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Old Posted Jan 8, 2016, 7:37 PM
buzzg buzzg is offline
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Originally Posted by esquire View Post
It wouldn't be a huge challenge IMO, as there are several surface lots or small old buildings whose sites could potentially house one. There is a growing need for parking around there anyway given that the WPA is whining for one for its members, plus the general P&M area parking pressures. The best place for one would be the lot immediately east of the triangular shaped building on Garry, it could be connected by skywalk to the police HQ and the Canada Post Tower.
Yeah I don't think it'd be difficult to find a place for it (at all), but it would jsut be another big expense, and could be a tough sell to the public to spend even MORE money to renovate the tower (after all the HQ overruns), and THEN build public servants their own parkade. "We have roads to fix why do we need to pay for city employees to park?" etc

- I am speaking of this in a way I can already see ppl complaining about, not my view.
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