrete, Glass, Aluminium, Granit

Interesting Facts:

-Since 2004, Petrobrás (Petrólio Brasileiro) biggest Brazilian Oil company occupies and rent 11 floors of building, mainly its headquarters in Sao Pauli city.
- At the lower floors with front to Al. Santos stay the FNAC www.fnac.com.br (http://www.fnac.com.br)

architect: Kogan Villar Arquitetos Associados (http://www.emporis.com/en/cd/cm/?id=koganvillararquitetosassociados-saopaulo-brazil)

According to Arcoweb http://arcoweb.com.br/arquitetura/arquitetura419.asp

The best name is: Edifício Comendador Yerchanik Kissajikian

Started: 18months before, so 2001. O edifício foi construído em 18 meses, prazo considerado relativamente curto para um empreendimento comercial de alto padrão.

Edifício Comendador Yerchanik Kissajikian
São Paulo, SP
Client, owner:
AK Realty, Grupo Induscred
1ª phase -
junho/2001 to dezembro/2002
(tower & garages);
2ª phase - janeiro/2003 to março/2003
(torre Paulista and
external areas)
4 703 m2
42 700 m2
Kogan, Villar & Associados
Construction: Hochtieff, Marco Aurélio Monteiro,
Fábio Silva and José Herivelto Vieira
Marcos Silva
Spillis, Candela & Partners
Mário Newton Leme
Aluminium Facade:
Alcoa & Algrad
Acustic: Akkerman

Drawing into consideration.

Aug 1, 2007, 9:33 AM
It was an honest mistake. Stop with the stupid emoticons, and nasty attitude. You're becoming such annoyances and a bother.

If you're going to continue with the silly emoticons, and the nasty attitude and disresepctfulness towards those helping you you'll be banned, forever, from making any additional request as you're quickly overstaying your welcome, here, and my patience is growing very thin, with you. Grow up, and quit whinning as if you're a baby.