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Old Posted Sep 28, 2018, 6:39 PM
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Originally Posted by buzzg View Post
The city should study/track extended lane closures as a result of construction, and if it’s determined (as it likely often will be) that there’s no real consequences of it, look at road diets to expand sidewalks, add bike lanes, etc. This would be a good place – no need for 4 lanes there. St. Mary should have a protected bike lane from Main to Portage & connecting into U of W.
I drive through that intersection every day at all times and there's almost no effect except for people being unfamiliar with how that street and intersection work. (which would be remedied when construction completed obviously with new signage) I do find York/St Mary near Memorial there a bit confusing - more eastbound than westbound - took me a few times to figure it out so can't blame other people for being confused.

Worst issues have seen - someone moved the traffic pylon/barricade on St Mary WB before Memorial- so the 2nd 'straight' lane wasn't closed so a couple cars got stuck at construction barricades and almost caused an accident trying to merge.

Also a poor truck driver got in a long drawn out reverse session (trying to get into construction site) that lead to St Mary AND Memorial being blocked off - fortunately was a slow Saturday morning. The guys trying to close traffic and direct him weren't doing any favours.

Am convinced it could be shut down to 3 lanes at least before it becomes 2 ways (its 4 lanes right now with 2 left most lanes literally being used most often for parking and the RARE person getting onto York. you only need one lane to get back onto York (2 right now and one is almost always for parking and otherwise not used) and I'd say keep 2 for West bound and use the extra space for bike lanes that could wind there way around to Colony or another street that could be closed converted to a active transit/walking corridor straight to University.

TL;DR - i hope they cut at least one of those lanes. I drive through here all the time and there's almost no difference even at rush hour.
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