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Old Posted Jul 4, 2018, 4:32 AM
buzzg buzzg is offline
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My view hasn’t changed. The wall is cool but it’s not something anyone’s gonna go out of their way to come by and see - an extremely interpretive “show” that doesn’t explain any of the history it claims to. There’s almost no written info or displays in the park. Because they built all the old build spaces into raised planters, almost the whole park is useless for hosting any sort of events, but because it’s essentially on the side of a freeway, and open and windy – it’s not a great place to go relax or escape either.

Maybe one day if the parking lot behind gets developed into the interpretive centre it would be a bit more active, but I don’t think it’ll ever be anything more than an elaborate entrance to said centre. I’d rather the city take the lot and put a community centre of sorts there, maybe making the park more useful and tying it to the tennis courts on Assiniboine.

Also, considering the advanced lighting tech used on the wall, I’m blown away at how they could make such poor choices with the rest of the lighting design. It’s like they bough the cheapest thing they could find for the planter/bench under lighting – barely even visible at night, which is bad since it was relied on to produce most of the lighting.
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