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Old Posted Jan 14, 2014, 7:22 PM
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LeftCoaster LeftCoaster is offline
Join Date: Nov 2005
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Hey like I said I don't see it happening either, all im saying is if something unforeseen does happen, oil sands would be one of the first hit. It's important to keep in mind too that oil is a futures contract, not based on the current demand, so if something were to happen to the future demand expectation of oil, say economic crash/political upheaval in China, it could drastically effect the futures price of a barrel of oil and bring investment in the oil patch to a screeching halt.

Trans formative techs do happen too. KodakEastman wasn't a stupid company but they got absolutely decimated. Oil is king now but if the cost structure gets too out of whack or if someone has a eureka energy moment things could change quickly.

Unlikely scenarios for sure, but don't take oil demand too for granted... nothing in business is ever risk free.
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