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Old Posted Feb 10, 2015, 7:29 AM
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Chicago103 Chicago103 is offline
Future Mayor of Chicago
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I guess my last point is that I really don't care if someone loves Rahm and thinks he is a wonderful mayor and hates Chuy and thinks he would be terrible but don't go around saying stuff like Rahm is reform and Chuy is machine, that is just laughable to anyone who has studied Chicago political history.

Anyone who thinks so needs to open up a book and read about Harold Washington and the council wars of the 1980's. Chuy was elected alderman as a Harold Washington ally in 1986 to counteract a pact of 29 machine Alderman. Harold Washington is still to this day considered the epitome of reform politics in Chicago and Chuy got his start in that era. While it is unfair to try and equate Rahm with the politics of the 1980's it is clear that he is more aligned with the remaining political descendants of the 29 machine anti-Washington Aldermen than any reformers from that era. In fact I can connect the dots for you, Rahm's PAC is supporting Deb Mell who who is the daughter of former Alderman Dick Mell who was a member of that 29 bloc of Alderman who for lack of a better word filibustered anything Washington did, in fact there is famous picture of Dick Mell standing on top of a desk and yelling during a city council meeting trying to appoint Harold Washington's successor after he died.

What is Rahm going to say next? Harold Washington was machine, Rahm invented the very notion of reform as an idea in politics for the human race that has been 100% dominated by machine forces since the dawn of mankind?!
Devout Chicagoan, political moderate and paleo-urbanist.

"Auto-centric suburban sprawl is the devil physically manifesting himself in the built environment."
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