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Old Posted Aug 23, 2014, 12:57 PM
WorldTexas WorldTexas is offline
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Originally Posted by Fireoutofclay View Post
With CPS Energy looking to alter the skyline as well, new hotels being built soon, Weston Urban's future developments, and the Center City Development Office's wooing of new businesses into downtown, we have good momentum moving into future development. Perhaps our newest Fortune 500 company, CST Brands, could be coaxed into considering a new downtown headquarters.
Unfortunately, CST won't be moving downtown anytime soon. They will most likely be expanding their operations along 1604. I have some first-hand experience on this one.

Downtown is still a hard sell to companies of all kinds. They prefer to locate close to where their employees live (or will live if coming from out of town). That's the suburbs still. At least when Oracle came to town they chose a spot along 410 instead of along 1604. Small victories.

But to your point, the new Frost tower could be the catalyst that changes everything. When it opens in 4 years, the residential density around downtown will be much higher and some of those companies at Geekdom might be getting big enough to want out of the Rand. Any new office space downtown will most likely need to be filled with younger startups or expanding local companies. So encourage your entrepreneurial friends!

My guess is that Weston wants to build an Innovation District around Geekdom.
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