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Old Posted Aug 5, 2010, 8:03 PM
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miaht82 miaht82 is offline
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I never said CHEAPEST, only cheap.

Originally Posted by miaht82 View Post
Either way, we still grew alot. Reasons? Toyota, expansions in Westover Hills, new employers moving in, high birthrate, cheap housing, good retirement location, expanding military, general increase in need for services, education, medical, etc.
....and that was one of many factors I put out. I also included job growth. It has to be many things, not just one.

Originally Posted by Paul in S.A TX View Post
Like the nationwide KB (Boxes)which is probably what you are referring to.
So how is San Antonio at the top of cheap housing?
I'm comparing Texas, it's a no brainer that Texas housing is lower priced than the east and west coasts and a chunk of the midwest.
And that is why Texas cities were at the top of the list of population change.

Originally Posted by Paul in S.A TX View Post
As far as Texas, San Antonio is no different.

San Antonio has 14 KB neighborhoods it's building in

Austin has 17

Houston 22

You're right, most of Texas is the same. However, KB doesn't build all of the city, so when comparing the median home price, you will see a small difference.
*2008-2009 stats*
  • Austin - $176,000
  • Houston - $147,000
  • Dallas - $154,000
  • San Antonio - $145,000
stats from the Center for Housing Policy
Fort Worth is $130,000 by the way.

SA has the lowest median price out of those 4. 2nd lowest if you include Fort Worth.
Yes, KB Homes may be cheap (according to your example); but when our's in SA are starting at $90K and the same one is going for $115K in Austin, our housing is cheaper/more affordable/less expensive/ lower cost, whatever you want to call it..... so we might not be the cheapEST but being AFFORDABLE is one of the factors as to why SA grew so much, (that was the original question) as well as other Texas cities.
The Raleigh Connoisseur
It is the city trying to escape the consequences of being a city
while still remaining a city. It is urban society trying to eat its
cake and keep it, too.
- Harlan Douglass, The Suburban Trend, 1925
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