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Old Posted Jul 21, 2019, 9:00 PM
scryer scryer is offline
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Originally Posted by Andy6 View Post
In Toronto (being a magnificent and extremely important city), the equivalent of "infill" would be things like converting coach houses (garages) to homes, building homes in back alleys (which aren't as common here, but which do exist in some areas) and allowing "nanny suites" in basements in residential areas. All of those things are controversial in exactly the same way as infill tends to be in Winnipeg.
Spoken like a true Torontonian (P.S: I love your city too).

To piggy-back off of what you are saying, in Vancouver (being the pinnacle of the Canadian dream) it is similar to Toronto in that in most areas that are zoned for SFH, a lot of the lots are already pretty small. And so most "infills" end up being multi-unit dwellings or back-alley homes/nanny-suites. In Vancity, our number-one enemy is SFH's. The best example that I can think of is the decent amount of proposals in the West End that are looking to add small apartments (like 2-4 units) in the back alleys to achieve a higher density.

Something like this being proposed in Vancouver would spark disappointment from the public because it is a SFH and not a multi-family home. We still have a long way to go ourselves but our problem comes from land shortage.
There is a housing crisis, and we simply need to speak up about it.

Pinterest - I use this social media platform to easily add pictures into my posts on this forum. Plus there are great architecture and city photos out there as well.
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