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Old Posted Jul 9, 2008, 6:21 PM
dagobert dagobert is offline
Onkel Dagobert
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Entenhausen
Posts: 116

I have been holding out with writing about this for over three weeks now, not wanting to fan the rumor mill into the stratosphere. Given the fact that we are well into July, I feel that I will not be divulging any secrets, as it is abundantly clear, even to the biggest optimist out there, that the financing for this tower has essentially fallen through and in the words of the person I heard about it “[Waterview] tower as we know it is toast.” I know that BVic wrote on SSC forum that he heard the contract has been signed. It is not my intent to discredit BVic’s information, but if this was true Teng would be tooting their horn into the heavens as loud as they could to announce the signing of the financing deal. As a disclaimer I would like to state that I don't work in the construction business and I have no connections in the construction industry. My "insider" information comes from a discreet & private conversation I happened to overhear as I was waiting for a colleague of mine to arrive for a very early lunch (one could say a very late breakfast) at a clubby eatery (that shall remain unnamed for obvious reasons). Given that it was very quiet at the time at this usually tranquil establishment anyway, my ears perked up when I heard the word Waterview (it is not in my habit to eavesdrop on other peoples’ conversation as that I have better & more productive things to do with my time) and I began to listen in on the hush conversation. At that point three weeks ago, the bank had just pulled out of the agreement or was about to do so. The news was coming from the person who I gathered knew about it because that person’s “significant other” was intimately involved in the project. That person stated “Waterview as we know it is toast” and “they are now looking how they can proceed with what they already have and that no options are off the table”.

I wish I could provide more details, but as Hawkeye’s latest pictures attest there are a lot more people than some might suspect who read this forum (or are given updates on what has been written).

Again, I hope that some miracle has happened over the last three weeks and Teng did receive the loan, as that I would like to see this tower built in the way it was proposed, but I have serious doubts about the chances of this happening. And for all the optimists out there, just keep praying for a miracle on this one.

Edit: Take this information whatever way you want it. This of course doesn't mean the project will not resume sometime in the future, but most likely not in the form we expect or admire.

Last edited by dagobert; Jul 9, 2008 at 9:22 PM. Reason: Add Edit at the end.