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Old Posted Jun 22, 2021, 3:44 AM
CaliNative CaliNative is offline
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Originally Posted by xzmattzx View Post
What are the similarities and differences between each end of your state?

How similar or different are the east and west ends of Massachusetts, for example? How similar or different are the east and west ends of Ontario? How similar or different are the north and south ends of California? How similar or different are the east and west ends of South Dakota?

It seems that some places are considered by others to have many differences within a state, while other places are written off as the same from one end to the other. But how true is that? Is northern Idaho very similar to southern Idaho? Is eastern North Dakota very similar to western North Dakota? Is eastern Nova Scotia very similar to western Nova Scotia?

For Delaware, there are actually quite a few differences between the northern end and the southern end of the state. Most people would not realize that northern Delaware and southern Delaware are more different than they are the same. Here are some examples:

~ The northern end is rocky and hilly (Piedmont Plateau), and the southern end is sandy and flat (Atlantic Coastal Plain)
~ The northern end has trees like beech and sycamore, and the southern end has trees like pine
~ The northern end is largely liberal, and the southern end is largely conservative
~ The northern end likes Philadelphia sports teams, and the southern end like Baltimore sports teams (Washington sports teams much less so)
~ Stone and brick were common building materials in early times at the northern end, and wood was the common building material at the southern end
~ The northern end is developed, more urban, and industrial, and the southern end is more rural and agricultural
~ Common agricultural crops in the northern end (where there is agriculture left) include hay and mushrooms, and common agricultural crops in the southern end include corn, soybeans, and melons

Here are some similarities:
~ Holly trees grow in both the rocky woods in the north and the swamps and marshes in the south
~ Very similar accents
~ Affinity for University of Delaware football
~ The state is largely centrist; there are liberal Republicans in the north, and conservative Democrats in the south
~ Most of the state has historical ties to the Delaware River/Delaware Bay (only the southwest corner is connected to the Chesapeake)
Crescent City CA (far rainforest northwest) and El Centro (far desert southeast) have nothing in common, except perhaps a shared suspicion of state government in far away Sacramento.
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