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Old Posted May 23, 2009, 4:59 AM
necropolis necropolis is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: San Antonio
Posts: 173
So they want to save these buildings/structures/houses because they are "historic"? In an interview w/ KSAT 12 the owner emphasizes that it would take way too much money to try and rehab the buildings and as far as being unique he states there are many more such houses within the neighborhood so no uniqueness exists. It irks me that the HDRC & Cons. Soc. would rather keep some structures that are falling apart in an effort to keep out development of a new sound structure as well as the introduction of more jobs and life to downtown. Instead of moving forward they would rather hold out on more opportunities for inner-city growth and downtown development. It's surprising to me that people even want to do business downtown nowadays with so many hurdles to go through.
Let me guess if the city approves to find them historical the property owner wont be able to pay for taxes/upkeep anymore so will have to either sell to the city or lose his properties through failure to pay. Then these structures get fenced in "to keep out vagrants". Of course this never works so they fall into further disrepair and of course no taxes get collected on them since no one would want to buy buildings needing advanced rehab w/ no opportunity to rebuild. As far as the med complex...which could probably be a one or two story bulidng much like the offices around the area (assuming this since no details of what could be is available and this is what exists in the area) yea these jobs will then not be downtown and where will they go? Hmmmm, lemme guess, O I know they'll go out along 1604 and the Hill Country area...I mean House Country area.
In order for SA to move with the future and not lag behind it must keep out such backward thinking members of these groups whom seek to find significance on anything that they can...maybe they have a quota they are trying to meet. haha that would be something. I'm all about conservation of historic/significant structures but just because it was built decades ago doesnt mean its important. When I get back to SA this summer and eventually for good in Dec. I will make a huge effort to attend these meetings and listen to their "historical findings" and see if the BS I read in their agendas is the same BS they speak at the meetings. Change is needed, badly and I for one wanna help create that change. Dang, sucks I'm not in SA yet. Well that's my rant...
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