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Old Posted May 3, 2008, 7:02 PM
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thurmas thurmas is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Winnipeg, MB
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there are so many educational programs that the government offers but so few aboriginals take advantage of. Canada spends $12 billion a year and growing on indian affairs yet we still have all these problems, it shouldn't be. You have to get rid of the reserve system the reserve system is canada's apartheid. Young aboriginals have no hope staying in crowded reserves in the middle of no where they need access to urban centres for education,job oppurtunities ect... moving to the north end ghetto does not help either. The government should first move indian affairs headquarters to winnipeg because most aboriginals live in the praries. 2nd create a 5 or 10 year plan to eliminate reserves and help build proper housing units for aboriginals if they choose to move to urban centres ie:Winnipeg,Edmonton, Vancouver, Saskatoon ect... create an educational requirement where if aborignal students graduate from high school and or university they get free tuition or a tax incentive ect.. but if not they are fined a certain amount. Education is key aboriginals future is tied to it and I blame their leaders for that because they only look out for themselves and not their people's future.
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