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Old Posted Dec 17, 2019, 1:01 PM
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Constructoin for Taipei Twin Towers Set to Wrap Up 2026|雙子星開發案今簽約 預計115年興建完成
Jake Chen

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Constructoin for Taipei Twin Towers Set to Wrap Up 2026|雙子星開發案今簽約 預計115年興建完成
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Taipei City Mayor Ko Wen-je and Clevo chairperson and head of the consortium Kent Hsu signed an investment contract on Dec. 17. The Twin Towers complex will be done by 2026, and it is estimated to add more than 60,000 ping of commercial space near the Taipei Main Station area and create 16,000 job opportunities.

The construction bidding for the Taipei Twin Towers failed five times in the past and the project was delayed for 13 years. After I took office, it took me only two and a half years to complete the due legal process. This government is open, everyone can take part, and it's open and transparent. If this is my political slogan, then we should walk the walk first.

Our conglomerate has lot of good resources in the many sectors, including technology, construction, real estate development and operation, and intelligent green architecture. We will be working with the best talent from Taiwan and abroad and build the Taipei Twin Towers with the best design and most diverse elements.

After the public tender for the Taipei Twin Towers project failed five times in 13 years, last year, a foreign consortium led by a Hong Kong media tycoon finally won the development project. However, the bid was later rejected by the government due to national security concerns. This year, the local group consisting of contract computer maker Clevo Co. and its property development affiliate Hongwell Group has decided to take over the contract. The project is valued at around NT$60 billion and would take up to 6 years and 9 months to finish. The new building complex could generate more than NT$100 billion in economic output.

台北市長 柯文哲表示:「雙子星在過去有五次流標,你知道嗎?拖了13年,在我上任之後,大概花了兩年半的時間,去把這個法律程序走完,開放政府、全民參與、公開透明,既然這是一個政治上的理想,我們就要執行自己所喊的口號。」

台北雙星董事長 許崑泰表示:「我們集團在科技製造、建築開發、以及商業不動產經營,以及智慧綠建築系統的所有優勢資源,攜手國內外一流、頂尖的好手,立志要打造一個設計最好、共享多元的台北雙子星。」

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