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Old Posted Aug 6, 2018, 10:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Hindentanic View Post
I had the same thought and fully agree. Just imagine if the Alamo garden could be extended eastward as a park all the way to I-37 and be given detailed treatment similar to the courtyards and arcades of the current garden. An Alamo Park would completely change the image of that area and rehabilitate that sector of downtown. For want of a single parking garage, a city park and a large swath of downtown are being lost.

There was official concern during the Joske's Tower proposal of the impact of the tower on the beauty and historical integrity of the Alamo as a World Heritage Site, but hardly a peep about the oil-saturated, concrete and asphalt heat island already behind the Alamo.

Suggestions have been made to use the parking lot area for the planned Alamo museum rather than gutting the Crockett Block of historic buildings facing the Alamo across Alamo Plaza. That can be okay, but a park would be better, and the museum would be better placed inside current Federal building at the north end of Alamo Plaza.

Boston Common has underground parking. It's also one of America's "four unique cities."!4d-71.0680711
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