View Full Version : St.Michael's Monastery Belfry in Kiev

May 13, 2007, 1:56 PM
Official sources: Втрачені об'єкти архітектурної спадщини України - Київ, 2002 (The Lost Objects of the Architectual Heritage in Ukraine) - page 49-50

Building Name: St.Michael's Monastery Belfry
Native Name: Дзвіниця Михайлівського Золотоверхого монастиря
Other Names: St.Michael's Golden-topped Monastery Belfry
Address: 6 Tryohsviatytel'ska str.
City: Kyiv
Postal Code: 00025
Country: Ukraine
Official Building Website URL: http://www.zolotoverh.org.ua/

- spire: 50m

Current Building Status - built

Construction Dates--
- started: 1997
- finished: 1998

Floors: 3

Structure Type: church
Building Uses:
• religious
• museum
Building Style: baroque
Building Materials:
• reinforced masonry
• reinforced concrete

Architect: I.Matviyevich
Interesting Facts/Records:
•It is situated on a place of origin belfry, which was built in 1716-1719 and destroyed by Bolsheviks in 1934-1935.