View Full Version : Seattle: New Trolley Barn & 13-story developmet for P Square

Dec 8, 2006, 5:33 AM
From the Seattle times:

An on-again, off-again plan to develop a critical parcel of land in Pioneer Square is on again, and with it, hopes for restarting the waterfront trolley are being revived.

Two influential Pioneer Square community groups have given preliminary support to developer Gregory Smith's proposal to construct a 130-foot-tall building on a parking lot across from the newly redone Occidental Square Park. The current height limit there is 100 feet.


More info here:


Sounds like an interesting project - would be nice to see the trolley going again soon.

Dec 8, 2006, 10:20 AM
Yea, they should restart the trolley. Those buses are trying their best but just don't have the same appeal, IMO.

Dec 8, 2006, 5:53 PM
I hope they go with lots of housing, like the proposal from a year ago. But regardless a building would be great news for Pioneer Square and especially Occidental Park.

Black Box
Dec 8, 2006, 5:54 PM
I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Dec 8, 2006, 7:54 PM
This is a great project for Pioneer Square but I don't understand what the point of including the Trolley Barn since by the time this project is complete, the trolley will have to shut down again for the Viaduct construction which will take nearly a decade to complete.

Black Box
Dec 9, 2006, 8:01 AM
^My guess is for future use. They'll have another place to store them while the whole MESS is being sorted out.