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Old Posted Feb 15, 2019, 7:19 PM
Sigaven Sigaven is offline
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Originally Posted by AwesomeSAView View Post
And to think San Antonio is the only city in America to have a world recognized ,and full of awards, HOTEL EMMA!!
What does this mean? What kind of world recognition, what kind of awards does Emma have that other hotels in America don't?

Not saying Emma isn't a spectacular hotel (it most certainly is, perhaps the most spectacular in Texas in my opinion), but I find it hard to believe that the Emma stands alone among "world recognized" hotels around the US.

Edit: After doing some research, the Emma has been rated 5-diamond by Triple A. Congrats, Hotel Emma! Still though, there are other hotels in the US with 5-diamond rating (including one in houston)

Also why are we talking about this in this thread? lol
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