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Old Posted Oct 29, 2019, 1:37 PM
LA21st LA21st is offline
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Originally Posted by urban_encounter View Post
Yeah I’ve volunteered at a couple of soup kitchens and a food pantry when I lived in Chicago and I’ve volunteered here in Sacramento and I can honestly say there is a big difference in the homeless population here and the homeless in Chicago. We have a lot of unsheltered here in California with serious substance abuse and mental health issues. Granted, we have some who’ve became homeless and don’t want to be but we have a number who lack the mental capacity to be on the streets and many others who are more concerned where they’ll find their next fix (or 40 ounce).
That's not my experience. LA's homeless made seem "weirder" but they're not nearly as agressive towards others as those in Chicago or the east coast cities.
I've had homeless in Chicago threaten me with violence/follow me for a scare tatic etc.
Obvioulsy not all, but LA's are not just as threatening in general.

My friends in Chicago have a bad opinion of the homeless in their city because of their aggressive nature. They think LA is the same way, and I tell them it's not the same.
I remember Baltimore and DC being more similar to Chicago as well for this.
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