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Old Posted Oct 24, 2019, 5:39 PM
Obadno Obadno is offline
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My guess on roads is going to be places in the north because of Freeze expansion and in the warm wet south, sinkholes, floods, washouts, soft ground settling etc.

Dryer parts of the country in the mountain west and great plains luck out as these climates are less harsh on roads and concrete, there is a reason why north African deserts house some of the best ancient ruins. Large blocks of stones hold up a LOOOOOONg time in dry climates.

You also have the "bad government" issue which is going to be the problems in California, road maintenance deferred due to internal political issues and other such bullshit.

There is no reason California roads should be in bad shape, they are in a climate that is easy on things like roads and have a massive tax base to maintain them but somehow those funds never seem to make it to cold hard repair work. Some mysteries will never be solved
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