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Old Posted Jun 21, 2019, 4:58 PM
AwesomeSAView AwesomeSAView is offline
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Originally Posted by txex06 View Post
I often hear comments from friend's of friend's about why we chose to buy in Southtown, when our money could have bought us a 3k sqft home with a pool on the northside in a quiet neighborhood with great feeder public schools. These people rarely go downtown and spend their entire weekends at their house. I've become addicted to walking/biking/jogging to everywhere I need to go on the weekend or in the evening. And I tell them our children go to private school, so that doesn't matter. Different strokes. I jogged 5 miles on the Mission Reach Tuesday night and than met up with a neighbor at Blue Star and Beethoven's for a beer all sweaty. A quick walk back home after some beers finished the evening. It was wonderful!

Very well put!!
And this why you move to the urban core, always something to do....
Whether it be moving your body around, or socializing with friends....
Better than being "locked" up and isolated in your home every weekend,,,,
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