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Old Posted Feb 24, 2007, 6:54 PM
SAguy SAguy is online now
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Has anyone seen the latest San Antonio Business Journal?

Alamo City may still have shot at landing Saints football team.

Here's some highlights from the article-

For one thing, the Saints are not yet locked into New Orleans for the long-term. In fact, Louisana Gov. Kathleen Blanco's office confirms that she is currently in talks with the New Olreans Saints in an attempt to covince the team to remain in the Cresent City beyond 2010.

Red McCombs says there is reason to be optimistic. McCombs says he is not certain that the Saints are currently "in play," but he does say there is enough reason for local leaders(S.A.) to keep their eye on the ball.

Has the window shut on the opportunity to bring the Saints back to San Antonio?
"No," McCombs says, explaining that are still plenty of uncertainties about the New Orleans region roughly a year and a half after Katrina slammed into the Gulf South.

"Im involved in businesses that have strong relationships in New Orleans," Mccombs says. "New Olreans still has some serious, serious issues that are life and death in a lot of ways.

Blanco's office reports that the Saints can opt out of their current Superdome deal as soon as March 31 of this year. To do so, the team would have to pay a hefty early-exit penalty.

Asked about the situation, Saints spokesman Greg Bensel, will only say: "We have no comment. We will...comment when we have something to report.

Saints spokesman Greg Bensel, will only say: "We have no comment. We will...comment when we have something to report.[/
That comment doesn't sound to convincing that the Saints will remain in New Orleans.
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