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Old Posted Jan 9, 2010, 9:47 PM
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Originally Posted by McBane View Post
I'm so sick of these "manufactured" skyscrapers built by oil sheiks so they can brag to the world how modern their cities are.

NYC, Chicago, etc. built skyscrapers based on the need that those cities (and similar cities) were bursting at the seams; there was no where else to build but up. True, some of the taller ones were partially about making statements, but for the most part, they were necessary to accommodate the growth of those cities. Same with Toronto, Hong Kong, Singapore, London, etc.

Are you telling me that the "booming" city of Doha has nowhere to build but up? From the images, I see an ugly supertall surrounded by open space. What a joke. It's especially comical if the builders think that throwing money to build skyscrapers in their shiekdoms will make their cities significant. Glad to at least see that Dubai has been exposed for the sham city that it is.

And before someone says it - I am by no means jealous of this hideous tower.
I absolutely agree with you. Skyscrapers in the middle of a desert of empty space look fucking ridiculous. And maybe someone should tell those sheiks that building skyscrapers alone doenst give your city an urban atmosphere.